All posts by admin

The Union of Opposites: A wise compatriot speaks

Sometimes something is sent to me that I want to share. I can’t tell you who sent this because identification with the circles would threaten him in the straight, political world in which he operates, but I so liked what he had to say, including setting me straight on what I recently posted about Reuters, that I am passing it along:

This is from email #1

Yes, this is very big news the press conference of military officials! I think in the future this event will certainly go down as a one of the milestones in the long march towards full disclosure. Unfortunately, and I can say this with the benefit of a lot of experience working with the corporate media, writing and lecturing about it, and an extensive academic background in media theory and criticism (that was my Master’s and Bachelor’s), I don’t see any progress or any positive signs in terms of the media’s coverage or treatment of this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, I think the guy that posted the press release might be reading too much into Reuters “coverage.” The story is just a release from those holding the press conference, and it’s done through a paid wire service (that costs as much as $400). That means Reuters didn’t even have a reporter write anything on this event! Anyone can publish a press advisory through a PR newswire (I’ve done so myself). So, sadly, as I research what kind of treatment this event got from the corporate media, it seems to me it might even be worse than feared. The fact that a story of this magnitude (if it was judged by the same standards as all other news) STILL didn’t generate any actual coverage, is a stark reminder that the Matrix is powerful and entrenched, and is not even close to being ready to allow for a challenge to the status quo. Big surprise!

…I’m so happy for all your success around the movie, Suzanne. It’s so deserved! I take a lot of heart to know that you’re out there serving as one of our representatives on the crop circle phenomenon. I think you and I are both out front working on different “paradigm shift components” — me on one aspect of reality (law, social movements, political advocacy) and you on a different one (though they are so connected). As my dad said to me, I am honored to be a fellow soldier in the war for justice, or, to use less militaristic verbiage, it’s an honor to participate in the great struggle for justice with you. 🙂

And from email #2:

I find so many “skeptics” (though they don’t seem to be skeptical of the establishment’s version of reality, are they?), including a few friends, who know so much about science and politics and are so smart, yet can’t seem to even contemplate or discuss the implications of something like crop circles, even though, as you said, the evidence is indisputable.

Similarly, their counterparts are all too prevalent: people who are completely “spiritual” and open to the reality of alien existence and contact, meditate, do yoga, and believe just visualizing what they want is somehow enough in the face of the powers that are against us. Sadly, these people don’t follow what’s happening right around them, with their tax money, and don’t even vote (and seem to believe they are somehow “above all that”), which I think completely contradicts their claimed “enlightenment.” Did Jesus, Martin Luther King, or Gandhi sit back and just visualize what they wanted in order to save themselves from the hard work of engaging reality and the political and social order? Obviously not.

I say all this because I think you and I are talking about two realities that must be merged, and are almost mirrors of each other. The system maintains itself by too many siding in one camp and not seeing the connection between our spirituality and our politics. How can people claim to be so compassionate and evolved when they don’t even vote or care about the fact that 4 out of 10 or our tax dollars go to the military and wars, or that 43 million Americans are now living in poverty as the wealthiest 400 families have as much wealth as the bottom 50 million combined, or that 50 million can’t afford health insurance, or that 1 of 5 children go hungry in OUR COUNTRY every night as banks get trillions in bailouts? You get the picture. I could go on for four pages just on this list of the current reality and suffering and injustice, largely because we have ALLOWED it to happen.

I also find it disturbing and problematic to find so many people that care about a lot of these issues, yet can’t see a much larger reality that awaits us — and, in fact, are actively hostile and dismissive of it and of those who are open to it. Just the realization that crop circles are real would go so far in turning that proverbial light bulb on for so many, and that is the flip side of the coin that I believe is necessary to change our dying paradigm.

I agree that there’s a BIG STORY for the media regarding crop circles, which adds to the argument that there’s much more at play than even ratings. But, yes, I do believe there is a slow process of disclosure going on; the question will be whether the forces that hide it will be allowed to tell us how to react to it.

So, in some ways I’ve become less hopeful we’re going to be able to reach that critical mass in both these worlds. But, I also know this life, right here and now, is one step of a much, much larger journey. AND, regardless of if I think we’re going to turn that corner or not, I know it’s possible and that the joy is in the process itself, anyway; the “fight” as I call it, against forces and prejudices must be taken on, regardless of whether it may seem hard or insurmountable. And there is contentment to be found, for others, to simply be a part of something that is so just and “right.”

Clearly, I think what you’re doing and what I’m doing is so important, and their connection with each other is even more so. The more we start creating a political reality that enhances justice and compassion, the better our chance is that we will open up to a much larger spiritual reality, like the crop circle phenomenon. Similarly, the more we open to a larger spiritual and eternal reality, like crop circles, the more we will reject the politics of competition, wealth, resource control, greed, dominance, selfishness, etc.

Wow! You really get me wanting to share my thoughts! I assure you I don’t do this to everyone I “talk” with…sorry…:)

Startling Straight Talk

Although I’m a died in the wool progressive who votes Democrat, I sing to myself so as not to listen to TV’s political ads, in California, from both parties. First, is their smug, supercilious tone, and then there is the repetition. Same ads, time after time. I believe they are turning everyone off.

Not being eager to immerse myself in this energy, nevertheless I like reading what Zack Kaldveer, who works for the Consumer Federation of California, has to say. (“GFC is a non-profit advocacy organization that has been a powerful voice for consumer rights since 1960.”)  Zack, an email friend who’s a passionate crusader for a better way, is clear and compelling in his analyses of what’s going on. Not only could he activate you to get you to the polls in case you are inclined to pass, but he will inform you.

What’s I’m directing you to was shocking American history to me. I wonder if any of you know the skinny on Columbus. Zack’s blog is TAKE THE RED PILL: Decoding America’s Matrix, and this entry for October 12 gave me more damning information than I ever knew.

I bring this to you because of how important it is to vote.

PS: I was with a friend last night, talking about how imploded we are in a system that’s not working, and, even when they don’t work, how difficult complex systems are to impact. He used the word “shock” — that  we need something  to shock us in order to jar us loose from the meshed gears we are in, where even good people have 40Ks and need the market to do well. Back to the circles — that it would be a shock to all of humanity to understand they can’t be made by us.

A trip down memory lane with Leslie Kean

There’s a lot of buzz now about Leslie Kean’s new book — I brought you a clip of her on MSNBC, being interviewed about it. Well, I went back and dug out how I first came across Leslie. Here’s a post I made, that still sings the right song, on my old html site.


September 18, 2002

The crop circle world is buzzing with this excellent article, “Origin of crop circles baffles scientists,” written by Leslie Kean, an outstanding journalist. She is among the few mainstream reporters whose articles on scientifically taboo issues have been carried by the mainstream press.


Leslie Kean: Origin of crop circles baffles scientists

SINCE THE RECENT release of the movie Signs, crop circles have been thrust into the limelight. Major publications such as Scientific American and U.S. News and World Report have echoed the common belief that all crop circles are made by stealthy humans flattening plants with boards. This assumption would be fair enough if we had no information suggesting otherwise.

However, intriguing data published in peer-reviewed scientific journals clearly establishes that some of these geometric designs, found in dozens of countries, are not made by “pranks with planks.” In fact, a study about to be published by a team of scientists and funded by Laurance Rockefeller concludes “it is possible that we are observing the effects of a new or as yet undiscovered energy source.”

In the early 1990s, biophysicist William C. Levengood, of the Pinelandia Biophysical Laboratory, in Michigan, examined plants and soils from 250 crop formations, randomly selected from seven countries. Samples and controls were provided by the Massachusetts-based BLT Research Team, directed by Nancy Talbott.

Levengood, who has published over 50 papers in scientific journals, documented numerous changes in the plants from the formations. Most dramatic were grossly elongated plant nodes (the “knuckles” along the stem) and “expulsion cavities” — holes literally blown open at the nodes — caused by the heating of internal moisture from exposure to intense bursts of radiation. The steam inside the stems escaped by either stretching the nodes or, in less elastic tissue, exploding out like a potato bursting open in a microwave oven.

Seeds taken from the plants and germinated in the lab showed significant alterations in growth, as compared with controls. Effects varied from an inability to develop seeds to a massive increase in growth rate — depending on the species, the age of the plants when the circle was created and the intensity of the energy system involved.

These anomalies were also found in tufts of standing plants inside crop circles — clearly not a result of mechanical flattening — and in patches of randomly downed crops found near the geometric designs. These facts suggested some kind of natural, but unknown, force at work.

Published in Physiologia Plantarum (1994), the international journal of the European Societies of Plant Physiology, Levengood’s data showed that “plants from crop circles display anatomical alterations which cannot be explained by assuming the formations are hoaxes.” He defined a “genuine” formation as one “produced by external energy forces independent of human influence.”

In another paper for Physiologia Plantarum (1999), Levengood and Talbott suggested that the energy causing crop circles could be an atmospheric plasma vortex — multiple interacting electrified air masses that emit microwaves as they spiral around the earth’s magnetic-field lines.

Some formations, however, contain cubes and straight lines. Astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, of the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, says that such “highly organized, intelligent patterns are not something that could be created by a force of nature.”

But Haisch points out that since not all formations are tested, it is unknown how many are genuine. Nor is it likely that such complex designs could evolve so quickly in nature. “Natural phenomena make mountain ranges and form continents — they don’t learn geometry in ten years,” says Haisch, who is the science editor for the Astrophysical Journal.

