Look, we all agree that Iraq is a quagmireAnd that this impasse, plus the terror that's coming from other quarters, is potentially deadly for all of humanity. Right? Right. I don't think anyone would disagree. So why, please tell me, is there so little interest in what I'm talking about that's outside our bogged down box and might change things? Would someone please explain this to me?
What's happening with a request I've recently been making on behalf of the crop circle phenomenon is not that I get arguments but that people are not responding at all. Whether I send my emails off to those with whom I have connections or to strangers, by and large it makes no matter — mostly I don't get replies.
Now I'm not a ditz. Anybody who knows me knows that. And people who don't know me can't dismiss what I say for bad spelling or grammar, let alone inarticulateness. My major in English at New York University, where I graduated summa cum laude (that's straight As), got me a Phi Beta Kappa key in my junior year. And, in my highachieving Long Island high school, I got the prestigious Bausch and Lomb Science Award — I bring this up because there is lab science and there are reports in science journals, which are our bibles about what's real, authenticating the reality of the facts about crop circles. And OK, I'm talking high school and undergraduate college credentials — no, I don't have an advanced degree. But it was the 50swhen success for a girl was getting a husband and not a career, and my brain is still working even though I've got three daughters instead of a Nobel prize. 
So come o­n, folks, give me a break and take me seriously. It o­nly could result in the salvation of the human race. And all that has to happen is that people open their eyes and take a look at what's in front of  their noses. I mean really look — some who have responded skeptically to my latest entreaty didn't look at the information I had submitted. (That includes a cyberspace bookletWhy Real Crop Circles Can't Be Hoaxed.) It's just like what happens with SETI, our mostly-for-show Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, which issues announcements saying other civilizations would contact us by radio and not in crop fields obvious, isn't it? They, too, know this without looking at evidence. It really is astonishing. (For a tear-your-hair-out example from SETI re the circles, look at this entry in my Crop Circle Diary.) 

So, as John Kerry is his own worst enemy (All Profile, No Courage), and Ralph Nader threatens to trash what chance Kerry
might have and give another election to George Bush, isn't anybody scared enough to produce something more than eloquent funereal dirges about just how horrendous things are?
Right now I'm trying to get people who command attention to sign o­n to “A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles.” If anybody has a better idea, tell me, but, if there isn't o­ne, how about helping me make this a success? Signing doesn't demand that someone be convinced of the other-worldly source of the phenomenon, but just to support the idea that crop circles are worth looking into. Is that too much?
Here's the communication I've started to make that you could sign o­nto and pass along:
Awareness about the crop circle phenomenon could change consciousness and thus change the course of world events, yet this most unusual and interesting thing going o­n in the world has not been taken seriously — you can think Galileo for how radical change is resisted. The paradigm shift attention to it would engender could be life-saving to us now. Research that has been done leads to the conclusion that a non-human agency is making these marks o­n Earth. Since we've never identified anything other than ourselves with the capacity to design there's no way to know the source, but we can study the footprints that source leaves. They show the phenomenon as a function of processes we can't perform, done by intelligences with design capacities that exceed virtually all people's talents.

To call attention to the circles and the body of work that has been done o­n them, signatures are being sought for this document, with special interest in enrolling people from the scientific community, the media, and others who get listened to:

A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles

One thing I'm planning o­n doing is taking an ad on the Talking Points Memo website that I've recommended and have as my home page so as not to miss what the great Josh Marshall writes (even though he's o­ne of thstrangers I can't get a rise out of) that keeps me tuned into the idiocy of these days. He's got some half a million savvy subscribers, and maybe amongst them I can find some to whom my request will have an appeal. But I won't do that for a bit — to give you people a chance to improve my call for signatures that I'd advertise. And if you can't improve o­n what I've said, could you please please please sign it and forward it to anybody you know who is influential or could pass it to people who are? Of course, if it were o­ne of those things that caught o­n and swept the Net it wouldn't need scientists and celebrities, and that's another possibility.

Andto add the newest circle wrinkle, here's a report from Australia about something much simpler than what's going o­n England. It contains nothing to suggest the intelligence behind the phenomenon that is so staggering in the English formations, but still is something interesting that seems to be coming from the same force. 

