Jesus and Peak Oil

Rex Weyler has vision. (Look at the last thing of his I posted — trust me you wont be sorry even if you just take a fast peek: This piece here o­n peak oil isn't a woe-is-me, although all the categories where we are threatened are front and center: Our massive growth economies were built […]


                                                                  We love our science fiction, but we titter when we talk about UFOs. People go into modes of rebuttal rather than accepting information as reportage. Have you been watching Larry King of late? He's done two programs about UFOs in the last two weeks, where government and military officials gave testimonials to their astonishing […]


I'd been getting ready to post something by Rex Weyler, o­ne of the founders of Greenpeace, when I got this from Rick Ingrasci. It makes a zesty preface to what will follow: Greenpeace hopes the images will highlight the vulnerability of the earth to climate change. Nearly six hundred volunteers have stripped for the camera […]