September 12, Bay Area UFO Expo in Santa Clara
September 13, Marin, in a Bella Vista home, hosted by Lori Grace
September 27, in Los Angeles, introduced by Whitley Strieber, with a party to follow (click EVENTS and scroll down). Do come and bring friends if you are in LA. It will be gala!
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Great Radio Show Exposures
Here’s an update on what’s been happening with the film. Still trying to figure out how to get to the ‘straight’ world to get it on TV or into theaters. And there’s interest from a great art house chain, but I’d need a corporate sponsor for the newspaper ads, which are too pricey for me to handle. Anybody know Richard Branson, who I think would be the likeliest prospect? Will shower anyone with DVDs who can hook me up for TV or sponsor me for movie theaters. Get your Christmas gifts handled!!!
In the meantime, we are doing very well in the inner sanctum of those who are looking to the skies. This week I got booked on two nighttime radio programs with very large listenerships.
A prerecorded Dreamland program I did, with Whitley Strieber, will be broadcast tomorrow, Saturday, July 18, 1:00-2:00 pst, and archived for two weeks after that. Whitley couldn’t stop singing the praises of the film. Way over the top. It was wonderful. This is what he says on his website
“Suzanne Taylor has created one of the most magnificent, startlingly brilliant DVDs on the phenomenon ever produced. BUY THE DVD: Brilliant, groundbreaking crop formation documentary. Incredibly beautiful and powerful.”
And I’ll be on Coast to Coast with George Noory, live, 10:00-11:00 pst on July 21: Call in!!!
If you have a Facebook page, please become a fan of the film: And check out our great website, where you can see the trailer and clips (run your mouse over the big circle that comes up on the home page to see something that’s fun):
Am headed to England in a few days where we’ll be premiered at the big yearly circle conference, the Glastonbury Symposium, on July 24, and will have a screening party in Wiltshire, in the heart of circle country, on July 31. Will send back reports from the field that will be on the Facebook page.
Here’s the latest say I’ve had about the circle situation:
There’s a connection that comes to mind between Bernie Madoff and the crop circle phenomenon. My new documentary, What on Earth?…”Inside the crop circle mystery,” talks abut the circles being ignored in part because of a deep seated aversion people have to being conned. Best to mock the idea that the circlemakers could be from elsewhere in case it turns out that hoaxers are perpetrating a fraud on gullible ‘believers.’
Right. For centuries — at least — people have been going into fields night after night, year after year, in 40 countries, flattening crops into geometrically complex patterns over vast stretches of terrain, frequently doing it in horrible stormy weather. For their efforts, they get no recognition and presumably no money. Why would people do that?
Well, the people explanation is the last one that hasn’t been shredded. The idea of patterns occurring naturally in nature went down a long time ago, and beaming them down from satellites is not technically possible — never mind that we didn’t have satellites hundreds of years ago. No possible solution to the mystery remains in play, except this idea that people make them all. Aside from the challenge that would be to human capabilities (ever try to interlace acres of grain, or put 90 degree bends in plant shafts as brittle as celery, or weave basket-like constructions with straw-like material, or create biological changes to plants and chemical changes to soil inside the circles, or make fresh batteries fail and cell phones not work in them?), what would motivate people to do this?
So, what could the explanation be?
The circles should fascinate us, like the Pyramids do — and there’s a downside to ignoring the fact that people can’t make the genuine article (see “Why Real Crop Circles Can’t Be Hoaxed”: Discoveries about the circles could be even more important to us than finding out where the Pyramids came from. We not only would get to marvel at finding out more about humanity than we know now, but we could get to have an engagement with what is delivering the marvel. As the former head of SETI said about that:
“If we were to discover extra-terrestrial life, it would show that we are not intellectually unique in the galaxy. Man has a tendency to think he’s very special. We consider ourselves morally, culturally, and intellectually unique. But if we were to find a signal from another star system, another thinking being, we would know that none of that is true. A connection with another intelligence would be the first bridging across four billion years of independent life in evolution. It would be the end of Earth’s cultural isolation in a galaxy and a universe surely containing millions of other civilizations. It would be without doubt the greatest discovery in the history of humankind.” – Paul Horowitz, Project Director, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
Just think. You wake up one morning and CONTACT is in headlines. But it isn’t as people would have expected. No creatures have arrived. What has happened is we’ve recognized that there are crop circles that aren’t being made by us. Can you imagine what would occur? It would be a story that wouldn’t go away. There’s not a civilized person who wouldn’t go on and on talking about it, and about how we should respond. A world-wide dialogue would ensue. We would be one humanity in relation to ‘the other!’
Perhaps whatever has been making the formations has been waiting to be recognized. Maybe the circles having been a means to get our attention, to where we’d realize there is other intelligence in the cosmos. Conceivably, whatever makes them, which would have more advanced intelligence than ours, then would bring their technology to bear on global warming, fossil fuel depletion, and other life-threatening challenges we face.
