Look, we all agree that Iraq is a quagmireAnd that this impasse, plus the terror that's coming from other quarters, is potentially deadly for all of humanity. Right? Right. I don't think anyone would disagree. So why, please tell me, is there so little interest in what I'm talking about that's outside our bogged down box and might change things? Would someone please explain this to me?
What's happening with a request I've recently been making on behalf of the crop circle phenomenon is not that I get arguments but that people are not responding at all. Whether I send my emails off to those with whom I have connections or to strangers, by and large it makes no matter — mostly I don't get replies.
Now I'm not a ditz. Anybody who knows me knows that. And people who don't know me can't dismiss what I say for bad spelling or grammar, let alone inarticulateness. My major in English at New York University, where I graduated summa cum laude (that's straight As), got me a Phi Beta Kappa key in my junior year. And, in my highachieving Long Island high school, I got the prestigious Bausch and Lomb Science Award — I bring this up because there is lab science and there are reports in science journals, which are our bibles about what's real, authenticating the reality of the facts about crop circles. And OK, I'm talking high school and undergraduate college credentials — no, I don't have an advanced degree. But it was the 50swhen success for a girl was getting a husband and not a career, and my brain is still working even though I've got three daughters instead of a Nobel prize. 
So come o­n, folks, give me a break and take me seriously. It o­nly could result in the salvation of the human race. And all that has to happen is that people open their eyes and take a look at what's in front of  their noses. I mean really look — some who have responded skeptically to my latest entreaty didn't look at the information I had submitted. (That includes a cyberspace bookletWhy Real Crop Circles Can't Be Hoaxed.) It's just like what happens with SETI, our mostly-for-show Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, which issues announcements saying other civilizations would contact us by radio and not in crop fields obvious, isn't it? They, too, know this without looking at evidence. It really is astonishing. (For a tear-your-hair-out example from SETI re the circles, look at this entry in my Crop Circle Diary.) 

So, as John Kerry is his own worst enemy (All Profile, No Courage), and Ralph Nader threatens to trash what chance Kerry
might have and give another election to George Bush, isn't anybody scared enough to produce something more than eloquent funereal dirges about just how horrendous things are?
Right now I'm trying to get people who command attention to sign o­n to “A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles.” If anybody has a better idea, tell me, but, if there isn't o­ne, how about helping me make this a success? Signing doesn't demand that someone be convinced of the other-worldly source of the phenomenon, but just to support the idea that crop circles are worth looking into. Is that too much?
Here's the communication I've started to make that you could sign o­nto and pass along:
Awareness about the crop circle phenomenon could change consciousness and thus change the course of world events, yet this most unusual and interesting thing going o­n in the world has not been taken seriously — you can think Galileo for how radical change is resisted. The paradigm shift attention to it would engender could be life-saving to us now. Research that has been done leads to the conclusion that a non-human agency is making these marks o­n Earth. Since we've never identified anything other than ourselves with the capacity to design there's no way to know the source, but we can study the footprints that source leaves. They show the phenomenon as a function of processes we can't perform, done by intelligences with design capacities that exceed virtually all people's talents.

To call attention to the circles and the body of work that has been done o­n them, signatures are being sought for this document, with special interest in enrolling people from the scientific community, the media, and others who get listened to


A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles

One thing I'm planning o­n doing is taking an ad on the Talking Points Memo website that I've recommended and have as my home page so as not to miss what the great Josh Marshall writes (even though he's o­ne of thstrangers I can't get a rise out of) that keeps me tuned into the idiocy of these days. He's got some half a million savvy subscribers, and maybe amongst them I can find some to whom my request will have an appeal. But I won't do that for a bit — to give you people a chance to improve my call for signatures that I'd advertise. And if you can't improve o­n what I've said, could you please please please sign it and forward it to anybody you know who is influential or could pass it to people who are? Of course, if it were o­ne of those things that caught o­n and swept the Net it wouldn't need scientists and celebrities, and that's another possibility.

Andto add the newest circle wrinkle, here's a report from Australia about something much simpler than what's going o­n England. It contains nothing to suggest the intelligence behind the phenomenon that is so staggering in the English formations, but still is something interesting that seems to be coming from the same force. 

Continue reading

Destroying a Town in Order to Save It

Rahul Mahajan is a reliable source. This is what keeps me going o­n my crop circle mission. Just think about this:

I spoke to a young man, Ali, who was among the wounded we transported to Baghdad. He said he was not a muj but, when asked his opinion of them, he smiled and stuck his thumb up. Any young man who is not o­ne of the muj today may the next day wind his aqal around his face and pick up a Kalashnikov. After this, many will.

How can we hope to get out of the situation we are in by any ordinary means?

—–Original Message—–

From: Empire Notes
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 5:54 AM

Hello, all. Here's my latest report — from Fallujah this time. I witnessed and can confirm several things that are o­nly being reported in the Arabic press. Please forward this to other people who may find it of interest.

In solidarity,
Rahul Mahajan,

Report from Fallujah — Destroying a Town in Order to Save It

Fallujah is a bit like southern California. o­n the edge of Iraq's western desert, it is extremely arid but has been rendered into an agricultural area by extensive irrigation. Surrounded by dirt-poor villages, Fallujah is perhaps marginally better off. Much of the population is farmers. The town itself has wide streets and squat, sand-colored buildings.

