Do you want to see the crop circles as they arrive in England? Just $31 gets you an email every time one comes in that sends you to a page with pictures and comments. Subscribe here. Or, for free, check the site whenever you like: — click on Latest Circles.
Here’s the second one that’s arrived — that’s Stonehenge in the background. The crop is called oilseed rape in England, which we know as canola. The picture is by Lucy Pringle, a major circle photographer, who is in my movie.
One thing about the phenomenon is that it doesn’t give you info on a silver platter. You have to examine what is created to answer THE question that’s always up: Is it human made? The hoaxers get better all the time, which keeps the researchers stretching. Because you have to study the evidence to discern that in fact some of the formations absolutely can’t be made by people, you end up with a knowing that then is part of you. You own it and you are changed by it.
But you do have to apply yourself. On the page of info about this Stonehenge one you will find statements by two savvy people:
Person one: “I stand my ground to inform you all that the first two formations of this season are perfection in creation and these are creations not done by man!”
Person two: “Great was my disappointment upon entering the formation: I was standing in a field of destruction: broken plants, board marks, many foot prints and dehydrated plants…this rape formation was man-made, probably done by a large team of at least 20 people.”
I’ll quote from the marvellous book Crop Circles Revealed by Judith More and Barbara Lamb:
“While to an outsider the hoaxing might appear to be malicious or deviant, several hoaxers have commented that they have felt directed or impelled by some unknown agent to go out into the fields and make formations, and they believe that the circle- making force actually is working through their physical bodies. Sometimes they start with a plan for a certain formation and then feel influenced to make another shape. Some have noticed -and been mystified- that crop circles they have made are changed when they come back to see them in the light of day. Many hoaxers have seen anomalous lights. In terms of inspiration for what formations to make, some hoaxers believe they are drawing on collective consciousness. Some claim to study alchemical symbols for ideas for their designs. Some human circlemakers say they meditate for inspiration and symbols and to bring in the higher energies they believe go into the crop circles.”
(Barbara Lamb, p. 57)
“Even some of the known-to-be-hoaxed formations have shown indications of extra energy from some unknown source, as indicated by certain tests.”
(Idem, p. 51)
What the head of the Circlemakers -John Lundberg- said about the formations he and his team have made:
“I consider the circles we’ve put down to be genuine. There is no intent on our part to deceive; our work generates response, often from other circlemakers, and can sometimes act to catalyse a wide range of paranormal events. I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon, but I now also believe that we’re a part of it.”
(Quoted by Barbara Lamb, p. 56)
“A notable event happened in early November 2000 when (Matthew) Williams was arrested and fined for making a crop circle on West Overton Hill, Wiltshire. This was the first arrest for making a crop circle without permission from the farmer. Williams was fined and released. He said he had felt challenged by researcher Michael Glickman who, according to Matthew, had declared that a geometrically perfect seven-pointed star would be impossible for humans to make as a crop circle. Williams decided to prove him wrong and composed a seven-pointed star design on his computer, which he and his team executed over a period of three nights. He was caught because he bragged about making the crop circle, not because he was caught in the act. He communicated with radio-show host Whitley Strieber before he made the formation and posted photos of it on the Internet. When Glickman was informed about William’s message to Strieber, he notified the farmer who promptly contacted the police.”
(Barbara Lamb, p. 58)
(I had contact with Michael Glickman once to explain our intimate connection with the ETs and Source, but Source as he -an ET in human appearance as we all are- was still angry at humans making crop circles, and had not understood nor accepted the marvellous truth yet.)
Here is a photograph of that seven-pointed star formation and one of Williams standing in it:
“Human beings have been indoctrinated on this planet to consider themselves to be less than the great masters and to always look to a master to lead them to the kingdom of heaven. But he master now is awakening within the heart of every being on Mother Earth. Now, in consideration of that, many of these individuals considered to be “hoaxers” carry pieces of the houses of light that are very important to our purposes.”
(Laiolin through Judith More, Crop Circles Revealed, p. 125)
“Human interaction in the creation of some of the crop circles is absolutely vital. Meditation groups have focussed on a Celtic glyph, and it appears in a circle. The crop circles are multidimensional, and many of these things on ships are multidimensional.”