In 1999, philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller made possible the most definitive — and most revealing — study to date. The BLT Research Team collected hundreds of plant and soil samples from a seven-circle barley formation in Edmonton, Canada. The plants had both elongated nodes and expulsion cavities, and the soils contained the peculiar iron spheres, indicating a genuine formation. The controls showed none of these changes.

Mineralogist Sampath Iyengar, of the Technology of Materials Laboratory, in California, examined specific heat-sensitive clay minerals in these soils, using X-ray diffraction and a scanning electron microscope. He discovered an increase in the degree of crystallinity (the ordering of atoms) in the circle minerals, which statistician Ravi Raghavan determined was statistically significant at the 95 percent level of confidence.

“I was shocked,” says Iyengar, a 30-year specialist in clay mineralogy. “These changes are normally found in sediments buried for thousands and thousands of years under rocks, affected by heat and pressure, and not in surface soils.”

Also astounding was the direct correlation between the node-length increases in the plants and the increased crystallization in the soil minerals — indicating a common energy source for both effects. Yet the scientists could not explain how this would be possible. The temperature required to alter soil crystallinity would be between 1,500 and 1,800 degrees F. This would destroy the plants.

Understanding the possible ramifications of these findings, Talbott sought the expertise of an emeritus professor of geology and mineralogy at Dartmouth College, Robert C. Reynolds Jr., who is former president of the Clay Minerals Society. He is regarded by his colleagues as the “best-known expert in the world” on X-ray diffraction analysis of clay minerals.

Reynolds determined that the BLT Team’s data had been “obtained by competent personnel, using current equipment.”

The intense heat required for the observed changes in crystallinity “would have incinerated any plant material present,” he confirms in a statement for the Rockefeller report. “In short, I believe that our present knowledge provides no explanation.”

Meteorologist James W. Deardorff, professor emeritus at the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, and previously a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, states in a 2001 Physiologia Plantarum commentary that the variety, complexity and artistry of crop circles “represent the work of intelligence,” and not a plasma vortex. “That is why the hoax hypothesis has been popularly advocated,” he says.

However, he points out, the anomalous properties in plant stems thoroughly documented by Levengood and Talbott could not possibly have been implemented by hoaxers. Deardorff describes one 1986 British formation in which upper and lower layers of crop were intricately swirled and bent perpendicular to each other, in a fashion that “defies any explanation.”

“People don’t want to face up to this, and scientists have to deal with the ridicule factor,” he said in a recent interview.

Adding to the puzzle, professional filmmakers have documented bizarre daytime “balls of light” at crop-circle sites. Light phenomena were observed by multiple witnesses at the site of the Canadian circle so meticulously examined under the Rockefeller grant.

Eltjo Hasselhoff, a Dutch experimental physicist, has taken on the study of what he describes as “bright, fluorescent flying light objects,sized somewhere between an egg and a football.”

Scientists face real and serious questions in confronting this mystery. Could this be secret laser technology beamed down from satellites? Is it a natural phenomenon? Is there a consciousness or intelligence directing an energy form yet unknown to us?

“To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing,” says astrophysicist Haisch. “To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it … is another. That is not science.” It’s not good journalism, either.

Leslie Kean is an investigative reporter and producer with Pacifica Radio based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Here’s her bio today:

Author of the new book UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, published by the Crown Publishing Group/Random House ( The book includes a foreword by John Podesta and first-person contributions written by highly credible military and government officials from nine countries, including five Generals.

Kean is an independent investigative journalist who has been published nationally and internationally in the Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Providence Journal, International Herald Tribune, Globe and Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, The Nation, and The Journal for Scientific Exploration, among other publications. She is coauthor of Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity, and was also a producer and on-air host for a daily investigative news program on KPFA radio, a Pacifica station.

Kean began publishing on the UFO subject in 2000, when her feature story about the French COMETA Report appeared in the Boston Globe. In 2002, she co-founded the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFi), an independent alliance advocating for greater government openness on information about UFOs and for responsible coverage by the media based on a rational and credible approach. As director of the CFi, she began working on the Kecksburg UFO case in 2002, with the cooperation of Stan Gordon. Kean was the plaintiff in a successful, four-year Freedom of Information Act federal lawsuit against NASA, in which the agency was required to release hundreds of documents under court supervision. She and her coalition have launched an ongoing initiative to affect US government policy so that scientists and aviation authorities can gain greater understanding of the still-unexplained UFO phenomenon.

Kean was a producer for the 2009 independent documentary I Know What I Saw, directed by James Fox, and is currently working with Break Thru Films, an award-winning film company, on a new feature documentary. She lives in New York.