Category Archives: Crop Circles

Crop Circles


These are in Previous Comments posted in DECEMBER MONTHLY REPORT

From: Yvonne Garcia [] [If you want to optimize traffic to a site, Yvonne is a genius….ST]

I started listening to your tapes, and couldn't go to sleep and had to jump out of bed to start reading the “Green Dragon”….I am very excited right now about life….about the Universe Story….I found these few sentences which I think say it all:

“You can understand, now, what I mean when I say we need to remember the universe. We need to study the cosmic story, the Earth story, the human story, until we know it in its essential forms. A person who does not the know the story of the universe is not yet living up to human destiny. But this knowing is not o­nly cerebral…”

So, to me, joining with others to celebrate and remember the universe seems to be o­ne of the most important things we can do. Most of my life I have been o­n some spiritual path, but this Universe Story is something that has opened me up in a way that nothing else has. I have practiced, meditated, prayed, fasted, studied, breathed, surrendered to God a million times, years of therapy, tai chi, yoga, you name it, but I was a person who did not know the story of the universe — my worldview was still a Newtonian o­ne: human is king, nature is here to serve the human.

I am going to create a page about “The Universe is a Green Dragon,” and then point folks to your page where you have your tapes and o­nline readings. For folks like me, who are very auditory in nature, the listening is fantastic.

From Walter Starck  [[read our “featured conversation“]

The questions about the crop circles are good o­nes and thought provoking. I would be happy to contribute to such a discussion. Participation should be by invitation or application, with a website presenting an edited annotated version of the most interesting threads.

The circles offer a fulcurm to possibly shift the whole mass of current perception. Energy, the environment, psychotropics, etc., are but a piecemeal approach, as a shift in thinking about any o­ne of them still leaves the rest untouched. If the circles are indeed a communication from a highly developed non-human consciousness, recognition of that would open the door to rethink much much more.

The Hidden Form” has arrived. The more o­ne learns of the circles the deeper the whole thing becomes. Although sophisticated geometry is apparent at first sight, it is awesome what more detailed geometric examination has revealed. Trying to attribute this to natural forces or hoaxers is like attributing the images o­n the ceiling of the Sistine Chappel to the growth of mould or to kids with spray cans. [Walter is talking about a slim volume by Nick Kollestrom, which is the best thing that's been published o­n the geometry of the circles. If you have any comprehension about such things, you will love this book. The geometry is so staggering that it will be incomprehensible to you that the world isn't in awe….ST]

From: Fred Rebomtcha

I would like to offer my services to your continued endeavors in discovering the NATURE and SUBSTANCE of the circles. I am not sure what or how you could use my skills and talents, but if there is anything that you have in mind, please feel free and comfortable to ask. I have been a business man for many years and if the request is out of my purview of skills or time that I am able to contribute, I will be honest about it. But, I have been told I am very smart and very well read, so who knows, I thought I should just put it out there.

I do agree, we are living in very interesting times, and I am certain that I am here to make an impact o­n this world. Subtle or not, crop circles are an aspect of that impact, I can feel it.

From: Jim Dreaver []

Much of what you said about the circles was new to me and just made me shake my head and say to myself, in amazement, 'Wow….,' even more. Truly a mystery. This does indeed sound like your Grail quest, finding a way to link the circles with the salvation of our spiraling, out of control world.

From: []

Two weeks ago I received a message in the form of a very clear non-gender voice that first almost shouted my name to get my attention. After I asked, “What are you?,” it simply said, “Suzanne in the Internet.” I entered “suzanne” in Google, but was not successful in finding anything I could relate to.

So what do you know, the day before last I get an email from a friend of mine who was commenting o­n that Sci/Fi miniseries, “Taken.” Our conversations meandered into crop circles, where he mentioned that he's not so sure all of them are hoaxed — and this coming from a mainstream, conservative M.D. He was so excited that I entered in “crop circles” in Google, o­nly to find your website after checking out other sites that came up before yours. But the most fascinating thing that sets yours apart from others is that it addresses the crop circle phenomena o­n a much wider scale. In short, I've reached my destination. I've spent a good part of the day reviewing the contents of your site and I feel as if I'm home again.

P.S. There are many of us out here. Homeless, isolated — in need of some kind of connection. I would be deeply appreciative if you could please include “suzanne” as a keyword in Google. May the Force be with you.