From: Wade Frazier []

Well, you heard from him. [Wade is speaking about a leading leftist, with whom I have had a little contact before, who responded to me dismissively…ST] I think it is rare that people do. He is o­ne of the most astute, compassionate thinkers that I have seen in the Left, and yes, he has his blinders o­n. He hails from a long tradition in the Left (going back to the Enlightenment), namely the reliance o­n logic and materialism, although it goes deeper than that. Crop Circles do not challenge the materialist paradigm, but challenge the notion that we are alone in the universe — but that really does challenge the materialist paradigm. The Left is into equitably slicing up the world's scarce economic pie. There is merit in such an approach, but making the pie a hundred times bigger (which free energy would go a long way toward making happen) is way beyond their scarcity paradigm, so it goes right by them, just like Crop Circles do.

Back in 1988, I realized that the problem was not enough people caring enough, and I looked far and wide for those who care. What a fruitless and depressing quest. The group that I felt (and still do) had more caring people per capita was the radical left (the mystical community is rife with integrity problems — for every true saint there are a thousand pretenders and hucksters, which I am sure is no surprise to you), but their materialism and rationalism has really kept them playing small ball. The work of people like Ed Herman, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Mike Parenti, Ralph McGehee, John Pilger and Robert Fisk has been a pleasure to become acquainted with. Those are high integrity people, among the highest I have encountered, and their “radical” perspective comes with choosing a path with integrity and honestly walking it. Very few do that.

It is tempting to say the particular style of blinder in the response you got has to do with a level of integrity, but I think it has more to do with the stage of the soul's evolution. The Left manifests classic Mature Soul awareness: The Old Soul awareness that lets stuff like Crop Circles into its reality window is ahead of the Left's development curve, and is two stages ahead of the materialistic, egocentric awareness of the Young Soul stage.

I feel the pain of your frustration, as I know it well. With the kind of work we do, we knock o­n a thousand doors to find o­ne that opens just a crack, and this kid is tired of knocking. I admire the way you keep o­n trying.

From: David Lionel []

I'm working to get all the movements our own sustained, self-sponsored TV presence. At this moment in time, 9/11 Share the Truth seems to me even more germane than crop circles, but the key factor is to effectively promote and represent an accepting consciousness, a challenge to the official media materialist line o­n any subject we might name.

Crop circles have been o­n TV some, I know, but still too few take them seriously. I'd like to work with you o­n an operational plan to change that situation. I must say that most of my strategies start by expecting nothing but obfuscation or denial from the commercial media.

From: Michael Olson []

Don't be discouraged, but don't be surprised if there is no response from the government; they have a fixation o­n their own views and their own interests to a point where open minds are out of the question. In time this will improve!

From: Pam Hanna []

I have thought for some time that crop circles reflect extraterrestrial intelligence. Oddly, perhaps, o­ne of the things that make me believe they are legitimate phenomena is that there is such an effort to discredit and debunk them. When people go so far as to rig up phony circles (that are easily distinguished from the real thing) I start to smell a rat. Why is it so important for some people to go to so much trouble to make a laughingstock out of the serious scientists who are investigating these phenomena? People refuse to examine the evidence for themselves, yet they make pronouncements and have opinions about crop circles.

This spirit prevails in all facets of our lives, particularly in politics. There is now what I believe incontrovertible evidence that our military (and quite possibly the rest of our government) was complicit in the events of 9/11 (read The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin) but people refuse to examine the evidence for themselves and label the people who take this evidence seriously “conspiracy theorists” and therefore fringe lunatics. And even if the Bush Administration were nailed, most Americans would probably refuse to believe it (just as some refused to believe that Nixon knew anything about Watergate). This attitude is, I believe, a kind of pathology, but an orchestrated pathology.

From Suzanne to Pam:

This is such an intelligent commentary. So well put! I got excited about that book — Griffin was a surprising source for such a thing, being a renowned academic and philosopher, that it made it especially meaningful. Here's the review that knocked me out:

From: Michael Newark []

I know of the problems you are experiencing Suzanne. Since 1992 I have been sending out articles about crop circles that I believe people would enjoy and question, and the letters back I could count o­n o­ne hand. People need time to catch up to the changes around them, and to put things into perspective and pull their heads out of the sand. It’s a brave man or women that calls people to attention o­n this or that issue, but down in history it does happen. You just need to keep pitching and don’t let up. It’s harder for a girl to get a movement going, as men tend to dismiss the talk of any girl as coming from the inferior sex, while the truth is more the other way around if the truth be known.

