I started receiving these beautiful artworks in the mail twelve years ago cards with messages so simple and yet so profound. The mysterious Madam X or anything tangible in the way of the Human Being Society was nowhere to be found. Awhile ago, things changed. Madam X and I connected, and the Society is taking shape now. Here's the email correspondence in which you can track its emergence.
[I attended Madam X's birthday celebration in May. A few days later, she sent an artful "nice to meet you" letter in snail mail. At right is my response to her in email.] |
Email seems so understated after getting a letter from you. You ooze
art. It is so lovely. I just finished getting my package together for the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. I would so love to help you gift the world with your beautiful story and your beautiful soul. There are so many people now who are ready for a better way that the Human Being Society would serve. I use these lines a lot: Rains from the sky a meteoric shower Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined. Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill Is daily spun, but there exists no loom To weave it into fabric..." Edna St. Vincent Millay May we have reason to play together... |
I would LOVE to play with you, that is, if I can keep up with you. You
feel like a great power plant generating lots of current. But I think that
I could adapt. I must confess, I'm just beginning to try out my human being. It's working, but
inexperienced. |
Love to play with you. Always looking for the game. What's worth doing? I
have lots of creative energy, but sometimes feel like it's a liability. Let's
me flit around rather than accomplishing something I narrow in on. What I
most want is to be on a team bigger than Kim and me, so if you have any
thoughts send them along. Sounds like you could use the same thing. Here's
what I just sent to someone else as my map of the day for being an awake
person: 1. Understand the set-up of reality (right understanding). 2. Self-discipline to stay the witness (right intention) 3. Only serve here to help and not to be helped (right attitude) 4. Hang around with people who are awake (right activity) Notice number 4! I will keep thinking with you in the picture...a pleasant dream... |
Thank you for linking my site to yours from your crop circle page. Thank you for your reflections during our telephone conversation. Thank you for the wise words of Lex Hixon. And thank you for your support. |
You are working, it seems to me, in tune with the elemental nature of creation,
and it is the world that is out of step. Do you know anything about the
sciences of chaos and complexity, which are the current edge of scientific
awareness? Everything is always emerging, just like how it goes with you.
That you are so unique could be just what is wanted and needed something
that asks for nothing could be just the flagpole that we could rally
round. |
I've had your question of, "What next?" on my mind
ever since the birthday party, when I began to think that the next thing I
would like to do would be an official Human Being Society meeting. I feel
that it MUST BE an EXPERIENCE, and not just another group of words. But as
yet, I do not know the way for that EXPERIENCE to be spotlighted, so that
it can be noticed and integrated. For me, direct experience has always
been a true teacher, and the teaching gained through experience has been
applicable, and not just theoretical. So, that seems to point the way for
me. Can you see anything ahead? And if so, tell me. |
What you wrote is lovely that beautiful emanation that you are. How about if I make a dinner party with carefully invited people you and I could decide who who are coming to meet you and explore the possibility of the Human Being Society? I'd invite the dearest people, and see if something could birth there. We could send your piece and tell people to check your Website before they come. If there is a readiness, it should just click into place. Seems like the best way I can think of to proceed. I would so love it if there could be regular meetings of what the Human Being Society could be. We so lack for that kind of interchange. |
Yes, I feel right in tune with your suggestion. It is the
next step, and I feel comfortable with your way of proceeding. Gently.
Carefully. Thoughtfully. But, most importantly, because it is emerging
naturally. You're noticing, aren't you? Because that emergence is exactly
what all the talk, and discussion, and meditation, and devotion, and wisdom
is referring to. That phenomena silences all questions. |
There's something very natural feeling about what you're doing, just rolling
along into becoming something that matters. No guarantees, of course, but it
has a simple rightness to it that might be just what's wanted and needed. How
heavenly it will be if we gently call things into being that are so touching and
telling that they thrive and give us all what we've been aching for. Having a
little get-together focused on what you are offering seems right on to me.
Shall we plan such a thing? |
I was enjoying a few moments
with the Mighty Companions, and saw my GAZET there. GEE, I didn't realize
you had done this so visibly. I LOVE the "anomaly". And I LOVE being near the mystery of the crop
circles. Thank you so much. |
Why don't we just pick a date and invite people? I know who I'd invite. Who
would you invite? Do you like the idea of an evening or a weekend day? Could
make it a swim and barbecue. You are good for me to calm me down and keep me reminded that what is happening is enough. Thanks for all the kind words. There is still no place to collect ourselves and cross connect such as the Human Being Society might allow for in cyberspace, and I also would love to have "meetings" here at home. I love having a hope on the horizon. |
I feel that a weekend would be better, not so rushed. Can we still be attentive to each other and the
purpose at hand if we are in play mode? It could help us relax, or it
could be distracting. |
Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Yes, one good step at a time really good.
Wonderful to be stepping with you. I don't know about play mode and serious intent. Perhaps swimming after a serious time. Make it a well-rounded day of the Society in operation. I should tell you sometime about "The Elfinself Dinner Party," repeated several times, more than 20 years ago. We told people to come prepared for anything, and delivered what some still say is the best time they ever had. It was a happening! Yes, I like the idea of coming up with something special. Or I could see a simple circle, where we do a round where people get to presence their human being in the room, and then we talk about making a Human Being Society. They would have seen the Website before they came. With the right people, I see this as a family huddle. And if it is meeting a need, which I think it is an idea whose time has come we could come up with something good. What other thoughts do you have about something special? |
As my dear, dear friend Sherlock Holmes is always saying, "The game's
afoot!" |
You keep outdoing yourself. The latest snail mail is delicious. I can feel
the quiet power of it that could be unstoppable. Just keep going. I trust you
totally to get all the notes right. Take as long as you need. And I'll be
delighted to chime in with whatever ideas I have to supplement yours. All the books that have fallen into my hands lately are about the absolute acceptance of what is. I know you are so right in what you say here. That's the doorway. "The challenge for human beings is [to see from] [to tune into] [to be in] a consciousness etc." "Create a consciousness" doesn't seem like the right way to say it. I don't think you create consciousness. Good luck with your daddy... |
You may have thought I was slow before, but I feel
so much slower now.
Stopped even. Although things around me still seem to be moving. All I
know is that I feel confident. |
I trust your instincts. Everything you do seems so right. I was mulling again over those four points I'd sent you before: 1. Understand the set-up of reality (right understanding) 2. Self-discipline to stay the witness (right intention) 3. Only serve here to help and not to be helped (right attitude) 4. Hang around with people who are awake (right activity) Could it be put out as a beginning for collectively writing a document, especially workable on the Internet: "How to Be Enlightened"? People comment, disagree, add, and send in pithy supportive quotes and excerpts. What do you think? |
The more time I spend with people, their teachers, and their
solutions, the more I
find myself alone. And I have been wondering about there being any answer
truly can be suggested to everyone - a generic, one size fits all solution. |
You are something else. Such a pure beam comes through just what the doctor
ordered for this stuck world. I keep getting that the clarity of your purity
is what can seize the day. Nothing is working in the next step of coming
together. I feel fairly safe to say that, although of course it's a big world
and there could be things I don't know. So let us proceed in the confidence that we are offering the real goods, and just see what that looks like in form. Don't know if I've said this to you so forgive me if I have. It looks to me like we are accidents of birth into our societies, which have a belief system that has our beings cut off from the divine. Were we born into tribal peoples, we would know ourselves to be part of nature. Then we wouldn't have to go looking for God. So here we are, doing this very unnatural thing, not realizing that God is us. Aha. A good aha. But still we suffer from acculturation. Seeking is all around us. It's all we really know. Therefore, we have to discover what the more natural state is. It seems to me that the progression of teachers we have been exposed to comes closer and closer to moving us into the awareness of who we are. The whole Advaita path is predicated on that awareness. And the teachers coming down the path I think get closer and closer to being of us, not above us. That's why I liked Yukio he was guiding people to "radical awakening." Just a guide, and a good one, to that state of eternality and timelessness that is the goods. The intention, when I promoted him, was to have an ongoing circle sort of thing, where we helped each other stay plugged in. Lo and behold, all of a sudden one day he was conducting a satsang no circle, but him as the conduit for the mastery of Papaji. He criticized me for not treating him with deference. The person I love most now who is teaching Advaita is Jim Dreaver a helluva guy, who doesn't leave his own center (I gave him your materials to look at). Have a look at my email correspondence with Jim, too. And Eckhart Tolle comes along with The Power of Now. Have you read it? Everyone has he's swept in and enchanted everyone with very much a message of incorporation of what is the good, the bad and the ugly. Be what is and you are God. Would love to sit and schmooze with him. Now here you are, seemingly saying the purest thing of all. Here we are. This is it. NOTHING else. Now we just have to trust that this is true and I see that in the company of sincere beings, who lead ethical lives, we can talk ourselves into the ultimate reality. This is my speculation, and I see you as the pure princess of this. You are so empty that you can do it for us/with us/as us. Yours is a lovely formula. Just be receptive keep growing forget "enlightenment." That's it. It's all the process of becoming. No goal; just aliveness. This is the idea we could be tuned into that would free us all. Have you tuned into Brian Swimme, whose book I'm reading now on my WebRadio show? He's another pure one a lover of life. Tune into his cosmology and you and the universe are one. What a privilege to be a human being. |
It is so wonderful to be able to speak freely with you, challenge
conventional and accepted boundaries, and still be received. And even
welcomed. This is quite a new phenomena to me. So, bear with me if I act a
little stunned. |
You are a special person. Very special. I do keep things personal, but not
with that many people. I keep holding this image that if a few high beings
align, that can set a new pattern that can change the world. Think of Christ
and Buddha teamed up, for a dramatic example. Do you know that Margaret Mead
quote that's everywhere about the "small group of thoughtful committed
citizens?" Those quotes that are on everyone's lips I think are prophetic
deep knowing being recognized. I also bear in mind Rupert Sheldrake's ideas
about morphic fields higher order behavior is dormant in a grid that runs
through the universe, awaiting igniting by the small group, so to speak. So I
am always looking for my carass, if you know that word from Vonnegot. Not only
looking for it, but yearning for it. Thanks for what feels like I am being seen. I am not seen by many what you think of as objective, that I think of that way, too, is perceived to be assaultive by many. It is a puzzlement to me. Whatever this is that I am, it seems that there are not too many of us, and I get shivers all over when I meet an ally like you. That's what Kim has been for me. I am not so indifferent to attack that I don't care it makes me sad to generate so much conflict, and it is life-giving to be received. That recognition and alliance feels like such fertile territory for the good. I don't want to hang out where I'm not seen, but I get lonely. I think living in these separated ways is so diminishing. Am currently having an argument with a healer friend who wants me to enter an intense engagement with him to remove my blockage so I can move on, and I tell him that given the right allies I wouldn't have any blockage. Who knows... Sweet thing you say about emotions. Sound healthy to me. For poetic and metaphorical writing, full of magic, mystery and artistry, Brian Swimme, whom I tout to the skies, is the best. The most wonderful person, too. I will give you his book, The Universe is a Green Dragon, when I see you. An easy read that sends your soaring. |
I did not learn from a Spiritual teacher. As a little child, I learned
about Creation, and the care of Creation, by drawing. It was, to me,
spending time with truth, a way I could naturally be free and alive and of
service. Creation taught me about itself and its own way. Art was our
sacred space, and no one could come and interfere or destroy it, because
they just didn't know we were being there. That relationship continues even
now to be my true and sacred center of growth and learning. |
Ah, my love, we are a mutual appreciation society. Oh, Madam, you speak my longing with this: "You know, I also have had thoughts of dialogue between different disciplines and ways. I tried for years by sending out the GAZETS and magazines, and still do. Really, I don't know what effect it has had. If any. But my desire (and my idealistic dream) is to link everyone, by speaking and relating in such a very fundamental way that differences and oppositions aren't even an issue." Let us be allies in this. I need good allies. If you are of a mind, you might look at the last big push I made for working this aligning a special circle of people who met for a year looking for the common base underneath all their different surface forms. It was called The Herringbone Project. |
[The email Madam X sent next contained the most exquisite piece of writing. It is so beautiful, we created a separate Web page for it. Enjoy!] |
I could see this "Way of Being" sweeping the world, like "What I Learned in
Kindergarten," or a new "Common Sense." God, you are wise. |
This "Way of Being" was just poised inside me, ready and waiting for the
right moment an opportunity, an invitation, and a need. It's a perfect illustration of
the interconnectedness of giving and receiving. Without someone to
"receive" it, it could
never have been "given." That's really the truth, Suzanne. And you are
the catalyst.
You are identifying the need. You are expressing the longing. When I hear
you saying it,
I feel moved to give. |
I know just what you mean. Same for me. Let just one person receive me and I
can deliver. Astonishing how that small opening allows so much. I am so
honored to be causal in any way to your writing this, and can relax in my
anxiety to write anything myself that's this good to get a wake-up call
delivered. It just takes you along, inside the whole story of what is going on and
how to relate to that. Honestly, I think it's the highest teaching I've ever
read, and I can picture it sweeping through the world. Shall we strategize
about what to do to get it in circulation? Loving you back... |
Suzanne, thank you so much. As I said, your reflections, comments everything about you is the perfect fit of an exquisite soulmate. |
Shall we meet again? I am directing people to our page here
who could perhaps be sparked to do something with the writing. As far as I've seen, everything you are writing has that shimmer of divine
excellence, so if you write more I'm sure I'll feel that way. However, the
document seems perfect as is. Whatever. Of course if it is to be a book in
the world, more words probably are necessary but if it is a book, I see it
as an arty thing with relatively few words compared to other books. I am so happy that I am serving you. You are the best ever... |
Suzanne, I read your Inside the Intelligence and I felt your passion! You're all ready, and
formed, and grown, you've got a long track record of experience, and you're
so greatly skilled in being human. Everything you long for, and LOVE, I
Love too.
BUT IT'S YOU. You're the one. You're the one who knows how to make it
happen. You're already a human being. |
Lovely, lovely music to my ears. I love and respect you and whatever you have
lights for. That you like my lights reciprocally is the mutuality of the
oneness we seek for all. I love being a combo with you and trust and pray
that it will give rise to good magic. I feel like I've been looking a lifetime
for you. Someone from Australia wants to bring Brian over there to do a presentation with an Aborigine, the way he does now with a Confucius scholar and then do it in the States. If Brian is into it, I'll send you videotape of the Confucius gig and see if you have any say about it. |
Such BEAUTIFUL music to me too. |
Every time I hear from you I am so
touched, just praying that your sensitive wisdom gets received by others
that I can play a part in helping that occur. Keep talking and I'll keep
praying I can be some kind of conduit for getting these simple profundities of
your shared. It is so reassuring to hear you speak so nice to come out from
the complexities of how convoluted we've made things and see the simple
through line where peace and joy can be found. What you said to Yukio was so right for me, too, and I think for the whole deal of the time we are in. Let's see how he engages. Maybe the Human Being Society will be born of what we are doing on the side while we are working out the main event. This perhaps involves Yukio and Brian and Jim Dreaver. I have always though that just a few people could form a core that could seed anything. They say it takes only two picture Christ and Buddha, as I've probably suggested to you before. It would be irresistible. How perfect for you to erect a club house. Out of the way, but any place will do. Who'da thunk it, but why not? Maybe exotic dreams of Topanga could be satisfied in your lot next door... Received your lovely packet. I can so feel the authentic being coming through. Have been mulling over the voice. I prefer it from you, perhaps passed through me. I realize