Crop Circle Queen Radio: Great Shows

I do lots of radio shows, and these two, each of them almost an hour, are ones I liked very much.

Vivian Komori, on The Broad Perspective, is a tuned in person, and we had such a good exchange that she invited me to speak to a group of hers, INTO  (Investigating New Transformational Opportunities), at their monthly luncheon meeting in Palmdale, California.

Suzanne Taylor, Crop Circles

Suzanne Taylor; Director/Producer
What on Earth?
Inside the Crop the Crop Circle Mystery

The other one, The Barefoot Broadcast, was with Carl Munson, a groovy English person, in England, who loves being in the English countryside, with the circles, as much as I do.


New age, yet old school, this show is for you if you want to create your own reality.

Listen to internet radio with BarefootBroadcaster on Blog Talk Radio
