[These are Suzanne Taylor's continuing comments to Geov Parrish
carried over from our main conversation.]
Geov Parrish is a Seattle-based columnist and reporter for Seattle Weekly, In These Times and Eat the State! He writes the "Straight Shot" for WorkingForChange.com.
Suzanne's comments continued:
[A speech for George Bush...]
"My fellow Americans. I realize the folly of our course. All we do is solidify opposition to us while the situation we would eradicate is not substantially altered. We are in great peril. We cannot defend ourselves against the kind of assault we are under. In some way if makes us feel good to retaliate with our bombs – those who did this to us deserve whatever we can give back. The problem is that we can't get those people by this method. We are now appealing to the world to join us in a police action under the auspices of the UN. That is under advisement as we work it out internationally. Meanwhile, this is what I propose for us in the United States.
"The only answer is the immediate change of intention for every person of goodwill – an intention that all human beings have a decent life. What we can do as a people – indeed, as a world – is pull together and not nurture the deviants in our midst. So we are going to woo all those ordinary people who hate us. Yes, we recognize that some of the errors of our past are to blame for how they feel. Now we will show them the evidence of our policy of goodwill – all the money we spent on war, beyond what we need for policing, will go to aid. This will erode the support for those who would die to kill us. And this will make of us the humane people we are designed to be, which will be a great benefit of these tragic times, where we all pray that life indeed will go on. We will start with a massive campaign to aid those refugees in Afghanistan who are so imperiled..."
Longer range, which is healthy and healing to set in place now, I'd get Allan Savory front and center. He's on to something vital about how to make the world work. We were in deep shit ecologically before this, and Allan has what could be the essential answer.
Hopefully I've proved myself to be close enough to your wavelength so that I won't blow my credibility now, but if I ran the world an immediate action I would take, that I think is the only thing that could change the world in a blink – just what we desperately need – is for people to recognize that there is an Intelligence that's not us that's making crop circles. Can this unthinkable attack get everyone to think about what else is unthinkable, to see that we are not alone? Here's what I just sent in response to a request by the Pentagon (http://www.bids.tswg.gov) for solutions:
"Immediately, I would make an investigation of the crop circle phenomenon, by studying what researchers have documented. Let experts at math and geometry, and at chemistry and biology have a look. Something has been marking crop fields, world-wide, for hundreds of years with what cannot be explained as coming from human hands. The formations are clear reflections of a knowledge of us humans, and of mathematics and design. Something knows geometry better than we do – we learn from what the circlemakers deliver. This summer, in England, a clear answer appeared to a radio telescope message we had sent into space, which Carl Sagan had a hand in designing. There is no question that this was a response, telling us about the sender in binary code that was just like we had encoded about ourselves in what we sent. SETI made a preposterous statement that if it was another intelligence it would have communicated by radio waves and not in a field, and that was that. The question of what made that formation – which was beyond the capacities of people to have done – was never asked.
"As we are imploded in this post 911 situation, this furthest outside possibility could lift all of humanity out of the battlefield, where we are entrained on one another, to someplace bigger than the hostility.
"In terms of what would happen if we knew we had made contact, here's what Paul Horowitz, SETI Project Director, has said: '[If we were to discover extra-terrestrial life] it would show that we are not intellectually unique in the galaxy. Mankind has a tendency to think that he's very special. We consider ourselves morally, or culturally, or intellectually unique. But if we were to find a signal from another star system, another thinking being, we would know that none of that is true. A connection with another intelligence would be the first bridging across four billion years of independent life in evolution. It will be the end of Earth's cultural isolation in a galaxy and a universe containing surely millions of other civilizations...It will be without doubt the greatest discovery in the history of humankind.'
"When have we needed 'the greatest discovery in the history of humankind' more?
"Ask me anything. I know a lot. Look at my crop circle page on my Website for some perspective and for links to the best crop circle sites on the Net. Anyone who pays attention is bowled over. Attention is all that is necessary. The evidence, from science labs and drawing boards, is. Just look.
As long as I'm way out there, here's a another immediate thing I'd do to try to avert more terrorist attacks. I'd give ecstasy (MDMA) to the people we have in custody who won't talk. We consider drugging prisoners cruel and unusual, when in fact there's nothing cruel about this gentling, heart-connecting substance. We'd have to rethink our perspectives regarding mind altering substances, and recognize their healing and enlightening powers, which could be a good thing to come out of all this. I'm thinking paradigm shifts here, but this is what the moment offers, and, for our very survival, perhaps demands. Wouldn't it be something if we turned the evil ones into heart connected people? This calls to mind a rethinking of our criminal justice system, which punishes rather than rehabilitates in the folly of favoring retribution over Life.
Another action I would institute comes out of recognizing that war is a male thing. "More Shock and Horror," posted on my site, keeps haunting me: "If we women don't get very busy, very organized, and very strong – -very fast – -it will probably be correct to say, just a little while from now, that the men of our species finally killed us all off." In looking for radical change, and how we ever ever ever can get out of this, I'd convene a circle of outstanding women and see what they would come up with. I happened to catch, on CNN, some of what is coming out of a women's meeting going on now (womenwagingpeace.net), and I was overwhelmed by an energetic that seemed to me would create peace, coming from incredibly powerful women. No offense, I hope, to sensitive, caring men.
How bad will it have to get for us to be on our knees, looking outside the box?