(Idem, p. 125)
“Once we realize that there is not a single hair out of place, we will know that it is all part of the divine creation, in which human beings and star families come together to become the actors and actresses. All these professional croppies have all incarnated together. They’re all one family, and it’s one team. They make look like they squabble, but they’re all sisters and brothers and and are actually very familiar to each other.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely actors. So although individuals may not be conscious of their intergalactic connection, they might have a parallel lifetime as one of the technicians on the ships. Humans will begin to realize that they are not one existence. You are multidimensional beings and many of you have parallel lifetimes in other dimensions and as ETs, as manifest beings of light. It is all part of the cosmic plan.”
(Idem, p. 126)
Here is a marvellous example of a divinely inspired design, symbolizing that we are not the caterpillar appearing to be moving stuck on the grouns of a world. It is the largest formation made so far -530 x 450 meters or 580 x 492 yards. One fellow country man of mine was inspired to design it, and then 6o men en women made it in one night:
Aerial video of it:
Now, this one -among many others- I don’t think was made directly by human hands though…; )
From ST:
Wow, a lot to deal with. Thanks for taking the time to write it all.
First of all, the hoaxers are the terrorists of the crop circle world. What they say commands no authority. Some of the most active ones are the dregs of humanity, spewing out racist and anti-Semitic material. They invade every chat without identifying them selves as hoaxers, and spew polemic material at everyone who speaks about a mysterious origin for the circles. So, instead of everyone paying attention to the delivery, energy and time get diverted to dealing with creeps and their ceations,which sometime ate good enough to fool people. That any divine source or anything more enlightened or capable than humans would give them the time of day isn’t emblematic of the universe you and I appreciate being in.
As for evidence of mysterious effects in hoaxed circles, I’ve never seen any.
I believe Matthew Williams getting caught was a sting in which Michael Glickman was happily involved. And the seven pointed story about Matthew Williams having done the impossible just isn’t’ true — either that you can’t make a seven opined star or that a perfect one was made by a hoaxer.
Got to be careful about assertions of how it is, and info like Michael being an ET. Much better if you couch such things as beliefs. I get a fair amount of assertions about such, like the canons of religions — all the members go by them, and we have holy wars when they are put up against one another.
Me & a few of my friends on the way home on a saturday night from NGC894 like to stop off on earth on the way home & leave a few maps in the corn fields for any stragglers who missed the last bus home. So they dont get lost. These are redirection points for various locations on Orion/ m40. There’s nothing worse than over shooting your destination , on the way home,in your gravity drive or anti matter ship & ending up in the wrong galaxy. Easily done after a few too many drinks.If its anoying you please let us know & we will clear up the mess & revert back to the old navigation system.I do hate using maps though if the intergalactic tom tom breaks down. All these stars look the same to me.
I’m trained as a civil engineer (B.S.C.E from New Mexico State University) and have been involved in laying out hundreds and hundreds of housing units, as well as other construction projects. There is NO WAY on God’s Green Earth that a surveyor could “lay out” this pattern so that any MAN or WOMAN or a team of at least TWENTY PEOPLE could follow his instructions!
Twenty people could have “messed up” this formation by breaking plants while leaving board marks and many footprints–but they DARN SURE did not create this formation!
The Bible is man’s creation to the best of their understanding of the era in which they lived. Many of the described images found throughout the Bible’s texts could very well have been extraterrestrial visitations.
It would be simpler to make the Vatican reveal the truth about the Bible. It is completely figurative and actually humanity’s handbook on right and wrong doings and the consequences of our continued bad behavior.
It’s a higher intelligence than our hoaxers.
Intuitively this looks like an astrological alignment in a mirror image. I have no doubt this is an interesting symbol or message about Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto aligning. J & U are mind and intuition related. There is a Lunar Grand Cross coming on June 26 and a Cardinal Grand Cross on August 1, both with these planets involved. Why two Earths? One on either side of Sun. The spirals are energy engulfing the Earth. A SHIFT?
“No doubt” is a dangerous position :)!
I think person two is one of the people devoted to disinformation. Looking through the extensive library of crop formations laid down in England it takes little more than a moron to see they are not made by a few “bar room buddies”. These formations are extremely difficult to be reproduced on paper never mind creating them hundreds of feet in diameter in perfection every time in complete darkness, unseen by others and in a short period of time. I think person two needs to take a pill and return to bed . He/she is not playing with a full deck of cards.
With lots of Love to person two……Frank
That’s the “interesting” part of it. Person two is one of the best researchers, Janet Ossebaard, from the Netherlands, who is great in my movie. She has a website where you’ll see things you wont see elsewhere about anomalies and strange occurrences: