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Crop Circles Go Way Back


Anybody who knows crop circle lore knows about this, but, since many of you aren’t circle historians, I’m passing along what always is cited as the first irrefutable evidence of the appearance of crop circles, way before the modern era.  Someone sent me this post about it from the BBC’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy forum :

Crop circles are not a new phenomenon. There are 17th Century woodcuts that record the observation of what appears to be crop circles. One such woodcut, entitled The Devil Mower, appeared in a Hertfordshire newspaper dated 22 August, 1678. The article described the apparition overnight of a strange design in a field of oats, so neatly pressed that “no mortal man was able to do the like”, which was attributed to “the devil or some infernal spirit “. By convoluted logic this apparition confirmed the existence of God, since, it was argued, if devils have a Hell then there must be a Heaven and a God.


Here is what it says:

Being a True Relation of a Farmer, who Bargaining with a Poor Mower, about the Cutting down Three Half Acres of Oats: upon the Mower’s asking too much, the Farmer swore That the Devil should Mow it rather than He. And so it fell out, that very Night, the Crop of Oat shew’d as if it had been all of a flame: but next Morning appear’d so neatly mow’d by the Devil or some Infernal Spirit, that no Mortal Man was able to do the like. Also, How the said Oats ly now in the Field, and the Owner has not Power to fetch them away. Liscensed, August 22nd, 1678.

Is Time Speeding Up?

I was turned onto a site by listmember Bill Casey. If you want to quit your day job and get lost in internet info, have a look at, the site is run by Peter A. Gersten Esq., former Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS).
I particularly picked up on one piece about the sense of time speeding up. It always bothers me when people speak of that, since it defies the laws of physics. I am not married to lawfulness across the boards, but there are limits to how far my mind will stretch and that idea is challenging. But, when I read this, about the Mayan calendar, I got some sense of how to interpret that idea to fit into the reality I know.

2012 – Are We on a Schedule to Cosmic Consciousness?

Here’s an excerpt:

I sense an acceleration going on; that time itself seems to be going faster each year, and most people I talk to have the same view. But is it really time that is speeding up? Here’s an analogy that may explain the relationship:

Imagine a ball rolling across a level surface, the distance it travels each second would be constant, apart from the effect of friction

– this is a linear approach that is similar to how we perceive life. However, if the ball were dropped from the top of a tall building, in the first second it would travel thirty-two feet. But the time it would take to travel the next thirty-two feet would be less than half a second as its speed would increase exponentially because of the accelerating force of gravity.

If you were a microbe on this ball, you might therefore conclude that time is speeding up. In this case it is not time that is speeding up, it is the distance traveled that is increasing each second. In a similar way, evolution is also exponential and time is not speeding up, but the number of events occurring in each year is increasing: It took two billion years from the origin of life to the creation of cells and just fourteen years from the PC to the World Wide Web!

To demonstrate the exponential nature of evolution, astronomer Carl Sagan imagined a cosmic calendar (Video is above) in which one year represented the whole of history from the start of the universe (big bang) until today. His powerful conclusion was: “We humans appeared so recently that our recorded history occupied only the last few seconds of the last minute of December 31st.” When this type of acceleration is plotted on a logarithmic scale, as was done by futurist Ray Kurszweil, the pattern unfolds as a straight line with events increasingly faster and faster. Author, Ken Wilber suggests that this scientific view of history as mere evolution suffers one great defect: “It cannot explain or even suggest the meaning of this going somewhere. Why evolution – What is the purpose of history?”

However, an alternative with striking similarities to the scientific version of evolution is the Mayan Calendar which provides not only a context and a structure supported by history; it suggests a meaning of divine importance. The interpretations developed by Carl Johan Calleman, an internationally recognized authority in Mayan history, detail this inspiring viewpoint and provide credible evidence of its validity.


According to Calleman, the Mayan Long Count is not a calendar of time, but is believed to be a sacred schedule of energy for the evolution of consciousness through time. Its date of creation is unknown in the mists of centuries BC. It is a schedule of incredible mathematical precision in which time accelerates in each of nine overlapping epochs.

They cover from the ‘big bang’ billions of years ago until ending on the same date: 28 October 2011. Each new cycle commences with a distinct leap, a quantum jump, into an expanded form of consciousness which develops and matures toward the end of that cycle. The nine epoch with their significant starting events are shown in the diagram below.

The first cycle of the nine, labeled the CELLULAR CYCLE, puts the start of the universe – the big bang – at 16.4 Billion years BC. This is remarkably close to the current expert estimate of 15 Billion years. Over this vast period the galaxies and solar system were formed, eventually followed by the emergence of cellular life by 1.26 Billion years BC.

To give an idea of acceleration nested in these cycles, 95% of the time passes before the next cycle is initiated. Each successive cycle is exactly twenty times faster and twenty times shorter than the one below. (The mathematical duration of each one equals 13 X 20x years, where x reduces each cycle.)

Finally, the last cycle, optimistically named the COSMIC CYCLE, will start 10 February 2011 and last only 9 months.

Basic Goodness

A spiritual group that’s supportive of crop circles and of my movie made the front page of the local section of the LA Times !  It will give you a warm feeling to read the article:

People of diverse faiths pursue a lofty goal in a peace hike up Mt. Baldy


This nicely written piece tells about how the Aetherius Society, given that “Mountains have long been associated with holiness,” led one of its periodic pilgrimages to the top of Mount Baldy, where “participants of different faiths prayed and meditated together.” In the article, people talked about the fact that they weren’t there to support the Society, but because it’s so good for the faiths to come together. Right on! Paul Nugent, a transplanted Brit who heads the Los Angeles branch of this worldwide organization, is the narrator in my film of a re-creation of a story about the circles that appeared in 1880, in Nature, the English journal I wrote about in the last post. He led the pilgrimage, and the LA Times piece ends with a quote from him:

“I think to get 100 people all the way up there on the mountain is a good showing. But I think that more than that, the energy and the atmosphere was very collaborative and it was uplifting. … You just feel good afterward. You feel pure. You feel as if you’ve done something just good. Basic goodness.”

You can click through from the article to the website for the Aetherius Society, a group founded in 1955 by George King, a Western Master of Yoga, who died in 1997. For “10 years, he practiced this ancient science [of yoga] for 8 – 12 hours a day until his mastery of terrestrial phenomena and of his mind made him a ‘Knower.’ ” He actually became a conduit for extraterrestrial intelligence, hence the interest the Aetherius Society has in crop circles.