And when you are talking o­n a subject like crop circles, you have so many people with vested interests trying to pull you down or making you appear out of touch, again it's all about them keeping the “high ground”. Strong religious orders have an interest in keeping the old established line of control working and intact, branding people cults or demonic groups. God hears what you say, and you don’t need some clergy to pass o­n the message. God is everywhere, not just at the places of worship. Many people now don’t fear God, and that’s good I feel — too long the clergy have pointed the finger if you don’t worship every Sunday. Those days have gone for many people now, and a good thing too.

I think you and I share a desire to let the people know how we feel, so we write the articles and sometimes that means we seem to be alone with our thoughts. But the odd time a friend or stranger rings or writes to say they found the last article really good and interesting, that’s what drives me o­n, as I know someone cares and understands out there after all. And I am getting the message out, however slow it seems.

From: Paul Nugent [
Well….I'll try and avoid the funereal dirge even though I may don my mourning outfit and sidle up towards you. Maybe I should just say “join the club.”
Have you ever spoken to Dr. Steven Greer? I ask this for two reasons:
1) Poor man has been hitting his head against a wall for 10 years too long. He has poured himself into obtaining killer testimony o­n video to PROVE UFOs beyond all possible doubt. He's met with Senators, an ex-Director of the CIA, and a whole slew of Congress people but it all seems to fall o­n deaf ears.
2) Despite all that, he may be able to uplift you. He's as passionate as you about his subject and as desperate to move the world. o­ne of his favorite quotes (I hear it from him always) is an old Chinese proverb: “If you don't change direction, you're likely to end up where you're headed.” He too is counting down to the abyss unless we read the warning signs, and so far, we're not.
But there you go, the rest is funereal dirge.
For myself, I cottoned o­n to the tragedy of 'the way we live now' when I was still a young man. It did cause me to change direction, and radically so. I have pursued the path I am now o­n for about 20 years and every step has been uphill. Some would say I was daft, and others that I have thrown my life away. But I haven't let go the dream, and the Vision of Beauty, and I still do most of what I can. I can't force people to hear our message – which in essence is the same as yours, and Steven's, and all of us who know that the old way of doing things has expired.
What does this mean? I think, or would go so far as to say, that you just have to keep o­n going. Our hearts and passions are heard somewhere but just not necessarily in the direction in which we are calling. Keep at it, or as it says in the popular poem (a copy of which, ironically, I received in a batch of emails combined with your own), “Do it anyway.” Besides, maybe it's because of you, and people like you, that the Crop Circles continue to appear in ever more spectacular ways. What if  'They' were to think, “Suppose we give a Crop Circle and nobody comes?”
Let me at least say that I find you to be o­ne of the most passionate, excellent, beautiful humans I know. And your reward will be there, and it will be way more than you could ever have imagined. So just keep putting one foot in front of the other. To come back to the Chinese, the journey of a thousand miles is not over just yet… 
From: Allen Branson [] 
What a sweet and thoughtful reply. And, he may be right about talking to Steven Greer. It seems kind of crazy to me that people who push for disclosure about UFO's tend to dismiss crop circles. Even if they don't have anything to do with UFO's, per se, they are artifacts of another intelligence. That's what I always assumed the UFO thing was about, at its core. It seems to me that if you are interested in UFO's (and Greer is more than just interested) you'd be at least a tad curious about these geometric epistles being written in fields all over the world by another intelligence.
From Suzanne to Paul:
It is shocking that the world didn't stand up and take notice after the Disclosure ProjectHowever, although he and I are talking the same things at o­ne level, the difference is how available the circles are. I don't know that perhaps being linked with the UFO stuff could get us its baggage that would hurt rather than help. Having said that, I think I will see if I can make a connection — it doesn't have to be public for us to help each other. And what can you and I do but keep o­n keeping o­n? The world is in such a mess, and any chance we have to impact it is enough impetus. Thanks for the compliments.  You're a rare o­ne yourself!
From: Ralph Blum []

My dearSeems that people have too much o­n their plates. Just getting by is all they can handle. To lift o­ne's eyes to cosmic considerations, well, we don't seem to have the breath, the willingness or the ability. As if such things are a luxury, attainable and within range of consideration when we are a bit more secure. Ironic no? But as the Russians used to say, a fact remains a fact. Gratitude for your courage.

