I’ve been collecting bits and pieces for passing back out, so this is a potpourri.
Top of the list, I want to urge you to buy a new book,
Crop Circles: The Bones of God, by Michael Glickman, an English croppie and a great charmer (see that in my movie!), who was an architecture professor at USC when he lived in the States. He’s a really good writer who has done brilliant, seminal work on the circles, and he takes you into his discoveries in a way that will fascinate you. It’s an outstanding read. Amazon reviews are all five-star, and here are lines from some of them:
My only complaint is that the book wasn’t at least four times longer.
I have studied and researched crop circles for years and I have yet to come across a book as beautifully written and illustrated as this.
Lucid, concise and copiously illustrated with photos and diagrams, this slim volume will crack a complacent head wide open.
A good interview with me where I get to share some of my favorite two centses — starts on page 44: http://issuu.com/paranormalunderground/docs/april_2010_paranormal_underground.
Last year, my film was featured at the X-Conference, put on by Steve Bassett’s Paradigm Research organization, which advocates for government disclosure of classified files. It’s “big-D” they are after, which isn’t just UFO reports but contact we’ve had with ETs, for which there is abundant evidence. May 7-9, it will be at the National Press Club in DC — very prestigious. If you can’t get there in person, there will be live stream that you can hang onto for two weeks after the event!!! http://x-conference.com. http://x-conference.com.
Am looking for a star! I’m working with friends of mine, who are credible producers, on the creation of a TV series that’s “everything we ever wanted you to know about crop circles.” It’s intended for broadcast on a major US cable network. “The female host considers herself to be spiritual, believes in the reality of things like UFOs and past lives, and has a strong interest in the paranormal. She’s beautiful, single, preferably 30s, and available to spend the summer of 2011 in England on a great adventure.” I don’t know how we could do this with anyone who wasn’t a circle enthusiast, so I’m hoping somebody knows someone I don’t know.
When I put out the word in a previous mailing about a radio show which had asked me to get call-ins, and got a bunch of apologies for not tuning in, I realized people by and large thought that was the only show I’ve done. I think I’m approaching 50! I post them all on http://Facebook.com/WhatOnEarth. (Become a fan if you aren’t — we’ve got almost 1,000 now!) And I put a few favorites on my website. Try this one: click on RADIO and then on the top show, which is hosted by Alan Cohen, new age superstar and crop circle lover.
In my movie, we show a ball of light skipping across a crop field as we tell you that orbs frequently are seen over fields the day before circles appear. But there’s more to the orb story, and you can get it in this very brief video. Have a look at
this footage taken by Kerry McKenna, the singer in my movie, to see that the orb stops to let people pass and then resumes. It’s evidence of the startling fact of orbs being under intelligent guidance!
After having dinner with a lovely lady named Carolyn, before a screening of my movie, I discovered in the intro of all the people that she was Carolyn North, a star of the consciousness world whom I’ve admired. It turns out she had a serious involvement and some profound personal experience with the circles way back. You can imagine how thrilled I was at her reaction to my movie: “How beautifully you’ve brought this amazing phenomenon to us, and how grateful I am that you’ve done it…very good luck getting this word out! It’s more than time that we all knew about it!” I want to point you at a couple of her new books:
IN THE BEGINNING: Creation Myths from Around the World, which is a re-telling of creation stories from 16 cultures, along with mixed-media artwork for each piece.
Voices Out of Stone: Magic and Mystery in Megalithic Brittany, is about extraordinary personal experiences at the stones in Carnac, which are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the French village of Carnac, in Brittany. The more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones were hewn from local rock and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany, and are the largest such collection in the world.
A few years ago, my good friend Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist with exceptional intuitive insight, had her Los Angeles launch for her autobiographical first book,
Second Sight, in my living room. “
SECOND SIGHT is a riveting story of Dr. Judith Orloff’s exile between two worlds–intuition and mainstream medicine. The book reveals her journey from an intuitive child, alone with confusing abilities, to an esteemed psychiatrist who comes out of the ‘intuitive closet’ to defy medical taboos. As she tells you her own story, Dr. Orloff will teach you how to recognize intuitive experiences in everyday life, awaken your own intuition with special mind-empowering exercises, and use meditation, prayer, and dream interpretation to broaden your possibilities.” Judith has become a world class figure who’s trying to open the minds of the medical community — and the rest of us — to the powers we can tune into. I used to go to her book signings, where her popularity was astonishing — if I didn’t get there early I couldn’t get in.
SECOND SIGHT just came out in paperback, and immediately became an international bestseller. She’s doing a similar thing to what I’m doing in marketing the movie, where she has an imposing collection of free gifts as an inducement to buy the book. From
http://www.drjudithorloff.com/, click on “GET A COPY OF SECOND SIGHT + 100 GIFTS” for the irresistible offer.
A little wink for a closer…