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Do you want to sign up for the Crop Circle Diary?

My film website is in the works, where this blog will sport a new feature: Crop Circle Diary. I have been sending you emails of all the posts I make, but the Diary will be a different matter. You won’t get them unless you tell me you want them.

Most posts on the Diary will concern developments on the crop circle scene. Readers are invited to contribute. If you are a crop circle aficionado who wants to track the posts, email me and I’ll let you know what we set up for that.

When the Diary is up I’ll get things off to a heartfelt start with this post, which has nothing to do with the circles except it was sent to me by Michael Newark, a doll of a guy from England, who is a master dowser circle person and is in my film:

Charlie Brown was a B-17 Flying Fortress pilot with the 379th Bomber Group at Kimbolton, England. His B-17 was called Ye Old Pub and was in a terrible state, having been hit by flak and fighters. The compass was damaged and they were flying deeper over enemy territory instead of heading home to Kimbolton.

After flying the B-17 over an enemy airfield, a German pilot named Franz Steigler was ordered to take off and shoot down the B-17. When he got near the B-17, he could not believe his eyes. In his words, he “had never seen a plane in such a bad state.” The tail and rear section was severely damaged, and the tail gunner wounded. The top gunner was all over the top of the fuselage The nose was smashed and there were holes everywhere.

This is a painting done by an artist from the description of both pilots many years later.


Despite having ammunition, Franz flew to the side of the B-17 and looked at Charlie Brown, the pilot. Brown was scared and struggling to control his damaged and blood-stained plane.

Aware that they had no idea where they were going, Franz waved at Charlie to turn 180 degrees. Franz escorted and guided the stricken plane to, and slightly over, the North Sea towards England. He then saluted Charlie Brown and turned away, back to Europe. When Franz landed he told the CO that the plane had been shot down over the sea, and never told the truth to anybody. Charlie Brown and the remains of his crew told all at their briefing, but were ordered never to talk about it.

More than 40 years later, Charlie Brown wanted to find the Luftwaffe pilot who saved the crew. After years of research, Franz was found. He had never talked about the incident, not even at post-war reunions.

They met in the USA at a 379th Bomber Group reunion, together with 25 people who are alive now – all because Franz never fired his guns that day.

When asked why he didn’t shoot them down, Stigler later said, I didn’t have the heart to finish those brave men. I flew beside them for a long time. They were trying desperately to get home and I was going to let them do that. I could not have shot at them. It would have been the same as shooting at a man in a parachute.

Both men died in 2008.

Here are German Ace Franz Stigler, artist Ernie Boyett, and B-17 pilot Charlie Brown


[confirmed by snopes:]

My Film Featured at the X-Conference

With my film website still in development, I’m not trying to promote the movie publicly or drive traffic to purchase DVDs (that are being sold at our Coming Soon page even before the official release, and before the fine tuning I keep doing). However, the film is being shown at special screenings.

This is a press release for the yearly conference put on by the big advocacy group for government disclosure of UFO/ET material, where they are featuring What on Earth? I am thrilled by this stunning development, where I am going to be on the bill with some of my favorite presenters.

Press Release
April 6, 2009

Washington, DC – X-Conference 2009 will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg, Maryland on April 17-19. It is the annual conference produced by Paradigm Research Group to address the politics and implications of the UFO/ET issue – exopolitics. There is a “disclosure movement” underway which is now international and gaining momentum. See: This movement seeks nothing less than the formal acknowledgement by world governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Conference and registration information is found at: It is open to the public and there is on-site registration. Press passes are available.

X-Conference 2009 will be hosted by former CNN news anchor, Cheryll Jones. Speakers include: Stephen Bassett (Moderator); George Noory (Special Presentation); Edgar Mitchell, PhD; Dr. Roger Leir; Joseph Montaldo; Col. John Alexander, PhD; Nick Pope with Major Milton Torres; Colin Andrews; Art Campbell with Manuel Kirklin; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD. Guest Activists: Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Angelika Whitecliff, Frederik Uldall (Denmark).

A documentary by Suzanne Taylor, “What on Earth?,” will have its East Coast premier. She will present the film along with award winning documentarian, Suzanne Bauman. See:

All members of the U. S. Congress have received invitations to send representatives to X-Conference 2009.

A post-conference press event will be held at the National Press Club, 14th and F Streets, NW, Washington, DC on Monday, April 20, at 10 am. Speakers will have announcements and take questions on the most important issue of our time.

Contact: Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group

And here’s a press release for my film’s showing. If anyone has any press connections in the D.C. area, I’d love to get a story in the local press about this.


PHONE: 310.652.3440

APRIL 8, 2009 V.1


GAITHERSBURG, MD — What on Earth? — “Inside the crop circle mystery,” an award-winning feature-length documentary film, will be screened as part of the X-Conference on Friday, April 17, at 9 pm, at the Hilton Gaithersburg, 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.

The X-Conference is an annual gathering to address the politics and implications of the UFO/ET issue: exopolitics. There is a ‘disclosure movement’ underway which is international and gaining momentum. The movement seeks the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

In What On Earth?, filmmaker Suzanne Taylor tracks her interactions in England as part of an international community of visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, educators, writers, and farmers who marvel at crop circles, the unexplained global phenomenon that has puzzled humanity for decades, and perhaps even centuries.

The superstars of the film are the circles themselves. The photography is breathtaking and awe-inspiring. A big question that’s addressed by the interviewees is why something so startling and spectacular is so largely ignored.