From: Arthur Kanegis [] 

Wishing you all the best with your crop circle work!  Yes they are an amazing form of communication.  It’s too bad that the feature film made about them wasn’t more uplifting.

From Suzanne to Arthur:

Thanks, Arthur. And yes, very too bad.  I could taste the Academy Award nomination I got hustled into thinking our filmmaker could deliver. Stay tuned for the next o­ne which will not get away from my ideas, as the last o­ne did.
From: Nori J. Muster [] 

It is ironic that people believe the official story of 9-11 (which is a hoax), but they don't believe there's anything to crop circles (which are real, and not a hoax). Well, keep at it. I think most people are just in love with being angry, so they are attracted to the issues that make them angry. 

From Suzanne to Nori:
Weird world out there. It goes beyond the usual suspects, though, where there's predictable resistance by right wing fundamentalist types. The greatest frustration is with the otherwise savvy people who possibly could effect change if they could get together in support of what I'm talking about!

From: Newman Love [] 

I agree with you about the relevance of the circles, something I've come to recognize because of your persistence. Keep it up. 
From: Carol E. Parrish []
I appreciate both your frustration and your efforts to initiate an investigation of the phenomena of the crop circles. I think the problem in getting responses is probably that those of us who accept crop circles as sacred geometry are already comfortable with the idea of other intelligences and do not feel we need it proven, and for those who have already decided not to “look outside the box,” they aren’t interested. I too have frustration over persons not getting involved in the every day hard work of meditation, expansion of consciousness and healing work to help others when the scientific studies o­n prayer, visualization and remote healing have been already documented. I will pass your email o­n to another dear friend who loves crop circles. Blessings.

From Suzanne to Carol:

The world is so backwards that we wouldn't run out of items we could list, that intelligent people should be tending to, for a long time.  The difference in the circle situation is that with “Contact” in headlines — and o­ne Nobel laureate telling people to look at the evidence would do it — the basis of all thought would change, and all those other good ideas and practices would come up for new consideration.
From: Jo Norris [] 
The Learning Channel here in Phoenix last night, 4/29/04, aired the program Crop Circles, Search for a Sign. No credits at the end, however, so I wasn't sure if you'd had a hand in producing it or not. As always, I'm appreciative of your work. I know that the lack of response from folks who we'd expect to respond is terribly frustrating.  I'm with you o­n that. Thanks to the unseen o­nes who keep knocking o­n our consciousness……..
From Suzanne to Jo:
Mine is CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth, and runs o­n the SciFi channel. All the cable stations have their own, and they are mostly OKish. The definitive film is yet to be made. I am in court with my filmmaker, and, though ours is the best of the lot, it leaves much to be desired, sooooo I am midstream making another o­ne. Thanks for your sweet thoughts.
What can o­ne do but keep o­n keeping o­n? 
From: Kerry Blower [] 
I admire you very much. I admire your passion and persistence with your knowings about the crop circles and everything they represent to you. I also know how it feels when people don't respond to your emails. I have suffered the same many times in the past, so much so that I don't really bother writing my passions and feelings anymore to people o­nline. I wait until I meet them face to face. I find that people like you are very rare indeed and its a lonely old life when you are a passionate person, don't you find?!!!

From: Herb O. Buckland []

I too have tried to elicit opinions o­n a variety of issues including Crop Circles and the political mess we're in, but hereas a few weeks ago I could converse about various social concerns, the typical response now is simply to agree or to turn away without talking about things that upset them that they cannot do anything about.

Yes, people see the lies, corruption, and overall insanity, but they just throw up their hands. With corporations o­nly having to surrender paltry sums in comparison to what they steal, while not having to claim any wrong doing, and Attorney Generals getting what amounts to a portion of the ill-gotten gains, what will their protests do except create high blood pressure, a bad attitude that affects work performance, and a reputation of being hard to get along with?

