Getting from Here to There, or, Brother Can you Spare a Paradigm?

I was asked to write something for a magazine related to what I’ll be talking about at the upcoming Pythagoras Conference (see below):

Getting from Here to There, or, Brother Can you Spare a Paradigm?

You wouldn’t find any disagreement today about the trouble we are in. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, whether you are from the U.S. or from elsewhere, the crisis is worldwide.

Beyond cheerleads for us to be all that we can be, where eventually enough people will be evolved enough so that 100 monkeys will shift our worldview from one based on separation to one based on oneness, we don’t talk about our fundamental thought process that gave rise to much of what challenges us. Is a waiting game the only option? Seeing as there is no sign we are near the tipping point, what else could we do?

This is what I’m focusing on now. And I think I have a key.

We need public conversation about the discrepancy between the quantum perspective that science has progressed to and our worldview that’s still based on Newtonian physics. Newton’s is a dualistic world of opposing parts and linear progression, where we are encompassed by space and existing in time. But, in the quantum reality, which goes beyond space and time, everything is entangled. We are interconnected and interdependent. We are one.

So, how about dealing with this very publicly? In fact, it’s bizarre that we aren’t talking about what supports the way things are. Where greed prevails and war is our method of mediation, we don’t have the platform for things like global warming to be addressed. Some new agreement, worldwide, has to take us over. Slogans would be, “More for you is more for me,” and, “Whoever does the most good wins.” An ad campaign could help. But, until we start talking, educating humanity to what is so, we won’t come up with anything proactive to do.

My advocacy for conversation has evolved from my work with the crop circle phenomenon and the stimulus it could provide to open our minds to a bigger reality. We don’t operate collectively, as humanity, but, if there were proof that there is off-planet intelligence, we’d all be on the same side – a united humanity in relation to “the other.”

I have a lot to say about the circles. I’ve been responsible for the two documentaries about them that were made with Hollywood production standards. The first, in 2002, for which I was the Executive Producer, was CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth. It’s a history of the circles. I went on to produce and direct What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, a more personal film to showcase the most interesting and knowledgeable people in the crop circle community. Both movies have won awards, and The New York Times, which hadn’t mentioned crop circles for decades, gave What On Earth? a very good review!

The media has done a poor job of dealing with the circles. Programs made by cable stations in the U.S. have been short on accuracy and long on cynicism. But, there’s more going on than perpetrations by people with boards and ropes. The god of science has pronounced the circles to be genuine mysteries, with no way to account for changes to the biology of the plants and the chemistry of the soil. Hoaxes aside, whatever or whoever is delivering these artworks, it’s not us.

I want to direct you to two things online. One is a 48-minute interview with Stephan Schwartz, a consciousness researcher with a scientific and academic background, who did landmark work in establishing some of the protocols for remote viewing. I hosted a webinar series this summer for Evolver Intensives, called Doorways to Another Reality, and Stephan, as my first guest, tuned us into the quantum perspective. My second guest, Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon and founder of IONS, has written Needed, A New Perspective, an excellent paper that speaks to that subject. And here’s Vital Mission! Will you join me?my blog post about all this.

To summarize, we need a new ideational framework in which humanity pulls together, superseding our current value system in which whoever has the most toys wins. Science has given us the underpinning for re-creating our story. A new science-based vision won’t take hold, though, unless people know it exists. And, when they do, there will be a natural swing to treating each other differently. So, the bottom line right here, right now, is to get conversation happening — educating us on TV, in print, and on the net; spreading to conferences, to classrooms, and to homes. Getting a new vision, a new story, a new paradigm, a new worldview should be priority number one. Please join me in addressing that. As I share my thinking, all thoughts that contribute to mine are welcome.

Look at me, top right, at the Pythagoras Conference, in Indiana, in October! Please pass this mailing along to Kentucky and Indiana friends. Early-bird rate through July31 and save $100 with my coupon code: ST2012.


Vital Mission! Will you join me?

