Letter to my Listserve

Dear Companions,

First of all, thank you. People who have been on the list for awhile feel like family. And, I’m grateful to those who got popped in here from my email address book a few months ago and have stuck around. While What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery has been a labor of love, I couldn’t have done it without the support of you friends and colleagues.

So, thank you for being there. You have my deepest gratitude.


In a major effort to share the wonder, mystery, and transformative power of the crop circle phenomenon, in reaching out to people everywhere to see the film (which just got into a third festival after winning Best Feature Documentary at the first one) an extraordinary group of wisdom keepers and organizations have joined forces with me to bring you what I hope is an irresistible offer.

Above and beyond the What On Earth? DVD — the feature film plus an hour of bonus material at a bargain rate under $20 — you’ll also get…

16 GIFTS from top experts on crop circles and other unexplained phenomena, and the mystery of life in general.

Click here to watch the beautiful new trailer, to see the sensational gifts, and to get this limited-time offer:


I don’t know how long we’ll keep this offer active or if we’ll do anything like it again. So, do take advantage of this opportunity now.


PS: Please forward this email. It’s magic what networking on the net can do!!!!

“Brilliant, groundbreaking… incredibly beautiful and powerful”
-Whitley Strieber

“A must-have documentary”
-Kinetics Magazine

“Mind-blowing… a fun, trippy movie”
-Inland Empire Weekly

“Spellbinding… utterly entertaining”
-Jay Levin, Founder, Los Angeles Weekly

“Powerfully effective and provocative”


4 thoughts on “Letter to my Listserve”

  1. Pleasantly, the information is truly the fresh niche on this registry relevant issue. I harmonize with your conclusions and will eagerly expect your incoming updates. Just saying thanks will not be enough, for the lucidity within your posting. Let me quickly get your rss feed to keep abreast of every updates.

  2. Thanks for this. Came just in time, as we found out a friend in New York has just gone into a hospice, and it helps to hear from someone who has gone over and come back.

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