My interviewer gets my bigger picture

Here’s what Greg Voisen wrote about his podcast with me on Inside Personal Growth: Awakening the Wisdom Within. Do read it. The impact the movie had on Greg is the one I hope it has on everyone.

The UFO issue tends to be black and white: are they real or aren’t they? But that isn’t my focus. My interest in consciousness precedes my discovering the circles. I’d like what Greg writes about to be understood so that I’d have a platform for bringing the film to other arenas.

Podcast 259: What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery with Suzanne Taylor

What a fascinating interview with author and producer of “What On Earth?, Inside the Crop Circle Mystery,” Suzanne Taylor.  I had heard lots about crop circles a few years back, but really did not give it to much attention, but this video really did move my viewpoint considerably.

Producer/Director Suzanne Taylor has become an leading authority on the subject, and produced this wonderful DVD with interviews from experts from around the world.  No matter what you believe about crop circles, this documentary will assist you in coming to your own conclusion.  I know that after watching “What On Earth?” I am more convinced than ever that we are living with extraterrestrial life forms that are attempting to make connections with us, and very importantly attempting to get us to wake up to the primitive ways we are treating Mother Earth.

It would be a miracle in my estimation after watching this video and by examining the intricate circles to believe that humans could have made these designs, let alone smash the crops down in patterns as shown in the video.

I believe “What On Earth?” gets you thinking about not only crop circles, but our existence on this planet and our relationship to all life forms that exist. I know the message here is for us to wake up as a species, and pay attention to the environmental degradation that has occurred as a result of our relentless persist of more, and shift our consciousness. The human species as it exists now needs to transform into a more intelligent, loving, kind and compassionate species if we are ever going to be able to help solve many of the challenges we are faced with today.

So no matter what you believe about the crop circles, this DVD is worth watching if only to get you thinking about your own personal evolution. It certainly got me thinking about my existence here, and ways that I could transform to make this world a better place.

If you would like more information about Suzanne Taylor the producer and the documentary please click here to be directed to her website.  You can view trailers and order the DVD.  Also listen to my interview with Suzanne, your viewpoint will most likely be shifted as a result.

4 Minutes of Crop Circle Footage

Here are some bits and pieces of crop circle footage strung together. Some of it is quite wonderful — well worth 4 minutes of your time. I especially like the interiors of the giant Milk Hill glyph that was the size of 2 football fields. We end “What On Earth?” pulling up from it, and audiences gasp when they get how massive it is. This gives you the gasp at ground level.


Sorry! This video no longer exists…Amazing Crop Circle Video

Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official Says Extraterrestrials Live Among Us

This piece is an eye-opener about how differently the UFO/ET prospect is treated in China. And it speaks to the “So what” question, re the difference it would make if we established that UFOs and crop circles come from elsewhere. I do have a caveat with what this rather over-dramatic piece says, where I think we aren’t just dealing with the resistance of a power elite that indeed would have the rug pulled out from under it if our fundamental worldview were to change, but that we all have stakes in the prevailing system, as in wanting our 401Ks to retain their value.

Sun Shili shows off his drawings

Sun Shili shows off his drawings of extraterrestials in human guise.

When I do radio shows and give presentations, I talk about how being the only intelligence in the universe supports an arrogance that props up a dualistic, materialistic worldview, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Should we find we are one part of a vast intelligence grid, where we are not even the big cheese (they are visiting us and not the other way around), it would humble us, and humility would be a good platform from which to re-think who we are and what we’re doing here. Also, with only ourselves to turn to, war is an acceptable modality. I venture to say that would get rethought if there were a larger playing field in which we would be one humanity in relation to ‘the other.’

Note that the piece isn’t just about UFOs, but something even more startling than that: “Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans.” Hmmmm — I’ve always felt somewhat like a stranger in a strange land…???

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