We were in Fallujah during the “ceasefire.” This is what we saw and heard.

When the assault o­n Fallujah started, the power plant was bombed. Electricity is provided by generators and usually reserved for places with important functions. There are four hospitals currently running in Fallujah. This includes the o­ne where we were, which was actually just a minor emergency clinic; another o­ne of them is a car repair garage. Things were very frantic at the hospital where we were, so we couldn't get too much translation. We depended for much of our information o­n Makki al-Nazzal, a lifelong Fallujah resident who works for the humanitarian NGO Intersos, and had been pressed into service as the manager of the clinic, since all doctors were busy, working around the clock with minimal sleep.

A gentle, urbane man who spoke fluent English, Al-Nazzal was beside himself with fury at the Americans' actions (when I asked him if it was all right to use his full name, he said, “It's ok. It's all ok now. Let the bastards do what they want.”) With the “ceasefire,” large-scale bombing was rare. With a halt in major bombing, the Americans were attacking with heavy artillery but primarily with snipers.

Al-Nazzal told us about ambulances being hit by snipers, women and children being shot. Describing the horror that the siege of Fallujah had become, he said, “I have been a fool for 47 years. I used to believe in European and American civilization.”

I had heard these claims at third-hand before coming into Fallujah, but was skeptical. It's very difficult to find the real story here. But this I saw for myself. An ambulance with two neat, precise bullet-holes in the windshield o­n the driver's side, pointing down at an angle that indicated they would have hit the driver's chest (the snipers were o­n rooftops, and are trained to aim for the chest). Another ambulance again with a single, neat bullet-hole in the windshield. There's no way this was due to panicked spraying of fire. These were deliberate shots designed to kill the drivers.

The ambulances go around with red, blue, or green lights flashing and sirens blaring; in the pitch-dark of blacked-out city streets there is no way they can be missed or mistaken for something else). An ambulance that some of our compatriots were going around in, trading o­n their whiteness to get the snipers to let them through to pick up the wounded was also shot at while we were there.

During the course of the roughly four hours we were at that small clinic, we saw perhaps a dozen wounded brought in. Among them was a young woman, 18 years old, shot in the head. She was seizing and foaming at the mouth when they brought her in; doctors did not expect her to survive the night. Another likely terminal case was a young boy with massive internal bleeding. I also saw a man with extensive burns o­n his upper body and shredded thighs, with wounds that could have been from a cluster bomb; there was no way to verify in the madhouse scene of wailing relatives, shouts of “Allahu Akbar” (God is great), and anger at the Americans.

Among the more laughable assertions of the Bush administration is that the mujaheddin are a small group of isolated “extremists” repudiated by the majority of Fallujah's population. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, the mujaheddin don't include women or very young children (we saw an 11-year-old boy with a Kalashnikov), old men, and are not necessarily even a majority of fighting-age men. But they are of the community and fully supported by it. Many of the wounded were brought in by the muj and they stood around openly conversing with doctors and others. They conferred together about logistical questions; not o­nce did I see the muj threatening people with their ubiquitous Kalashnikovs.

One of the mujaheddin was wearing an Iraqi police flak jacket; o­n questioning others who knew him, we learned that he was in fact a member of the Iraqi police.

One of our translators, Rana al-Aiouby told me, “these are simple people.” Without wanting to go along with the patronizing air of the remark, there is a strong element of truth to it. These are agricultural tribesmen with very strong religious beliefs. They are insular and don't easily trust strangers. We were safe because of the friends we had with us and because we came to help them. They are not so far different from the Pashtun of Afghanistan — good friends and terrible enemies.

The mujaheddin are of the people in the same way that the stone-throwing shabab in the first Palestinian intifada were and the term, which means “youth,” is used for them as well. I spoke to a young man, Ali, who was among the wounded we transported to Baghdad. He said he was not a muj but, when asked his opinion of them, he smiled and stuck his thumb up. Any young man who is not o­ne of the muj today may the next day wind his aqal around his face and pick up a Kalashnikov. After this, many will.

Al-Nazzal told me that the people of Fallujah refused to resist the Americans just because Saddam told them to; indeed, the fighting for Fallujah last year was not particularly fierce. He said, “If Saddam said work, we would want to take off three days. But the Americans had to cast us as Saddam supporters. When he was captured, they said the resistance would die down, but even as it has increased, they still call us that.”

Nothing could have been easier than gaining the good-will of the people of Fallujah had the Americans not been so brutal in their dealings. Tribal peoples like these have been the most easily duped by imperialists for centuries now. But now a tipping point has been reached. To Americans, “Fallujah” may still mean four mercenaries killed, with their corpses then mutilated and abused; to Iraqis, “Fallujah” means the savage collective punishment for that attack, in which over 600 Iraqis have been killed, with an estimated 200 women and over 100 children (women do not fight among the muj, so all of these are noncombatants, as are many of the men killed).

A Special Forces colonel in the Vietnam War said of the town, Ben Tre, “We had to destroy the town in order to save it,” encapsulating the entire war in a single statement. The same is true in Iraq today — Fallujah cannot be “saved” from its mujaheddin unless it is destroyed.

[Rahul Mahajan is publisher of the weblog Empire Notes. He was in Fallujah recently and is currently writing and blogging from Baghdad. His most recent book is “Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond.” He can be reached at]