There is a popular perception that with the universe being so immense there must be many planets with advanced life forms. Brian Swimme, a visionary physicist, says that may not be so — that humanity may be alone. ODDS AGAINST EARTH-LIKE PLANETS, a transcription of a show that just was o­n BBC News, speaks to that. (Crop circles could come from another dimension and not another planet…???!!!) 

Read Brian's book, The Universe is a Green Dragon. Or, listen to me read it and comment o­n it in 6 hour-segments I made for my old WebRadio show. I think of it as foundational  to defining the next reality. Listmember Yvonne Garcia is so moved by it that she's putting up a website for Brian's “universe story.”

Linda Genutis, another listmember, says:

After reading Yvonne Garcia's comments about the Brian Swimme shows, I knew I also needed to listen to your audio version of “Green Dragon.” And I'm so glad I did! In fact, o­nce I got started, I couldn't stop! I ended up staying up the entire night listening to your readings, which include your very insightful and helpful reflections o­n his ideas. I'm now looking forward to getting the book, to read along while I listen again. There's a gold mine of information to digest, think about, and reflect o­n — and your audio adds to the magic of its astounding revelations! I feel as if I've just embarked o­n a wonderful, enchanted journey that's going to take me to places I've never been before! Just when I thought I'd read everything I really needed to know — I now realize I've o­nly just begun. Thank you so much.


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