After the first two webinars of DOORWAYS TO ANOTHER REALITY: Peering into the Inner and Outer Mysteries, I am getting more than I bargained for. I am not just bringing some of my favorite people to an audience, but I am being impacted myself with some coherent sense about the cusp we are on between worldviews, and of where we might put our attention to best help the “conscious evolution” we so need.

Achieving new views of reality and, by implication, a sustainable modern civilization requires enlightened efforts to establish a fundamental shift in common perceptions leading to changes in thinking, values, behavior and actions based on the concepts of inter-connectedness, cooperation, and interdependence in all human endeavors  –Edgar Mitchell

edgar mitchell

stephan schwartz

Stephan Schwartz and Edgar Mitchell have been inspirational for me. In steeping myself in their material, I’ve been getting clarity about the case we can make for what needs to occur. Just as bringing crop circles to the attention of the world was a mission for me, I feel a sense of mission about popularizing the picture of the next stage of evolution.

First, people have to get fired up to the possibility that we can get to the next stage of evolution. If I were the boss of humanity I’d tell you it’s a requirement to watch this 48-minute “Transformational Dialogue” with Stephan. From this video:

I am interested in how individual consciousness links together and creates mass phenomena and social change. The part that I’m particularly interested in is called non-local consciousness. It is that aspect of us which is not limited by space and time. It is the part of us that has the near death experience…that we open to in meditation…that we contact when we send healing intention to another…that has moments of genius or that has religious or spiritual epiphanies…or has a déjà vu experience or a premonition about something.”

“What this research is all telling us collectively is that all life is interconnected and interdependent. So that when we think about the choices we make we need to recognize that our choice is a vote for all life. The choices that we make are either life-affirming or life-denying!”

Edgar Mitchell crossed over the space-time divide on his way back from the moon. My second commandment as the god of understanding would be for you to read this piece that he wrote: Needed: A New Perspective. From the piece:

“Since the 17th century science has been based on the belief that all phenomena are the results of blind but predictable interactions of matter. This orientation has led to a reductionist view of reality and a materialistic focus – one of consumption, competition, conflict and domination. However, by the end of the 20th century, new scientific evidence has emerged from the field of quantum mechanics and the study of so-called supernatural phenomena that render the reductionist view of reality not only untenable but incorrect as well.”

“Just as modern Homo Sapiens displaced Neanderthal man, so too must modern man evolve to the next level of further knowledge, sophistication and refinement.” 

“Humankind’s next phase of evolution will be more an evolution in thought, knowledge, spirituality and consciousness than one involving our biology or physiology…Predicated on credible science, peoples of the world must come to understand that we really are only as strong as our weakest link; that what we do to others we do to ourselves; and that we are indeed our brother’s keeper quite literally. When this comes about, it will be the dawn of a new day, and solutions to every other major threat, problem or challenge we face will quickly find their remedy, but certainly not before. To be sure, we must act quickly to embark on our journey deeper into the quantum realm, for time is not on our side.”

Pythagoras poster

In October, I’ll be at the Pythagoras Conference, showing What On Earth? and speaking. I just read this by Michael Tellinger, who is on the bill with me.

The discoveries keep coming at a rapid pace and it is amazing how everything is starting to fold into one large pond of connected information. Genetic research shows us how we are all connected to the morphogenic field and how every atom in the universe is connected to us at the quantum level, pointing to Unity Consciousness as the backdrop for all of the stuff we see and cannot see. It is now clear that we cannot separate anything from anything else and it is a direct indication of our origins from a unified field of source consciousness.

 I’ve emailed this response:

This is much on my mind now. My thoughts go to the value of popularizing that understanding. We will not change our collective worldview without a new picture in our minds, and that we are embedded in a domain beyond space and time is the basis for that picture. How to get this to be a topic we publicly converse about? I think that is key.