Linda to Suzanne — a few days later

There's no doubt in my mind that some “higher intelligence” directed me to your website. I knew I needed to backtrack last week and carefully read over more of the information that I missed the first time round. The first thing I did was read over your speech that you gave to that conference which I thought was very moving and inspiring — I cried! Thanks for adding this information to your website because it allowed me to know more about your background.

Also, after reading Yvonne Garcia's comments about Brian Swimme's tapes, I knew I also needed to listen to your audio version of “The Universe is a Green Dragon.” And I'm so glad I did! In fact, o­nce I got started, I couldn't stop! I ended up staying up the entire night listening to your reading and your very insightful and helpful reflections o­n the ideas. I'm looking forward to getting the book to read along with listening again. There's a gold mine of information to digest and reflect o­n — your audio of this book adds to the magic of its astounding revelations! I feel as if I've just embarked o­n a wonderful, enchanted journey that's going to take me to places I've never been before! Just when I thought that I'd read everything I really needed to know, after hearing you I realize I've o­nly just begun. Thank you so much.

Suzanne To Linda

That universe story of Brian's would be an elevation for humanity if it were understood. It is so beautiful. And Brian is charismatic. So what to do?????? The crop circles are about getting humanity's mind open, and the universe story is what it can open to.

Linda to Suzanne is now my designated “receiving place” that I check in o­n everyday. Your insightful comments o­n writings you include have illuminated me even more about how tilted and biased the mainstream media has been, especially over the past few months.

It's clear that the media has chosen to remain obsequious to the present tyrannical administration. Thank goodness for the alternative press that has the ability to see through whatever rubbish the mainstream media throws out at us and extract the truth.

An example of how our government and the media have too much control over what and when information is allowed to be revealed to the public is today's news article called Osama's Cell Phone Switcheroo.  [“Osama bin Laden escaped capture in Afghanistan, fooling sophisticated American satellites, by simply having an aide carry his satellite phone in a different direction.”] It boggles my mind that the public was not informed months ago. Could it be because it focuses o­n Bin Laden and not Saddam? What is the connection between our current oil drenched administration and the Bin Laden family? And does this have anything to do with the lackadaisical search for Bin Laden? Ohhhh — I could go o­n and o­n.

I read over the conversation with Walter Starck  (again) this morning — what a great way to start the day! I think the conversation you had with him about crop circles, when you were first introducing yourselves to each other, is o­ne of the best parts of your site. In fact, I would go so far to say that it wasn't until I read over this page that I became conscious of the fact that crop circles are much, much more than I had previously thought. I was very impressed that a scientist thinks, “They may derive from another consciousness interacting with us.” Walter Starck impresses me as highly intelligent and spiritually evolved. I found it exhilarating to read your conversation and I felt honored and privileged to have this material available. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!

Also, I saw “Signs” a couple of nights ago — I found it very disappointing. At least it aroused the general public's interest in this phenomenon. I also was disappointed that Colin Andrews got his five minutes of fame by making the announcement that 80% of all crop circles are hoaxes. Who cares if he adds that 20% “are however genuine” — by then the damage was done. Andrews has zipped from o­ne end of the spectrum to the other. Perhaps he feels there is a bigger market amongst skeptics who will buy what ever books he writes. I find all of this appalling.

Suzanne to Linda

“Signs” got crop circles o­n the map — valuable even though it was a bad movie. The scene among the researchers is murky. Hard to figure why some of them become so bizarre, as in that 20% story. There are stories about threats to families by government agencies. And of course there are egos in play. Saying 80% got Colin publicity that he couldn't have gotten from the 20% story — the negative makes news.

Linda to Suzanne

I'm very much aware that you are supposed to be corresponding/dialoguing with key individuals who will have an impact o­n our collective consciousness in very positive ways as a result of their connection to your message. You have been chosen to do this. Those “key individuals” are people who can influence and change public opinion. This monumental task that has been set before you lesser mortals would find overwhelming. I can't say that I envy you for this job but, nevertheless, you are the right person to carry out this blessed and sacred task.

I also have been “called” — I'm playing it by ear as far as where I'm to go next. I think I've been sent to you to assist you in your mission — someway, somehow — large or small. And, my goodness, what a GLORIOUS mission it is!!!  May the Force be with you. 

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There is a popular perception that with the universe being so immense there must be many planets with advanced life forms. Brian Swimme, a visionary physicist, says that may not be so — that humanity may be alone. ODDS AGAINST EARTH-LIKE PLANETS, a transcription of a show that just was o­n BBC News, speaks to that. (Crop circles could come from another dimension and not another planet…???!!!) 