that you can do it from either vantage point together issuing our joint invitation or as a progression of me joining you. Here's a stab: Madam X arrived in my mailbox twelve years ago. Here's what I got: ![]() ![]() ![]() (Click on each of the images above for a larger view.) I immediately tried to sign up. Little did I suspect that it would take till now for the Human Being Society to be born, and that I would play a part in the birth. Who are we? The Human Being Society is people of true goodwill and serious intention who are finding our way. Add your voice and help shape a new reality. |
I'm big on "progression" so, as far as
the voice goes, let it be a progression. I like what you said about the
beginning being twelve years ago, and I LOVE using the first GAZET I sent
you. The rest feels good too;
it feels very much like it is spontaneously
coming from you. And I think that's most important and powerful. |
This is what I woke up with this morning: The question is, "Who are we?" Last night [at a talk at the Bodhi Tree bookstore in Los Angeles] we were people being taught about a universe and told what to do. I'd rather be told who I am. Who are we? We are the enablers of consciousness to be awake to itself, and not strugglers to achieve that awakened state. It's a wondrous thing we do as the only creatures who can appreciate the Creation, and not people with a blindness that afflicts us. [More....] What do we know? We are on a journey together. We're here for one another. We care about the greater good. [More.....] The Human Being Society in no way signifies an arrival, but rather involves an educated eagerness to serve human life. In the purity of our intention is our bondedness, a propitious energy in which to serve each other and the world. I like trying to define the innocence and purity we could beam in on. What it is we are is a good topic for others to chime in on. |
Suzanne, so many thoughts have been stimulated. All I say to myself is
"Remember how I show you the way that does not go by thought." |
Makes sense to me. And can we say more? That knowing is about the fact that
there is a place before thought no need to throw out knowing and thought,
but it's what you know that is special re what you say. We are still making
goods of what we know rather than sensing ourselves as pure creative vessels.
It seems to me you are enlivening that eternality that the Advaita teachers are
inviting us to discover the witness place that knows you are not your
thoughts and watches them go by. Theirs is a passive getting, while yours is a
moving thing it's not a blank, but a river where creativity emerges from
what is gushing all the time. But let me not go too far from what you've written once more a clarification of the perspective that you and I are mesmerized by. You've given us more primer here. Feels so much like you've got the next teaching after Tolle. Yours is a mind blow. |
A little "story" for you: |
Aha, another character gets a speaking part in the play. Very intriguing.
Seems my Intelligence is your Intelligence! Let's all listen. I trust the invite for the Human Being Society will emerge without focus on it per se now that you will take what you think works when the time comes. Happy to be stimulating you and to let you thrust about. And to wait for my inspired energies a relief to hear they are on the way (or maybe here now). So far so good. It all rings true... |
Suzanne, you continue to amaze me, with your acceptance and welcoming and
willingness and patience. You show the truth of yourself again and again
in this way. I, me, only hear in your words the sounds of that other
voice the One you know too, and who speaks also to you.