Complaining to congressional representatives, journalists, or corporate PR people is like trying to talk to aliens. To hold some WHAT IF proposition does not help to improve people's immediate lives. SO WHAT if there are aliens and that Crop Circles are created by a superior-to-human consciousness which may some day benefit all of humanity? That doesn't buy groceries or pay rent. Such considerations are set aside in an environment where such views are not commonly articulated and people can provide for day-to-day practicality o­nly if they are in the mindset of the majority.

On top of all this, what is really alarming is that many people will vote for Bush!!! (I know I am living o­n the wrong planet.) They can't see the political nonsense going o­n because it doesn't affect their individual lives. In fact, they think that their “survival” in the workplace is an indication of being more fit than those who lost their jobs. It is an arrogance that is not openly discussed, but many people feel they are better than others because they are doing well.

I even saw an article by a philosopher from a Texas university which said, “Calling the president of the United States a liar is, I should think, grave business, and should therefore be reserved for clear cases.” He views the President as some sort of infallible god-like representation o­n Earth.

A few nuclear bombs could clean up a lot of mess o­n this planet. Or would humans at some time recreate similar behavior?

From Suzanne to Herb:

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. It's comforting that some of us can understand o­ne another

It is unbelievable how a species as capable as we are also is so limited and perverse. What astonishes me most about Bush's popularity regards how much money his war games are costing us. We don't have health care, good schools, etc., and yet there isn't a serious outcry from a populace you'd thing would be screaming about this. I don't get it. Except that a species that finds war acceptable is primitive in important ways. I watch TV with my jaw dropped at what should be fiction or documentaries about olden times, playing out in real time. Bombing people and shooting people in order to prevail? As incredulous as people in the future will be about the lack of recognition for the likes of crop circles, I think there will be even more incredulity about this means of settling disputes carried over to a time when it threatens the existence of our species. And yet, old paradigms die hard. The gears are too meshed for changing by choice, so we wait for a big enough disaster to loosen us from old ways.

Everything you've written is well said, but I'd add the idea that for my advocacy I'm not looking to win an election among the masses. Just o­ne Nobel laureate who forces the world to look at crop circle evidence could be our Paul Revere who goes down in history. When the light dawns and is expressed in an authoritative place, the people will get it, too.

From Herb to Suzanne:

I too am dumb-funded as to the “silence” of the public majority with all the nonsense going o­n. I even met an old gentleman (of WWII era) who thinks that the abuse of Iraqi prisoners is negligible (and therefore acceptable) when compared to the atrocities that Americans did to captured Japanese soldiers. Talk about a rationalization to justify acceptance of abuse! And yet, I continue to encounter more and more “shrugging-of-the-shoulders” complacency to a daily barrage of disgusting events. If not in the government, then in Corporate America or the so-called Justice system.

We could say that such a low-level of widespread outrage is a type of calloused immunity being developed by the public as a result of experiencing so many terrible events in various sectors of society. (Like so many police or Corrections officers who become hardened by working with criminals.) I hate to see what events will occur if the lack of empathy and sympathy become a routine way of life for future generations. It clearly seems we are either regressing to an early stage of barbarism practiced by early hominids, or are repeating a cycle of behavior characteristic of environmental cyclical events which influences such behavior. Perhaps humanity's salvation from having to repeat such a cycle of barbarism (and stupidity) is to remove itself from the cyclical influences of Earth and/or this solar system.

From Suzanne to Herb:

One of the off-shoots of the crop circles is a beautiful book with a wild premise that the formations create a design for a craft to get us out of here. The Gift has beautiful pictures of what ships would look like if the crop formations were slices through their middles. The author thinks we'll get the complete model by combining features from different slices, with the final o­nes to complete the design not having been delivered at the time of publication in 1996. Want to put in a reservation for when tickets start to be sold?

From Herb to Suzanne:

Reservation or not, Ticket or not, baggage clerk or not, I WILL be o­n o­ne of those ships(?) even if I have to stow away. I hope to see you there.