The circle enthusiasts, who converge in England every summer to go circle-chasing and indulge in circle analysis, talk about why they changed their lives to engage with this phenomenon. Evidence is presented that challenges the idea that all the glyphs are made by people, and the motives of hoaxers who make some of them is a subject for speculation. So are questions about who, or what is delivering the circles that can’t be accounted for as coming from people, and why they are being created.

“The most startling revelations we get from the circles come from their shapes,” says Taylor. “Mathematical information encoded in them delivers a virtual curriculum in number and geometry.” Also, the circles are looked at as art, as instigators to reexamine ancient knowledge lost to a culture separated from nature, and as coming from a source that is aware of us, delivering patterns that point to events on Earth and in response to whims and wishes that individuals and groups express.

In the film, interviewees speculate about what the effect would be if it were ascertained that the circles aren’t being made by us. “If that happened,” says Taylor, “knowing we aren’t the only intelligent occupants of the cosmos likely would humble us to where we would think as a planetary humanity and work cooperatively to solve the problems we all share.”

For information about the screening, contact:
Stephen Bassett
Executive Director
Paradigm Research Group

Questions of Protection from Unidentifed Source

This piece, one among other stories of UFO engagements with nuclear weapons, came into my email last week. What a weird world we are in, where reports like this are by and large ignored.

In step with this story, I’m headed for the D.C. area where my movie, “What on Earth?,” is being featured at the yearly X-Conference. The purpose of that event is to get the government to release classified UFO/ET files. (See the next post for more about the film showing.)

The difficulty of being able to prove that UFOs exist is why I focus on crop circles. We can point at evidence. The formations can be studied. In a reality grid that takes science as its chief deity, they give us the best chance for a breakthrough to establish us in a larger reality that we know now. I keep wondering, as the economy teeters, if the intelligence that’s not us also would intervene if we were going too far down the economic tubes. My fantasy has the circlemakers doing something undeniable enough to dispel all doubts of visitation, whereby we would pull together as one humanity to deal with ‘the other.’ How sweet that could be.

How ’bout them defenseless nukes?

By Billy Cox

April 9, 2009

When he tested the limits of his security oath in 1995 and went public with how a UFO crippled a nest of nuclear missiles in Montana during the Cold War, former Air Force captain Robert Salas was on his own. No one else who worked inside or around those subterranean silos dared talk about how the world’s top superpower was unable to defend its own nuclear arsenal.

Today, UFOs and Nukes author Robert Hastings has 115 ex-USAF eyewitnesses on record, due in no small measure to Salas’s willingness to gamble that the feds wouldn’t go after him because prosecution would put them in a credibility jam. “If they did,” Salas says from his home in Ojai, California, “we could have a righteous trial.”

In 2005, the erstwhile deputy missile combat crew commander waved the red cape with even more vigor at the government bull by co-authoring Faded Giant: The 1967 UFO/Missile Incidents.   Salas’s story was augmented by other witnesses and FOIA-acquired USAF documents acknowledging the Minuteman shutdown — but without mentioning the U-word.

Salas and co-author Jim Klotz demonstrated how the hovering phenomenon that disabled fully armed nukes on the early morning of March 24, 1967, acted with impunity and deliberate intent, and that its actions weren’t confined to Salas’s post. On March 16, UFOs also visited an ICBM site some 60 miles away, and shut down all 10 of its missiles in similar fashion.

Having apparently dodged legal repercussions, the 68-year-old former FAA aircraft certification engineer remains puzzled over the lack of MSM interest in the vulnerabilities of our deadliest weapons systems. Aside from appearances on Larry King and niche shows like Art Bell and The History Channel, Salas’s story — and those of a growing number of colleagues — has been pretty much ignored by American media.

“I had high hopes for the Peter Jennings special,” says Salas in reference to the ultimately feckless ABC prime-time “investigation” in 2005. “They seemed really interested. They flew me out to Dallas and got two, three hours on videotape. But a week before the show, they called and said, ‘Sorry, we’ve got to cut you out.’ I don’t know if somebody got to them or what.”

Forty-two years later, Salas remains in awe of what happened at Oscar Flight, the code-named Minuteman silo belonging to the 341st Strategic Missile Wing. Shortly after jittery topside guards reported bright aerial objects pulsing silently above the security gate, klaxons started shrieking and the missiles began losing power in rapid succession, one by one, until six to eight amid the 10-shot cluster were reduced to no-alert status. Security upstairs reported the objects flew off immediately afterwards.

“Somehow,” recalls Salas, who monitored the control panels alongside bunker colleague Lt. Fred Mywald, “these objects were able to penetrate 65 feet of earth and a completely shielded cabling system with an electromagnetic pulse that sent signals to upset the most sophisticated weapons in the world.”

Those signals were strong enough to foil the missiles’ guidance and control mechanisms, Salas says. An account of the March ‘67 incidents is available at, but by no means are they the only ones involving UFO security breaches with nukes. Salas is in contact with plenty of other witnesses who’ve yet to come forward.

But even if they did, would the media bother to shrug?

“To me, it was a benevolent message,” says Salas, whose world view was forever altered by the event. “My own speculation is that these objects were saying we shouldn’t be messing with nuclear weapons because we might destroy ourselves.”

But maybe that’s not news.

[Here’s where you can see video of Robert Salas telling his story:]