The One who reassures us both, in this creation. |
I send Jim Dreaver select forwards from our exchanges as I try to work my magic of cross connecting to create a core alignment. Here's a response that perhaps you'll have a say about if you want to... I forwarded this statement from you: The most fundamental reality I've seen is the ongoing creation. It's this process of creation that we see reflected in all the forms. It not only expands, it also contracts. We say, "There is birth and there is death". "There is pleasure and there is pain." "There is the good and there is the bad." Yes, it is that way. I know of no Human Being with the power to change this. But a Human Being can make peace with it and grow in the art of allowing this to be. And Jim had this to say: This is well said. Madame X is very sensitive to the true nature of reality, but is, I think, a little more focused on creation, the manifest, rather than the source of creation pure consciousness itself. As you point out, it is an enlivening of the Advaita message..... But important, I think, to not forget the Advaita message, which, in essence, is that the "self" we've taken ourselves to be, this "self" that suffers and yearns, is an illusion, a story, a fiction of our own making. Again once again! I must say that when this is fully and totally seen, then we really are free, and creation happens naturally. Then all spiritual seeking is over. Then living becomes both a sacrament, and a celebration... After which, as Lex might say, there is nothing left for us but to bow down to it all in wonder, joy, and appreciation. |
To Jim and Suzanne, |
This is so hot. It's the closest thing to my dream I've ever seen being
part of such an intelligent exchange about the game of games. Here I am a
grumbling on my return from yet another weekend which was all presentation with
no discovery, and discovery lands in my lap. I am thrilled that you two are
engaged in it. Madam, I love hearing what you have to say in seeing past the stopping place we conceptualize in our current condition of seeking enlightenment in different non-dual traditions. I feel like you are on a vital pulse, and don't feel assured that I have anything to say that's as trenchant as what you're saying, but I'll mention a few things that come to me. There is something that seems so right about shifting to take on reality differently, as you suggest, which I see to be an understanding in which we set up the smoothest pathway in which these creatures we are get honored and loved into ourselves. I wrote a little while ago about arrival in that timeless eternality of Advaitaland, where it seems some people, like Jim, genuinely do get free. But, as I said, I think it's more like winning the lottery than graduating from a teaching if it happens, great, but it's not an aspiration to build your life around. What I see you doing, Madam, is life stuff for all, whether or not there's entry to permanent bliss. And then, for those who do get in, even that may not be the be-all-end-all culmination. Jim recommended "Collision with the Infinite," where the author, Suzanne Segal, got into a state of no-self and spent 10 tortured years before she was able to become a great teacher and guide and then reverted to being helpless again. I wonder if she could have been guided to rework herself in light of what you say, or if it's the lottery thing, where she had no choice but to win and then be one of those winners who'd have been better off losing. It is so lovely to picture a wisdom circle, where we are doorways for one another. Thanks for stirring things up. I so look forward to the continuation. |
This morning I was thinking about us all maybe having bought a false bill of
goods. I was focusing on Andrew Cohen saying you have to want God more than
life, which is a core understanding in the spiritual domain, and wondering
if that's true. Andrew is reaching into his experience and is following the
guidelines that got him so far, but I was questioning this "want God" mandate
as the set-up for your life. We are God. That's a different point of
view. We are so indoctrinated into going for God that it seems genetic, but
what if it isn't, but involves a belief system that is so entrenched that we
don't see past it and that yearning we all do feel might better be served
with some other aspiration as to what we're here to do? Questing puts you
in the body of a seeker, where few break through. The idea that I was
chewing on changed yearning to expressing we are always expressing and
need to work from that. I think I am just following your track, and
watching it sink deeper and deeper in. Like that famous Papa-ji quote, when
he's asked what prevents us from finding God and he says it's seeking God.
This is sinking deeper in, where knowing yourSelf is a different thought body
from a posture that's seeking and indicates a whole other energy for being
and doing. I feel like Luther, about to tack up some proclamations. |
Suzanne, I am feeling in a very similar way. We are God. And God is
silent and empty, but ALSO so very expressive. The world and every part
of it is the expression of God. And it's ongoing, continually growing.
What I learned from participating in the expression (in my art) was the
unity of both of these aspects. |
Hopefully there will someday be enough love being passed around to make all
wounds heal. Can't help being a dreamer. May we find ourselves part of that
new reality. Keep the clarifications coming. This is quite a work you are delivering. I'm off to England to sit in crop circles... |
Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour, Rains from the sky a meteoric shower Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined. Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill Is daily spun, but there exists no loom To weave it into fabric... -Edna St. Vincent Millay- |
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