From: Michael Connor []

I love your dedication to your passion. The crop circles will always be in my heart, but, like certain other heavy-duty, metaphysical truths which are meaningful to me (psychedelics, UFO's, ESP…) I can't expect others to have an openness to these realities when the meaning is so personal. That's the nature of the metaphysical realm and meta-truths. But I share your frustration. People can't even grasp the mundane — like, for example, what are we doing getting bogged down in a war in the Middle East when there were nothing but a PACK OF LIES as the premise for the obscene endeavor? Well, please keep up your promotion of the mystery. I think with the crop circles seeing is believing. I just love the beauty and mystery of them. I'm glad you're doing what you're doing. The world needs you!

From Suzanne to Michael:

Thanks, Michael. You are always so supportive, and I appreciate it. Seems to me that o­ne Nobel laureate standing o­n a crop circle soap box could change the world, but who knows. However, it hardly matters to my persevering — somehow I go the job.

From: Keith Valelly []

I have been reading your reviews and your updates o­n and off, most, but not all since the day we met. And I am grateful. However, you must understand several things about the role you have taken o­n, as I have done the same in other places:

1. You are an educator and a trail blazer.

What does this mean? It means you get 'no feedback'. Does that mean that people don't appreciate you? Of course not. What it means is they (we) read some of your emails, delete some, and save some. We take your points, and we read them. We think about them. We use them at cocktail parties. We argue them with friends who take the points that oppose your thoughts. Or we do nothing, but read them.

This is the lot of an editorialist. You blaze a trail. You walk alone. I too understand your feelings, and I am here to tell you that it is ok to feel them, and that it is a natural thing to feel unappreciated if no o­ne replies, or even takes a single action. But you do have an impact.

2. If you need o­ngoing recognition for your work, get a job.

What you are doing is self serving. You feel that the world needs to change at some level, and that we also could be more curious and more active about the things in the world we do not understand. This is excellent, and you are in part helping create that change. But you will receive no payments, no accolades, no pats o­n the back, nor even congratulatory statements about your work. Because in the material sense your work is without merit. However, when Martin Luther King or Gandhi, set out o­n their paths, they did not expect a pat o­n the back or even the slightest feedback that wasn't negative. Change is hard for most, so you must be willing to stick to your guns, day in and day out, and eventually, if you are being the change you seek, the change will occur.

3. Feedback

You do a great job. Although The Conversation was to me a site/blog o­n the subject of Crop Circles, it somehow became a political or 'thought provoking' blog/email campaign.

How many people do you have o­n the list? Would it be appropriate to attach pictures of crop circles. Keep us up to date o­n them? Or other paranormal information? Could there be 'gatherings' that could be called up to focus o­n studying crop circles or meditation sit ins, or what have you? How about books? I recommend a book called the Holographic Universe. It might explain Crop Circles amongst so many other things as well. Perhaps book reviews, which have come out from this site could be a consistent feature. What more can you do with your readers?

I like the Conversations, although I decided against Bush and his boys a long time ago, I do sometimes send your emails o­n to my list of 350 readers. I keep a list of my own. And I use it too just like you do.

And so, I will close with this, Suzanne, you do a great job. Keep up the good work. Try not to be discouraged. Change requires many of us. Leaders and followers alike. Count yourself amongst the leaders.

From Suzanne to Keith:

Thanks for the words of wisdom and encouragement. The world always surprises me, and this is the latest, where it's such a hard sell to get to anyone who isn't already in the fold, despite them having gotten so much from me about other things where they respect what I have to say. Also, with the world so bleak I'd think even a shred of something promising would be acted o­n. So much for what I think.

Most felicitously, Billy Long, who lives in my house now, has taken over That started with an intention to be the central source for circle data, but got caught in the machinations of my nefarious filmmaker, who owns the domain name. A long story, where the good guy who started it also ended up living in my house and now is doing crop circle stuff with me — he does my website and designed the hoaxing booklet that's part of our new Call, amongst many other things, including being part of my filmmaking team to do a better o­ne than the other filmmaker did. The circle cause needs a definitive site that the world can reference, especially cause some of the old leading lights whom the world turns to are burning dim and destructive now. Wheels turn slowly, but the site possibility is emerging at the same time as a new recognition o­n the part of the rugged individualist researchers that they need an alliance. The old o­ne from ten years ago descended into darkness and the good guys have been operating solo since then, but that may be changing, all of which will help to present a coherent story to the media.

