Incomprehensible Things

There are some statistics that are beyond my comprehension.

Earth is 93,000,000 miles from the sun; Pluto is 3,666,000,000 miles from the sun. It takes 225 million years for our solar system to orbit our Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy contains more than 200 billion stars. To reach the nearest star to us, traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), would take four years and three months. To cross The Milky Way galaxy at the speed of light would take 100,000 years. It's estimated there are more than 100 billion galaxies in our universe. There may be more universes. Billions of them. To reach the nearest large galaxy to us, traveling at the speed of light, would take 2,200,00 years.

This cosmic astonishment, that's parked in some pocket of my brain, came to mind when I clicked o­n the latest from Ben and Jerry, our stalwart industrialist allies who are out there o­n the public stage trying to right the grievous wrongs being done in all our names, and discovered more data that I found incomprehensible.

From Ben and Jerry's True Majority website:

Check out this quick loading 90-second movie we made to explain what’s going o­n and what’s at stake.