I am looking for allies to make what Edgar Mitchell called “enlightened efforts to establish a fundamental shift in common perceptions.” Does this speak to you and will you join me? I welcome any comments on what I’ve written which I consider to be a work in progress to state the case for this new mission I am on.

And we still have three more webinars to go for DOORWAYS TO ANOTHER REALITY: Peering into Inner and Outer Mysteries, which promise to be as mind-expanding as the first two were. If you sign up now, you will get the archives for the first two:

A case study in debunking — a gotcha WAR against crop circles and me

Make Love Not War

I am under attack for my last post, Colin Andrews, Crop Circle Culprit, Strikes Again, about Nancy Talbott, who is responsible for the science that’s been done on crop circles, and Robbert van den Broeke, the Dutch medium around whom crop circles form and who photographs images of deceased people with still and video cameras. Look at the sort of things that are hurled at me:

This is war and since Nancy doesn’t want to fight, then the war needs to be fought out on your blog, so please let the combatants through on both sides for a proper go-round.

I must be important to have extensive website pages dedicated to me.

And this, too: Muertos has just devoted an entire new article to you, Nancy and Robbert on his THRIVE-Debunked blog.

Crop Circle Wars! Fake Video Shakes Credibility of One of Thrive’s Main Sources

A bizarre little drama is going on right now in the world of crop circles. A fake video designed to bolster belief in the supposed paranormal origin of crop circles has been making the rounds on the Internet, igniting both indignant recriminations and spirited defenses. This matter may seem extraneous to issues involved in Thrive—until you realize that the fake video controversy directly concerns a website called, which is one of the Thrive movie’s go-to sources for the crop circle nonsense that appears so prominently in the first part of the film.

Nancy has come to a basic policy decision not to respond to such things. I can attest that when you get into back and forths with crop circle debunkers it’s like a tar baby that never gives up its hold on its position. Nancy meticulously documents her work on her site,, which the attackers ignore. It reminds me of The Skeptics Society, where nothing outside of ordinary reality is possible so no investigations are necessary in order to debunk things. I’m not going to approve all the gleeful “gotcha” comments that came in on that last post, but am dealing with them in the aggregate here.

Would that you all had heard Saturday’s webinar for DOORWAYS TO ANOTHER REALITY, with Stephan Schwartz. We are part of an infinite realm that Stephan deals with, which would relate to what’s happening with Robbert. I highly recommend you play this 48-minute video of Stephan talking about what’s outside of space and time: I guarantee it will fascinate you. (The archive of Stephan’s DOORWAYS webinar will be available if you sign up for the course: There are three live webinars to go.)

The central premise of the assaults is that Robbert gets his images by trickery, somehow loading the cameras with what produces the results. The attackers document photos that can be found online that Robbert then gets, as if that’s proof of trickery. But, not so. Some images are online, but they don’t end up in Robbert’s photos through any manipulations of his or anyone else’s.

Here’s the first response I got from Nancy when I passed along critiques to my Colin post and asked if she would deal with them:

When you stand up publicly for what you believe is the truth–as you did in this case (and which you chose to do on your own based on what I see as solid reasons for your trust)–this is the kind of baloney you ALWAYS get if the facts themselves are (a) beyond some of your readers’ capabilities to grasp, or (b) the truth scares them, (c) they’re mentally impaired, or finally (d) they’re debunkers. [Egotism and arrogance may involve all of these problems.]

I have written in laborious detail all of the info anyone with either the basic intelligence and/or the degree of courage needed to understand the situation should require. And the only suggestion I can make to any of these people is that they READ the details. If they refuse to do this, or if they choose to dismiss me as stupid or a liar, there’s really nothing more I can do. 

People with sincere interest will read the reports–ALL of the info presented, not just look at the pictures. Intelligent people will grasp the complexity of the situation and would, I should think, either be fascinated with what the these facts suggest or, at the very least, have the courtesy to address me with any real questions they still may have. Since no one has asked me a single question I see no reason at all to respond to superficial or disrespectful commentary.