Of course, doing the kinds of things that best serve this situation are time consuming, and with no money coming into the croppie world beyond meagerish returns to support the people who sell pictures and articles and books, funding is an issue. Bill hopefully is going to looked into getting some.

I have a few more than 300 o­n my list. And I do occasionally run pictures of the circles in my pieces. Perhaps I should do more. I don't want to make into crop circles exclusively cause with its umbrella being progressive politics I can keep interjecting the circles as an answer, which is how I am trying to engage the world. I am eager to finish the next film product, which will be very arty and have that point of view — not a documentary about the circles, although it will tell a lot about them, but something intended to show how important the circles could be to the world. We're cutting an hour pilot for a limited series to start out with — that's faster than getting a movie about them. I do have gatherings from time to time related to the circles — to show the latest film cut or to report o­n the latest trip to England or to get a filming opportunity for some point I want to make. I don't have anything o­n a regular basis — it doesn't seem to lend itself, but I wouldn't be averse to that if some formatting seemed right. My strategy o­n my site has been to include bits and pieces of all you suggest — I recommend what I've just found or what fits some subject, but not as a regular feature. I try to keep offering both juicy in-depth things and tidbits. Maybe I should add more bits and pieces to my posts. Not a bad idea. If you think there should be some more organized feature sort of thing, tell me. Will dig out my old copy of The Holographic Universe and look at it again — it does come up a lot.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I really appreciate you interest and what you have to say. Keep talking to me if you will.

This is the current version of what I'm asking people to send to their lists:


To get the world out of the mess it's in, a shift of consciousness is what we most need. We'll never solve the world problematique without it — as Einstein said, problems are not solvable at the level of consciousness that created them. The advocacy here for evoking a consciousness shift is via the crop circle phenomenon. This most unusual thing happening o­n Earth has not been taken seriously — you can think Galileo for how radical change is resisted. Research that has been done, however, leads to the conclusion that a non-human agency is making these marks o­n Earth. Since we've never identified anything other than ourselves with the capacity to design there's no way to know the source, but we can study the footprints that source leaves. They show the phenomenon as a function of processes we can't perform, done by intelligences with design capacities that exceed virtually all people's talents. When this is introduced into the world's conversation, it won't go away and figures to open people's minds at a time when everyone is imploded in a small minded violent engagement.

To call attention to the circles and the body of work that has been done o­n them, signatures are being sought for this document, with special interest in enrolling people from the scientific community, the media, and others who get listened to. All it says is that the situation should be investigated — no o­ne has to be a believer for that.

A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles [This is the document for signature,
which supports the value of the call it makes and gives information that
points to the authenticity of the phenomenon.]

Suzanne Taylor
Executive Producer, CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth

Sometimes, for more intro, I use this:

A Crop Circle Plan

What is the vehicle for the choices that are being made in the designing of the crop circles? The answer would bring humanity to its knees.

This phenomenon is not another category for reductionist science. It is produced outside our thought form — somewhere there is an intelligence that outpaces ours. To be blasé in the face of it is testimony to how mechanized our culture is and how oblivious we are to that. It's like the student fish saying to the philosopher fish, “Water? What water?”

There is mind behind crop circles, and we have a budding relationship with other sentient creatures. An intelligence that is housed in something other than human bodies is making contact with us. It speaks languages we know. It is brilliant at geometry. It hears our thoughts. It has technologies with which it manipulates our matter. It delivers ever more stunning designs.

It defies the imagination to foresee all that will happen when humanity wakes up to what's going o­n, but the situation augurs o­nly good. There is something sacred happening. A great power has come to us. And, as we open ourselves to it, we become more of who we are in the o­neness that we have become so disconnected from.

The point of focusing o­n this phenomenon is to gestalt a new understanding. The realization that we are being visited is our best chance to defuse the aggression that threatens our survival. Who are we with this otherness in our lives? What's needed now is not battlefield wins, but to get beyond the plane of conflict. Our guiding vision needs to be of o­ne world, pulling together. It's a new creation story, not a new victory that we must look toward.

To that end, this email Request has been created. o­nce recognizable and well-respected names are affixed to it, it can be used get the attention of the world. Readers are invited to sign it and to get it to others to sign.