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Get your crop circle pictures, and more, here!

Lucy Pringle, who has the UK’s most comprehensive photographic crop circle library, is my go-to person to get crop circle photos and calendars, as well as charming items with crop circle pictures and patterns on them. I love the bone china mug and the trippy magic cube.

Here are some of Lucy’s pictures of this year’s circles:

I’m often asked about the effect that being in a crop circle has on people, which brings Lucy to mind. Working with scientists from Russia and France, Lucy is a pioneer researcher into the effects of the subtle energies in the circles’ electromagnetic fields. See Lucy’s homepage for her articles about that, and more.

She has a large database of the physiological and psychological effects reported by people in crop formations, ranging from total nausea and disorientation to remarkable healing for challenges as diverse as long standing severe neck pain and hearing loss. Wanting to be sure, however, that we did not overstate the case for healing, Lucy said this to me:

“Beneficial healing effects in arthritis and Parkinson’s have been quite remarkable, although only temporary. In one instance, shaking stopped for 24 hours, which, for a Parkinson sufferer, was unheard of and an incredible physical relief. This particular result is something that keeps me rooted to my research, as, if we could find a cure for Parkinson’s thanks to the circles, that would make my day a thousand, million times and more.”

Her recent research has focused on hormonal effects after only a few minutes of exposure to circle energies, where significant changes in estrogen, thyroxin and melatonin levels have been found. Working with the geo-physics and biophysics of plant changes, raised levels of protein in seeds also have been found. In addition, significantly raised levels of nitrogen and bicarbonate, using the Yara technique for trace minerals, have consistently been discovered in water buried inside formations compared with water buried outside the formations. (Says Lucy, “This work with water ties in very much with the findings of Jacques Benveniste — see this article on my site: — whose work finally was accredited, after his death.”)

The work that Lucy does is generating interest in mainstream medical circles. Currently, she is working with an eminent scientist on a book describing the physics/science behind the crop circle phenomenon. This book promises to demonstrate once and for all that a genuine phenomenon exists.

Lucy is self-funded and every donation enables her to go further with her research and is very much appreciated. Contact her at

Do Listen!

I’ve done a lot of radio shows, and if you haven’t heard me do one I’d love you to listen to this, with Ilene Dillon, who’s on my wave length.

I enjoy dishing about the circles, and for anybody who can recommend me to shows in your area, here’s a sampling of more: — click RADIO.

Someone working with Ilene, who was listening as she and I talked, sent me something afterward that I was so touched by that I am sharing the sweetness.

Hi Suzanne ~

You know, usually Ilene has to prod me to speak up, but I guess you bring out the chatty part of me!

I am looking forward to seeing your movie, and I am so glad to know about your engagement of this phenomenon and the lovely relationship you have to all-things-curious. I am currently contemplating “mystery” from a new angle and imagining re-inventing myself to become a “Mystery Coach.” I’m thinkin’ it’d be a good use of my formal training in Social Work and Coaching, not to mention 30+ years of swimming in mystery myself! I’d like to assist folks in moving past what is known, traversing the fear of the unknown, and teaching the skills of how to be and do what has never been done before.

I mention all this for the purpose of wanting to give substance to my words in saying to you, You inspire a creativity that I feel at a very deep level of my being. Listening to you talk with Ilene today has enlivened my long-time love of crop circles and the mystery of the “Circle-Makers” – as I like to call ‘them’. I am excited as I wonder about the way I might incorporate the Circle-Makers into my teaching/coaching plan – it’d be such a fun platform for demonstrating a practical engagement with mystery.

So I am just wondering out loud here as a tribute to you and how contagious your generous enthusiasm is to those of us who hear what you have to say. Thanks very much for being in the world and doing whatever you do – today, it’s your crop circles work, but with you I imagine your enthusiasm is all-pervasive!


Deki Fox
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

It was lively in the chat room during the show, and here’s something I loved from someone there: “Crop circles are something we can SEE, TOUCH and let the mind puzzle over while the heart opens to the mystery they are.”

And here’s a bit of chat room transcript. Ilene and I were talking about the natives in South America, with no concept of ships, not recognizing them in their harbors when the white man came to the New World:

DD: The shamans/holy men of the tribe caught the vision/meaning of the ships on the horizon and told stories that made sense to the natives until they could then understand what they were seeing.

DD: Suzanne is our current-day shaman with regards to the crop circles!

Ilene: don’t understand what you’re saying with that one, DD

DD: The shamans did ‘work’ until the ‘people’ could make sense of what they saw.

New World Ahead

To follow up on the last post, these are excerpts from another piece Daniel Pinchbeck wrote, about a subject vital to me: how, given the internet environment, to get works of art to the public — which also is a jumping off point for Daniel to talk about related aspects of our internet world. The excerpts are along the lines of my thinking about reorganizing ourselves.

WarControlStoryImageThe War for Control of the Story


“We have a viable opportunity to make a nonviolent transition from a hierarchic to a ‘holarchic’ form of social organization, from a social order that is vertically controlled by a manipulative elite to a horizontally distributed orchestration of power and resources for a new planetary culture. This shift will require not only a new set of cultural and societal practices, but the telling, retelling, and eventual imprinting of a new story. In this process, our fundamental concepts of ‘the good’ and ‘the beautiful,’ our basic understanding of the nature of human freedom and the value of life, will be deconstructed and remade.”

“Part of the new myth that our culture needs to tell about itself, as many thinkers have proposed, is the story of how we became deluded into believing we were separate from the earth, rather than a part of her, and how this led to imbalance and discontent. Another, more controversial element of our new emergent myth, I believe, is the realization that the psychic and physical aspects of our being are not cut off from each other, but inseparable and inextricably meshed.”

PS: Daniel has a new movie of his own: 2012: Time For ChangeClick here for info on upcoming screenings in New York City and Portland.