Welcome to new subscribers to our listserve. Most of you are here because you bought my movie. Thanks so much. Please become fans on Facebook, and send people to our special offer for the DVD.
As I’ve been beyond busy with the movie, I’ve been collecting things to pass back out — starting with my New Years rant:
That we are creatures that propel ourselves and sustain ourselves is the most amazing thing we ever could conceive of. Do we understand how this came to be or why it should be? No chance. Our source always will be veiled.
We are comprised of stardust from the big bang, which is continuing to bang out, racing away from the source point in an ever-expanding, ever-evolving universe. It likely is teaming with life, as a standard development in the evolutionary process. So why, pray tell, in the face of this beyond the beyond miraculous reality, would it make sense to shut ourselves off from the idea that there could be creatures out there who are more advanced than we are?
What is propelling this phantasmagoria of a universe, that is large beyond imagining and perhaps even larger than that, where there may be other phantasmagorias beyond this one? Do think about it. We need to do that. Instead of fighting for change, argue for thinking. We have to open our minds.
This is basic stuff. We are so complex and so lost in our enmeshment in flesh and form, but we need to forget how smart we are and become simple, where we smell the roses and look to how to prevent them from becoming incinerated in the idiotic nuclear games we are playing.
I don’t have delusions about being a unique know it all. However, I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to pull the light chain as I agonize over things like war and poverty. We need to wake up. We need to pay attention to feathering our nest instead of smashing it. All hands on deck. Re-create the earth. Get everyone a place to live. Be a family. Don’t leave anyone out. Remove the reasons to fly planes into buildings.
I like what Thich Nhat Hahn said:
“It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.”
Call me naive, but I see some power figure getting on TV, calling everyone to this place. Like Franklin Roosevelt sat us by the fire with him. We need to gather. Make earth the playing field. Call a meeting. Start from scratch. Beginner’s mind. How To Run A World 101. Until we hold a thought for where we can go, we can’t get there.
In the meantime, watch my movie. The reactions from doubters who aren’t committed to skepticism has been fabulous. That lets me know that it can engage the mainstream, where I haven’t done any marketing yet. It can be an eye-opener. It’s a tool. Help me get it into lots of hands. If people see your copy, ask them to get their own to give as gifts. And tell everyone to get on my mailing list so we can stay in touch.
PS: Old friends aside, let me know if you live in or near L.A. for whenever there’s something local to invite you to or tell you about. If you haven’t ever gotten an invitation to anything local from me, Email me with “L.A.” in the subject line.
Jim DeKorne (his great new book is The Cracking Tower: A Strategy for Transcending 2012) lives in Hawaii, and I’m going to see him tomorrow at the Earth Transformation Conference, where I’m showing my film. He has my number, and he sent me this:
Ever read Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell? It’s a quasi-rare book now, so I’ll paste in a beautiful quote (part of the “briefing” made to select souls before incarnation), which has guided my understanding for many years now. This is what it’s like to have a mission and incarnate into this world:
“You will lose nearly all memory of your past existence. You will each of you come to yourselves, perhaps alone, perhaps in the company of each other, but with only a vague feeling of recognition, and probably disassociated, disoriented, ill, discouraged, and unable to believe, when you are told what your task really is. … And, when you have become aroused to your real condition, and have recovered from the shame and embarrassment of seeing to what depths you have sunk, you will then begin the task of arousing others, and you will find that you are in the position of rescuer of a drowning person, or a doctor in a city that has an epidemic of madness.”
Here are two crop circle tidbits. Do yourselves the favor of getting thrilled by checking them out:
Patterns not in crops but in snow — from Nancy Talbott, my ally who brings us the science involved in the circle phenomenon: http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert/snow09.php
This is a six-minute video by another ally, a Norwegian filmmaker, about some of the most interesting crop circles ever.
There’s a world-wide spiritual group, SHARE International, which has lots of enthusiasm for the circle phenomenon. I’ve been letting them do showings of a 52-minute edited version which has been cut to fill an hour slot on TV (heads up if anyone has a good connection for a sale!). Short wasn’t short enough for their Japanese group, so they cut their own 8-minute one. How sweet is this?
And if you’d like to see me doing Q&A for a showing of my film, here’s 10 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImmvzNnCmaE.
Thats some great fundamentals there, already knew some of that, but you can always learn . I doubt a “kid” could put together such information as dolphin278 suggested. Maybe he’s just trying to be “controversial? lol
I am so enormously proud of you. The “whole thing” that you are involved in is just great, as far as I am concerned. I feel privileged to call you my friend.
Great material. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful! You are an insightful writer and very wise.
Excellent work – lovely thinking Suzanne! Thanks.
Thank you, Suzanne. Very deeply wise and inspiring words. And I did see the video by the Norwegian film maker — incredible!
I support everything you are doing. But I wonder when the “Big Bang” hoax will be put to rest as absurd. I can quote to you from many prominent scientists who know the truth. Simply put, the Universe always has been and always will be. It just IS, and always has been. No beginning, and no end. I think that’s wonderful. I included this (including what scientists said) in my book “The 2012 Dimensional Shift.” Keep up the good work.
From Suzanne:
Yes, I know there’s controversy, but you’ve got lineups of scientists on both sides. Going with the idea that it’s always been there, however, begs the question. No such thing from what is at least a reasonable perspective. But, what we might get to as the bottom line is that we have no way to know — can’t get behind that veil. Just like where consciousness comes from. Or all our species, evolution aside. Don’t you wish you could come back in a few hundred years when there would be answers to at least some of the most challenging questions — or not?!
Thanks for your words and vision. And thanks for this quote from Thich Nhat Hahn. We published it in our newsletter when we first started and then lost it. I’ve been looking for it for years.
“It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth.”
It’s a great vision; I’m not sure it’s the vision of this current population in my community: http://earthaven.org. But now I can check it out with them!
So fabulous, Suzanne, and so wonderful to hear you speak. You are in the ripeness of your passion. Serving full tilt. Bless you.
These are wonderfull
Thank you, dear Suzanne, for all that you are and all that you are doing to make this world a better place.
Community idea is where I am being in heart thoughts. Many of One being all we can be. I thought it was Findhorn. So, I went there. Now, I am Being it in my heart and listening deeply.