Why don’t they just crash in on us, then, and give us their gifts? Well, as we say in the film, we’d probably shoot them before they had the chance. They wouldn’t be fools. Better that we realize they are there, where we’d welcome them, than for them to have to deal with our resistance. And then it’s a collaboration — we’ve earned the alliance rather than been assaulted by it, which seems like a more mature way to live out the next era of human history.
The awareness that this film could catalyze might be the start of a glorious new phase of human history — when we never have needed a new phase more.
“A great power has arisen, directing thoughts and perception in a certain direction towards a more complete and satisfactory view of reality than the modern conventions of materialism have previously allowed. Gently, subtly, with no disturbance or panic, we are being guided across a watershed, from one worldview to another. And this is in no way arbitrary, but a purposeful process, in accordance with the interests of eternal nature and the necessities of the present. We now can see something of what the ancients meant when they spoke of revelation.” John Michell, author of twelve books, specialist in sacred geometry
What on Earth? is out on DVD!!! It’s an 81 minute feature film, plus great bonus material.
Here’s the beautiful new film website:
You people on the listserve get the posts I put on my blog, “Making Sense of These Times” (which is embedded in the site under BLOG), so there hasn’t been any need to be on the blog site. However, it’s something to look at now because there’s more there than these posts:
Do send me any Outside the Box Ideas (see Column Left).
I’m still looking at how to do the Diary, and, in the meantime, have directed you to sites (Column Right) to check in on the current season, which is quite sensational. Very unusual formations are coming in. Here are a couple of them:
I’m focused on getting this movie out to the world, and can use help. If you’d like to come to my house, in West Hollywood, California, to strategize, email me for an invitation. You’ll see the hour version, which isn’t on the DVD and is what likely would sell to television, plus have a great meal and meet trippy people. And if you aren’t close enough to come or aren’t a social animal but could help me get distribution, be in touch. I’d most like to get this film on television, where the largest number of people would see it. As the film says, “If we knew we were being visited it would make us into one humanity in relation to ‘the other,’…which could be what saves this civilization!”
And of course I’d be most appreciative if you would buy DVDs!!!!!
PS: Here’s the Press Release for the DVD:
June 15, 2009
LOS ANGELES, CA — What on Earth? — “Inside the Crop Circle Mystery,” an award-winning feature-length documentary film, has just been released on DVD.
A long time producer of events and projects having to do with our consciousness and our worldview, filmmaker Suzanne Taylor tracks her interactions, in England, over six summers, with an international community of visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, educators, writers, and farmers who marvel at crop circles.
The superstars of the film are the circles, which remain an unexplained global phenomenon that has puzzled humanity for centuries — the photography is awe-inspiring. A question that’s addressed by the interviewees is why something so startling and spectacular is largely ignored.
Circle enthusiasts, who converge in England every summer to go circle-chasing and indulge in circle analysis, talk about why they are so taken by this phenomenon. Evidence is presented that challenges the idea that all the glyphs are made by people, and the motives of hoaxers, who make some of the formations, is a subject for speculation. Interviewees also give viewpoints about who or what is delivering the formations that can’t be accounted for as coming from people, and why they are being created.
“The most startling revelations we get from the circles come from their shapes,” says a character in the movie. “Mathematical information encoded in them delivers a virtual curriculum in number and geometry.” Also, the circles are looked at as art, as instigators to reexamine ancient knowledge lost to a culture that has become separated from nature, and as coming from a source that is aware of us and delivering patterns that point to events on Earth as well as in response to whims and wishes of individuals and groups.
In the film, people speculate about what the effect would be if it were officially declared that the circles aren’t being made by people. “If that happened,” says Taylor, “it would get us thinking as one humanity in relation to ‘the other,’ which would be the best position from which to work cooperatively to solve the problems we all share.” Questions also are raised as to whether, if were we open to circlemakers who come from elsewhere, they might offer advanced technologies to help us as we run out of resources and heat up the planet.
The DVD of What on Earth? also contains outstanding bonus material. It includes commentary by researchers about their favorite circles; an alternative opening that delivers more information about the filmmaker; a moving eulogy about Pulitzer Prize winner, John Mack, a Harvard psychiatry professor who was enamored with the circles and is in the film; a music video of a crop circle song that’s in the soundtrack of the movie; and a gorgeous montage of circles.
After a preview screening in February, at the UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada,What on Earth? garnered the award in the conference film track for best feature documentary. In April, the movie was the only film shown at the X-Conference, in the Washington, DC area. The X-Conference is an annual gathering to address the politics and implications of the UFO/ET issue: exopolitics. Taylor will take the film to England, in July, for a screening at the Glastonbury Symposium, a major crop circle conference that’s held yearly.
It is the filmmaker’s hope that those in power turn their attention to the phenomenon to examine the available evidence. With our fingers in the dike to solve the pressing problems that challenge us on planet Earth, her hope is that the announcement of the reality of an ET engagement with us will shift the worldview that holds all our problems in place. See her petition, “A Call for an Investigation of What is Known about Crop Circles.”
To learn more about the movie, to view the trailer, and to place orders for the DVD,