Category Archives: This and That

This and That

An invite to The Club of One Heart

I was chomping at the bit before Occupy Wall Street to have a game to play. Now, I’m gangbusters. It’s the same objective as the occupiers – to make a world that works. I want to be riding that energy with others. What a good time it is to link up.

I’ve always loved this quote:

Seek, above all for a game worth playing. Such is the advice of the oracle to modern Man. Having found the game, play it with intensity – play as if your life and sanity depended on it. (They do depend on it.)…Though nothing means anything and all roads are marked “no exit,”  yet move as if your movements had some purpose. If life does not seem to offer a game worth playing, then invent one. For it must be clear, even to the most clouded intelligence, that any game is better than no game. – The Master Game by Robert De Ropp

When I created my non-profit I named it Mighty Companions:

Now comes a period of settling down. This is a quiet time, in which the teacher of God rests a while in reasonable peace. Now he consolidates his learning. Now he begins to see the transfer value of what he has learned. Its potential is literally staggering, and the teacher of God is now at the point in his progress at which he sees in it his whole way out. ‘Give up what you do not want, and keep what you do.’ The teacher of God needs this period of respite…when he is ready to go on, he goes with mighty companions beside him. Now he rests a while, and gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone. – A Course in Miracles

So, I’m after a new wave of Mighty Companions.

What are the things that can get us to the tipping point, where there is fundamental new thinking going on? What can give new thinking a boost? The crop circles are but one mindblower among others.

I’m checking out whether there’s interest in Los Angeles for face to face engagements.

If you are fans of my movie, this is for you. You need to be willing to be on a team to spread the word about What On Earth?, and to rabble-rouse for other things that could wake the world up to a bigger reality than the one in which we are so violent with one another and abusive to the planet. (See Outside the Box Ideas, column left, for things we might play with.) This time, you have to be savvy about the internet and social media.

The invite to put our heads together is for Sunday, November 6,  3-8 pm, at my house in West Hollywood. Those who’ve come before know that thanks to my housemate, you get treated to delicious food, and that the crop circle phenomenon attracts very interesting people! I’m looking for responses from old buddies, people who’ve come to previous fan events, and friends I haven’t met yet. I’ve missed the pleasure of good company on a somewhat regular basis and hope there’s enough interest to do it again.

Make a Comment on this post to tell me you’d like to come. I screen Comments and unless you have more to say than that you’d like to take part – which I welcome and will post — I’ll just collect the info and won’t post it. If you are someone who wishes you were in L.A. to take part, Comment to tell me that, too. I’ll collect a list for what could develop into an internet branch of The Club of One Heart. And tell me where you live in case there’s enough response to set up live branches.

For more about where I’m coming from, which in essence hasn’t changed for a long time, see my archival site that I put up before the switchover to this format in 2001.

I pledge allegiance to myself,
Which is also all of you
And to the grand idea
Of which we are all a part,
One consciousness,
One intelligence,
With truth as reality for all.


Scratching our Heads to Open our Minds

What can kick us over the edge of this reality into the next one? That’s the worldview where greed is supplanted by compassion as the m. o. We’d all feel for the world and strongly identify with being part of the large whole. Think indigenous tribes – something like that. In fact, we’ve made saints out of those rare characters who embody that perspective. What different dialogues would be taking place if that were the track we were on. Our 24/7 news would be bubbling with how we were making the world work.


Occupy Wall Street is adding a huge burst of energy to what has been building up in the widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo. (Look at this heartwarming aspect of it: We are the 1 percent. We stand with the 99 percent.) The 60s were the beginning, where the Ozzie and Harriet world sprung holes. The human potential movement and our quest for self-awareness came next, as we began to get the idea of how we needed to develop ourselves in the new model that we touched via psychedelics. Psychological awareness of what makes us tick led to spiritual explorations with some of those sainted figures who were the gurus we followed en masse. Spiritual awareness sans figures to worship was in the mix, and carried us beyond homage to outer divinities into recognizing our own. So, here we are, stoked for dealing with the steady march of capitalism where rugged individualism has led to dog eat dog exploitation and we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

The forces of fundamental change are mysterious and elusive, although progressing cyclically along the lines of the Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis and synthesis: a worldview becomes unworkable as things that don’t fit in it emerge, until there is a reordering where the unfitting parts get integrated into a new worldview – and the cycle starts again. Antithesis is well along now, and shoving it over to synthesis is the head scratcher. It could spontaneously occur, like the Berlin wall coming down or the Soviet Union collapsing – somehow it “just happens” when the contradictions to the status quo get too great for the center to hold. Are we at that point? Who knows? But anything we can do to evoke the new crystallization is worthy pursuit.

See the next post.

Allyson Grey, another panelist, makes beautiful art, too

Look at this artwork by Allyson Grey, the wife of Alex, for whom I did this post. The underlying sacred  geometry of the circles, which is the design of the universe, is in good part what makes them so beautiful to our eyes, and there’s a lot of reflection of that in Allyson’s work. Allyson and Alex both were on the panel for screenings last night at the QUAD Cinema, where they added a lot of class!

Audiences have been loving the movie and have stayed for the panels afterwards, which have gone on until we’ve had to  leave. I’d shipped a lot of DVDs and I’ve sold them all!

Audience reaction has been particularly satisfying in that a lot of people didn’t know about the circles. I didn’t make the movie to entertain “us,” but to open other people’s eyes, and this has been the first chance on a large scale to see how that goes.There have been people all along who’ve shown it to skeptical relatives or friends and turned them around, but the impact on people who got there without any biased recommendation has been particularly gratifying.