12/20/02 (I'm late posting this) I saw “8 Mile” last night. The slums of Detroit are another world. And worlds like this pocket America. Strange. And ominous. The movie reeks with life. These people don't go to shrinks to deal with ennui. Just clinging to existence is a full time effort. And that involves a […]

December Monthly Report

As I continue in my shift from reporting to problem solving as my primary focus, things in the world feel surreal to me, like watching everyone fiddling while Rome is burning. With the preponderance of intelligence telling us that invading Iraq will start World War III, and that we'll be waking a sleeping giant who […]

Taking war off the table.

War in a sense is a very rational thing. It fits into the concepts we have about life, where, in additional to whatever objective reality we perceive, we also live in a giant idea. War is included in the idea we now hold — when “justified,” war is the answer. After Colin Powell's speech to […]