God Taketh Away

“Yes, Bush Can” is a political prank which sure fooled me.

Do poke around the website http://www.yesbushcan.com. Even though it's all to support Kerry, it doesn't shy away from a pragmatism about what's going o­n in this country in which Kerry isn't a panacea. Again, I find myself liking stories that are straight. Don't hype me with how things are better than they are, but let me sit with a more complex reality where, in embracing all of it, I feel most empowered to act.

I almost hate being compelled as a truth maven to send out this post so soon o­n the heels of the last o­ne, which was delicious enough for me to wish it would circulate some more. Bush is so full of foolery that he insists is true that perhaps this lighter-hearted gaming from Kerry's side should get a pass. This morning I was thunderstruck by Bush stridently deriding Kerry for never having taken a stand. And then struck some more thinking how fine it would have been for Kerry to have stuck to the brave anti-war stand he so eloquently espoused in the 60s. I like to think he would have coasted into office that way, and hope that what compelled Kerry then is somewhere dormant in him now.