Is the Oil Spill an End or a Beginning?


Of all the people writing and speaking today, I am most attracted to Graham Hancock and Daniel Pinchbeck, who orient me to where we are at the time in history. I point you here to a disturbing blog post on Reality Sandwich that Daniel has written about the Gulf oil situation, speaking to the Armageddon that it could be. In this excerpt, Daniel, who is in my movie given his fascination with the crop circle phenomenon, speaks eloquently to the transformational possibility inherent in this disaster. My comment would be something that we both speak to, which is how the circles could be the instrument for creating a shift of consciousness without the destructive sort of cause that usually is responsible for a change of thinking as massive as the one we need to make.

I think of Reality Sandwich, “a web magazine for this time of intense transformation” that Daniel co-founded, for which he is the Editorial Director, as the Huffington Post of the kind of new thought that is vital to be engaging in. The comments that are made after Daniel and others make posts are mesmerizing challenges to how overstretched we already are in keeping up with our cyberspace universes. I picked up this compliment from one of the comments:

Thank you Daniel and RS for creating space for such amazing insights and conversations. You have given a powerful synopsis of the collective crossroads we are quickly approaching. I am given hope by this community.



The Gulf Oil Spill as the Unfolding of Prophecy




I try to maintain faith that the human spirit will awaken in time to liberate itself from the prison that has been built around it. While my doubts grow, I continue to work for that result – to hope and to pray for it. What seems more likely is that the great churning multitude of humanity will choose to remain distracted, disconnected, pursuing narcissistic aims, vain and virtual pleasures, as the natural world, the generative earth, crumbles around them. On what the Russian mystic G I Gurdjieff called our “ill-fated planet,” most people apparently prefer to die rather than awaken to the situation, think for themselves, and join together in a collective movement to restore the earth and build a sustainable and equitable global society. Many of us can see the awakening happening, but it seems to be coming far too slowly, in hesitant fits and starts, while the destructive force also grows in strength, pumping up the volume on mind control technologies, predatory drones able to assassinate from a distance, data-mining intelligence operations, and all the rest of the sterile evils that our technocrat sociopaths can envision and unleash.

These are aspects of my current view of the world: the faltering of my faith, that horrible presentiment that the forces of disillusion and destruction have already triumphed, that creepy familiar feeling (as if I already experienced this, long ago, on some other lost world, many forgotten splinters of incarnated lifetimes ago) of failure and futility. On another level, I feel an equally uncanny presentiment that all of this is still going perfectly according to plan, that the script of our collective world movie/space odyssey has to unscroll or unfurl in just this stomach-clenching way, toward its still mysterious denouement. Observing my own life, I see that it often takes a drastic crisis to spur me into action – perhaps that is the only way change ever takes place, on the individual or species level.

The environmental and economic meltdown could clear away all the obstacles and obstructions that keep us from attaining clarity, from putting into practice what we know intuitively to be true. Is it possible that the Jungian archetypal Self – the increasingly humanized god-image that seeks to incarnate in our human world – must bring about the complete breakdown of what is known and familiar, to open the space for what can only be revealed, in the fullness – and emptiness – of time? Perhaps we can only reach the depth dimensions of our higher being through an unfolding mega-crash that exposes all levels of delusion and self-deception, that forces those of us who desire illumination to break all the bonds, the “mind-forg’d manacles,” that keep us from attaining liberation. Or perhaps I am only making a hopeful story out of the toxic rubble and radioactive fragments that will soon be all that remains of our ruined world, if the corporate sociopaths and Little Eichmanns have their way.

3 thoughts on “Is the Oil Spill an End or a Beginning?”

  1. I agree with Suzanne…threatening people will not solve a crisis. Yet, don’t we create our reality through our thinking? On the other hand, if a hurricane is barreling down the road and you just stand there…will you be killed or does even that depend on your own reality? Think about the guy who refused to leave Mt. St. Helena…he was SURE that nothing was going to happen to him and guess what…he was baked like Baked Alaska! Where does spirituality end and absurdity begin?

    From Suzanne:
    I frequently think of my friend with no insurance who totaled her car that she had protected with white light. Creating your own reality and thinking positively are concepts that can be embraced, but not simplistically. They require interpretation.

  2. I have a strong feeling that the old order has to collapse to make way for the new. A new age can’t emerge as long as the system of corporate greed and military violence is in charge. That system is collapsing, with help from the Planet. I have a feeling that the “bad guys” — including the talk media yahoos — have consciously (at a higher level) incarnated to be the wrecking crew of the old order. Collapse is not a pretty sight, but it is necessary so that rebuilding can take place.

    From Suzanne:
    Breakdown usually precedes breakthrough, and we seem to be hell bent on it now. How bad does it have to get before we make fundamental change? Maybe much worse — frogs slowly cooking to death instead of leaping out of the pot come to mind. The circles could create a peaceful route, where we are forced by the recognition that there is other intelligence to reevaluate how humanity doesn’t dominate the universe. A little humility could go a long way.

  3. It’s an old adage that our thoughts become our beliefs and those beliefs become our reality. If we think black, black will think for us.

    Yes, we humans are in a great deal of trouble; but that is as it is. No gain in fighting. As energy beings, let’s put that effort into good, no matter what happens. If we think from a positive vein then only good can come from that. The answer to all these problems/issues lies within the spiritual realm. And yes, ‘prayer is not enough, we must still do something’.

    If you do not believe this, then just roll over and quit blogging.

    From Suzanne:

    Now, now, I don’t think spiritual laws include threats to people who don’t operate by them. Actually, I do adhere to the same kind of thinking, but there’s interpretation that goes along with adages. Thinking positively doesn’t go along with denying reality. (Read what I wrote that relates to that:

    “All praise to Allah but keep your camel tied,” hopefully would be agreeable to both of us.

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