This piece is an eye-opener about how differently the UFO/ET prospect is treated in China. And it speaks to the “So what” question, re the difference it would make if we established that UFOs and crop circles come from elsewhere. I do have a caveat with what this rather over-dramatic piece says, where I think we aren’t just dealing with the resistance of a power elite that indeed would have the rug pulled out from under it if our fundamental worldview were to change, but that we all have stakes in the prevailing system, as in wanting our 401Ks to retain their value.
When I do radio shows and give presentations, I talk about how being the only intelligence in the universe supports an arrogance that props up a dualistic, materialistic worldview, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Should we find we are one part of a vast intelligence grid, where we are not even the big cheese (they are visiting us and not the other way around), it would humble us, and humility would be a good platform from which to re-think who we are and what we’re doing here. Also, with only ourselves to turn to, war is an acceptable modality. I venture to say that would get rethought if there were a larger playing field in which we would be one humanity in relation to ‘the other.’
Note that the piece isn’t just about UFOs, but something even more startling than that: “Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans.” Hmmmm — I’ve always felt somewhat like a stranger in a strange land…???