I would suggest that you not bother to respond. And if you feel you must (which I think is ill-advised), simply point out again that people must READ the reports. And tell them that if they then have genuine questions, to pose them to me directly. I will always answer a sincere question. I will not waste time answering superficial or insincere (or rude) questions. (My pay-grade doesn’t cover these.)

Well and good, but there is voluminous material on Nancy’s site, and I didn’t see this being an effective response when indeed there is a very effective rebuttal to all the daggers. I finally got Nancy to relent and to give some bullets of information, all of which can be found on her site, that counter the assaults.

Apparition Photos report:

Primary Facts Not Addressed by Debunkers:

1.         Robbert began getting photos of people (Apparitions) back in early 2004–HE HAD NO COMPUTER.

2.         Some of these early Apparition photos were of his OWN DECEASED RELATIVES, people he therefore KNEW were dead. 

3.         Many of the images of people who appeared in 2004 and 2005 and early 2006 were famous people and many others were of people Robbert DID NOT RECOGNIZE….and still doesn’t.  

4.         During 2004, 2005, 2006, he took HUNDREDS of photos of people (Apparitions) USING HIS CLIENTS’ CAMERAS (people he did not know prior to their visits and most of whom came to him wanting info about their deceased relatives). These clients were WATCHING ROBBERT AS HE TOOK THE PHOTOS USING THEIR CAMERAS.

5.         When the Apparition photos were taken with his clients’ cameras IT WAS THE CLIENTS WHO IDENTIFIED THE IMAGES AS THEIR DECEASED RELATIVES (often the relatives they had come to see Robbert about).

6.         The first time I personally witnessed Robbert taking photos showing people’s images was in 2006. Robbert was using MY camera and I was standing literally right next to him (my head touching his so I could see the LED screen as he took the shots) and saw multiple images of a man appear whom neither of us recognized.     

7.         In 2007, out in a crop circle field in broad daylight, Robbert took 60+ photos of MY OWN BROTHER who had died just two months earlier, USING MY CAMERA for the very first time that summer, and WITH ME STANDING RIGHT WITH HIM THE WHOLE TIME AND WATCHING EVERYTHING HE DID.

8.         Also in 2007, using Andreas Muller’s camera while Andreas, Robbert and I were out in a crop circle field, again in daylight (with no computers present), Robbert photographed an unknown man–with Andreas and me watching the whole time. None of us recognized the man.

9.         In 2008, using the highly-respected American parapsycholgist DR. WILLIAM ROLL’s BRAND NEW CAMERA, Robbert obtained multiple images of three different men–with Dr. Roll and me standing right there watching. None of us know who any of these men were.

10.       Robbert got his first computer in July of 2006. He did not begin to learn how to use it until the winter of 2006 and still does not know how to do very many things with it. It DOES NOT HAVE PHOTOSHOP OR ANY SIMILAR PROGRAM ON IT AND NEVER HAS HAD.  



And if you look 1/3 of the way down Part I of the Apparition Photos report, you will see this text, outlined in a box:

Basic facts regarding Robbert’s apparition photos:

(01)  Robbert usually feels a distinct “energy presence” as images begin; 

(02)  He aims any camera toward this “presence” and takes the photo;

(03)  The cameras are always set in the Auto mode;

(04)  The images do not appear on the LED screens until Robbert actually
depresses the Record button;

(05)  The apparition images, if they are occurring, then appear instantly;

(06)  Multiple cameras used within a specific time-period may all produces
images of the same apparition;

(07)  Multiple images of totally different figures may appear in one session;

(08)  Some individual images have appeared up to 60 times;

(09)  These images occur as readily in daytime as they do at night;

(10)  They are occurring with much greater frequency recently;

(11)  No one who has watched Robbert while he is taking these photos
ever has observed him to hold anything in front of the lens;

(12)  Regardless of the available ambient light, the flash never fires. 

– and there is NO computer involved –

This is all I am going to say…if people are sincerely interested they must READ THE REPORTS.  



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