That tones that are sounded create complex geometric shapes is fascinating in itself, but this blog post, sent to me by arty photographer extraordinaire Scott Hess, has more. There are crop circles designs here that had to have been “created either by sand on plates or liquids that are subjected to certain sound.”
The site says, “Maybe these crop circles are just accidents of nature in that they form from some invisible sound source.” (That’s followed by this imaginative thought: “Or perhaps they are not accidents but are being made by other than human intelligences to give humanity a key to their own existence.”)
I had to do some thinking about this.
Crop circles definitely aren’t accidents of nature. Many things about the phenomenon indicate intention. Just look at their placement. They never cross a field, as accidental landings would. Some are aimed, like at the precise center of an ancient artifacts, like a Stonehenge. Look at this, where the formation is fitted between three tumuli:
Well, why wouldn’t the circlemakers get patterns to use this way? It could be another way of helping us realize the circles are coming from an intelligence source — they often feed our symbols back to us, as if to say, “We recognize you.” As I say in my film, “I can picture them scratching whatever passes for their heads,” befuddled at how we don’t get it that they are signaling to us.
Love reading everybody’s opinions. I really am puzzled like everybody else as to how they are formed. The feeling they give me from viewing on the web is very nurturing and loving.I also purchased crop circle stones and held them in my hand and got the same feeling.I was so touched I cried. I’m going to Wiltshire for six weeks to experience the phenomenon and attend crop circle conferences in two weeks. I will be sure to report back.Thanks for having such an awesome website Suzanne! aloha (great meeting you here in Hawaii)
Of all the explanations of crop circles, their being the result of natural forces is by far the least likely. If nothing else, intention in their creation is extremely clear. Crop patterns are one of the few things it makes sense to be literally agnostic about, because all the proposed explanations have serious defects.
Being a hard-core skeptic about almost all new-agey things, I reject most of the assorted oddball notions that people often associate with the circles. But the circles themselves are a true mystery, like nothing else on earth.
It would be very nice if the “skeptics” took a more open-minded look at the phenomenon. I think they would agree that there is a genuine puzzle. Unfortunately the Doug-Dave and similar publicity has allowed scientists and skeptics to attribute the patterns to hoaxing and to ignore the real evidence.
I am the author of one version of the Unified Field Theory (designated “Humanitarian” by the Nobel Prize winner Yuri Kulakov) from 1995, which I started to receive suddenly by spiritual revelations. The “evolution” of the crop circles is understandable and explainable by the “Existential Principle”, whereby the crop circles are interacting with the existential state of human beings.
According to this theory, it is not the mechanical means by which something manifests, but rather the existential source, which is namely the extant state of human beings’ mentality, their ability to perceive and respond and interact with the phenomenon, and its social significance.
Human existentiality also interfaces with the biosphere — “Gaia” or “Mother Earth” if you will call it that.
Thus, it is immaterial whether the crop circles are created by UFOs from space, by transcendental, hyperdimensional entities, by subterranean intelligence, by a unique weather phenomenon, by the fields themselves, or even by human agents.
What is important is that we are now ready to receive a certain message through the crop circle, and it is crucial that we respond appropriately, as the existence of humankind on this earth depends in large part upon uplifting our consciousness to meet to the level of consciousness producing the crop circles — which is clearly attuned to the Cosmos, to Nature, to the Earth, and to the psyche of Man.
No “paternalism” or “patriarchy” intended here!
William S. Stoertz, High School Philosophy Teacher
Whilst we all understand the characteristics of cymatics, that does not mean that this is in anyway part of the mechanical process of producing crop circles. It maybe simply that the produced catalogue of patterns suggests a blueprint for circle makers to copy. Crop circles follow trends which suggests that they evolve in shape and complexity. I do not accept that they started with simple circles in the 1980’s and progressed from there. (See Terry Wilson’s Secret History of Crop Circles) If a cymatic pattern had appeared in a Victorian field it would probably not have been recognized. Those who have stood in large patterns will be well aware that they often can only describe the formation as a group of circles, until they get an aerial view they have little comprehension of the complexity or otherwise of the formation.It is the advent of aerial surveillance that has enabled us to see the patterns, and the work of the media that has spread the information further and faster. Refer to the article “News out of Hartfordshire” in 1678 which bears all of the hallmarks we expect to see in a “genuine” crop circle, but is grossly misunderstood in the media of the time. So much so that modern interpretations can be misleading too.
Nancy is quite right, they do on occasion cross field and road boundaries. If the phenomenon is wind generated then such boundaries would interfere with the generative force and they would probably be indistinguishable from ‘ordinary’ lodging. However there are many instances of ‘cohesive’ lodging that defies the simple explanation as “wind damage”, “mechanical damage” or “chemical interference”. Such ‘lodging’ often exhibits all of the hallmarks of ‘genuine’ crop circles.
Some of the ‘lodging’ even seems to defy the laws of physics and common sense altogether.
It looks as if you are working hard at continuing to get the circle phenomenon out to people…good work.
Need to tell you about an inaccuracy I noted, tho. Crop circle DO cross field boundaries, as well as roads, hedge-rows, etc., from time to time (see Item #3: — and I have many other photos, from various countries)…..and the scientific evidence clearly indicates that the same “energy” sometimes creates “randomly-downed” (not geometric designs), sometimes in conjunction with geometric formations, sometimes not (Item #2:, and second section of Part 1: …..just thought you’d like to be aware of this.
Hans Jenny’s work in Cymatics is fascinating, but the Ageless Wisdom or Perennial Philosophy (just a few of the names by which this ancient Wisdom is called) has always taught that All Forms without exception are the product of Sound Vibrations — be that form an atom, cell, human being, planet or solar system, etc. All world scriptures speak of Sound (e.g. AUM)or a Word (e.g. prolog of Gospel of John)giving rise to the manifest cosmos. The Cosmos is a vast Symphony, and all Forms are Notes in that symphony.
It would be extremely interesting if someone could take the designs of the many fabulous crop circles and figure out how to convert each specific design into its corresponding sound.
We’re told that during the Aquarian Age the sciences will increasingly use sound as the key to creative work in many fields, such as physics, engineering, healing, etc. During the 1960s, I wrote in one of my notebooks, “Sound will be the foremost science of the 21st century.” That was an intuitive hunch, but I’m seeing more and more work at the frontier of many disciplines which suggest it was a correct hunch.
The most plausible thought as to method for transmitting messages. I had thought along the same lines using some form of advanced Tesla based activity.
Crop circles definitely aren’t accidents of nature.
There are no accidents of Nature anywhere!
I write Metaphysical Philosophy.
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Smile and Be Well – Gerardus
How should we respond? In what way would we be able to do this? Could we make our own circles near by that they might see? There are people who claim to be “hoaxers” who are actually responding if you think about this perspective…
Love the article. Very much believe that there are technologies beyond ours in the Universe that are interacting on level of the right side of our brain, the creative symbolic side. It speaks to our spirit and soul without words. Speaks to our emotions and feelings. I like to call it Galactic Light Language. It is one language we can all understand on an intuitive level. Love Hans Jenny’s work. Thank you so much for the article. Blessings.