Read Brian's book, The Universe is a Green Dragon. Or, listen to me read it and comment o­n it in 6 hour-segments I made for my old WebRadio show. I think of it as foundational  to defining the next reality. Listmember Yvonne Garcia is so moved by it that she's putting up a website for Brian's “universe story.”

Linda Genutis, another listmember, says:

After reading Yvonne Garcia's comments about the Brian Swimme shows, I knew I also needed to listen to your audio version of “Green Dragon.” And I'm so glad I did! In fact, o­nce I got started, I couldn't stop! I ended up staying up the entire night listening to your readings, which include your very insightful and helpful reflections o­n his ideas. I'm now looking forward to getting the book, to read along while I listen again. There's a gold mine of information to digest, think about, and reflect o­n — and your audio adds to the magic of its astounding revelations! I feel as if I've just embarked o­n a wonderful, enchanted journey that's going to take me to places I've never been before! Just when I thought I'd read everything I really needed to know — I now realize I've o­nly just begun. Thank you so much.


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January 8, 2003

I just came across something I wrote awhile ago with which to introduce myself to all of you. Some of you are old friends, but some just have connected with our site and don't know who's behind it. This was an article I was asked to write about myself three years ago or so, for a publication in Italy that sponsored a conference at which I was a speaker (my topic was “The Future of the New Age“).  Then, if you'd like to know more about Lex Hixon, whom I quote at the beginning and end of my piece and o­n whose shoulders I stand, you can read about him o­n pages I maintain o­n the Net. He was an extraordinary human being, who played with us mortals o­n even footing. You can start with the bulletin board I have up for comments about him that I think will stir your hearts.

In this new year, I'm thankful for the privilege of coming into your lives. There are such wise people o­n this list that I have visions of what could happen if that wisdom were pooled. Now, I'm finally set up in my new cyberspace configuration, which will help to do that. With every entry, there's a place for comments — remarks will come to me and I'll post what advances the action. I've never been party to any cyberspace interaction that accomplishes what I have in mind, and I'll be feeling my way to evolve ours as I try to make it a meaningful exchange.

What you'll find o­n the new site are posts that are dear to me. It's been longer than ever between Updates this time, thanks to this switch of formats and to the holidays, so I've honed down to especially outstanding things. There's more here than I will let accumulate between future Updates, and I hope that doesn't deter you from taking time to read what's posted, and also to link through to original articles.

I've kept the December Monthly Report as the first entry. Old listmembers have seen that Report, but note that I've worked o­n the part entitled “CROP CIRCLE INQUIRY,” which I'm using to solicit conversation. If you or anybody you know is influential, and the subject is of interest to you, jump in and/or pass this writing o­n. You'll also find an entry I call “CROP CIRCLE SMARTS,” about the limits of what even our most advance technologies could be doing to make the circles. What needs to be understood is that there is an inexplicable phenomenon, and this info shoots down a popular attempt to ascribe the circles to human cause. You can count o­n being kept up to date as well as encouraged to share your understanding and ideas about this single topic that I think stands a chance of evoking the change of consciousness that the world so needs.

Another piece meant to generate conversation is something I wrote, “Could We Spark a Campaign?” And more along that line is, “What's Needed is a New National Undertanding.” I'm encouraging progressives to unite in a new thrust — to cease thinking of fighting for the poor and start focusing o­n getting the cooperation of the affluent. My intention with these pieces is to try to shape a body of thought and a consequent body of action that goes beyond liberal and progressive thinking, where fighting to get what we want still prevails.

As I've said before, I'm not passing along as much from the world press as I used to, so the things I do post are especially outstanding. So it is with listmember Ed Herman's writing, which is as good an overview of the Iraq folly and its potential consequences as you will find — and with another great writer, John Pilger, giving a chilling summary of a longstanding master plan that Iraq fits into. Pilger also clarifies some of what is not obvious to any of us, where he digs into the mind-set of journalists to understand their deep-seated bias. The public is at their effect, and it is hugely helpful to be able to see through their smokescreen of what passes for reality. As I say in a post about another piece from the Media Lens (Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media) excellent tell-it-like-it-is site, “Understanding is Power.” There is yet a third entry that reflects o­n the media's grip o­n us, “Misinterpreting Osama's Message,” a quintessential illustration of how the media twist what we'd see for ourselves if we read source material and didn't just take their word for things. The enemy can be us.

Not every function o­n the site is optimized yet, so there will be some things that may not add up, but it's pretty close to being the model that will serve for the next while. I hope you like it!