Say it’s so!!!!

This made me feel good.

One of the spiritual arenas I studied, in a several year class called Nature of the Soul, was the Alice Bailey work. In that discipline, which concerned the evolution of conscious awareness, we looked at the lack of enlightened thinking in government — as contrasted to new thinking in business, science, and everywhere else — where government was so crass that conscious people stayed out of it, and it seemed that field would be the last to open to higher thinking. Could Obama be the start of something new?

Is Obama an enlightened being?
Spiritual wise o­nes say: This sure isn't no ordinary politician. You buying it?

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Friday, June 6, 2008

I find I'm having this discussion, this weird little debate, more and more, with colleagues, with readers, with liberals and moderates and miserable, deeply depressed Republicans and spiritually amped persons of all shapes and stripes and I'm having it in particular with those who seem confused, angry, unsure, thoroughly nonplussed, as they all ask me the same thing: What the hell's the big deal about Obama?

I, of course, have an answer. Sort of.

Warning: If you are a rigid pragmatist/literalist, itchingly evangelical, a scowler, a doubter, a burned-out former '60s radical with no hope left, or are otherwise unable or unwilling to parse alternative New Age speak, click away right now, because you ain't gonna like this o­ne little bit.

Ready? It goes likes this:

Barack Obama isn't really o­ne of us. Not in the normal way, anyway.

This is what I find myself offering up more and more in response to the whiners and the frowners and to those with broken or sadly dysfunctional karmic antennae – or no antennae at all – to all those who just don't understand and maybe even actively recoil against all this chatter about Obama's aura and feel and MLK/JFK-like vibe.

To them I say, all right, you want to know what it is? The appeal, the pull, the ethereal and magical thing that seems to enthrall millions of people from all over the world, that keeps opening up and firing into new channels of the culture normally completely unaffected by politics?

No, it's not merely his youthful vigor, or handsomeness, or even inspiring rhetoric. It is not fresh ideas or cool charisma or the fact that a black president will be historic and revolutionary in about a thousand different ways. It is something more. Even Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn't have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.

Dismiss it all you like, but I've heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who've been intuitively blown away by Obama's presence – not speeches, not policies, but sheer presence – to say it's just a clever marketing ploy, a slick gambit carefully orchestrated by hotshot campaign organizers who, o­nce Obama gets into office, will suddenly turn from perky optimists to vile soul-sucking lobbyist whores, with Obama as their suddenly evil, cackling overlord.

Here's where it gets gooey. Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being o­n the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear o­n such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare. And this why he is so often compared to Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., to those leaders in our culture whose stirring vibrations still resonate throughout our short history.

Are you rolling your eyes and scoffing? Fine by me. But you gotta wonder, why has, say, the JFK legacy lasted so long, is so vital to our national identity? Yes, the assassination canonized his legend. The Kennedy family is our version of royalty. But there's something more. Those attuned to energies beyond the literal meanings of things, these people say JFK wasn't assassinated for any typical reason you can name. It's because he was just this kind of high-vibration being, a peacemaker, at odds with the war machine, the CIA, the dark side. And it killed him.

Now, Obama. The next step. Another try. And perhaps, as Bush laid waste to the land and embarrassed the country and pummeled our national spirit into disenchanted pulp and yet ironically, in so doing has helped set the stage for an even larger and more fascinating evolutionary burp, we are finally truly ready for another Lightworker to step up.

Let me be completely clear: I'm not arguing some sort of Utopian revolution, a big global group hug with Obama as some sort of happy hippie camp counselor. I'm not saying the man's going to swoop in like a superhero messiah and stop all wars and make the flowers grow and birds sing and solve world hunger and bring puppies to schoolchildren.

Please. I'm also certainly not saying he's perfect, that his presidency will be free of compromise, or slimy insiders, or great heaps of politics-as-usual. While Obama's certainly an entire universe away from George W. Bush in terms of quality, integrity, intelligence and overall inspirational energy, well, so is your dog. Hell, it isn't hard to stand far above and beyond the worst president in American history.

But there simply is no denying that extra kick. As o­ne reader put it to me, in a way, it's not even about Obama, per se. There's a vast amount of positive energy swirling about that's been held back by the armies of BushCo darkness, and this energy has now found a conduit, a lightning rod, is now effortlessly self-organizing around Obama's candidacy. People and emotions and ideas of high and positive vibration are automatically draw to him. It's exactly like how Bush was a magnet for the low vibrational energies of fear and war and oppression and aggression, but, you know, completely reversed. And different. And far, far better.

Don't buy any of it? Think that's all a bunch of tofu-sucking New Agey bulls– and Obama is really a dangerously elitist political salesman whose inexperience will lead us further into darkness because, when you're talking national politics, nothing, really, ever changes? I understand. I get it. I often believe it myself.

Not this time.


Thoughts about this column? E-mail Mark:

Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and Friday o­n SFGate and in the Datebook section of the San Francisco Chronicle. To get o­n the e-mail list for this column, please click here and remove o­ne article of clothing.

Mark's column also has an RSS feed and an archive of past columns, which includes another small photo of Mark potentially sufficient for you to recognize him in the street and give him gifts. He also has a raw Facebook page, but has little idea why.

From: Ilene Cummings []

I loved your article. Just loved it and I feel as you do. He is not “the knight riding over the mountain,” but he is the Light. I believe that to the depths of my being. You still write with a precision that is so appreciated.

From: Lisa-Catherine Cohen []

I LOVE what's here! It sails right into my psyche. Just maybe…it will reach way beyond the choir I'm singin' in that you are not preaching to!

From: Joanna Morgan []

I haven't responded for a while, but I want to tell you how much I appreciate reading the political writings you have written or passed o­n and have shared them with others. As this piece does, they speak to the place inside me that can't always find the words.

From: Doug Kruschke []

Quite an effusive statement. I take it that you've become an Obama fan, right? Have you taken the time to understand the really strong reservations people have about Obama? That is, are you reading anything about the other side of the coin? Would you want me to send you some stuff that is more along those lines? Or is your mind already made up?

From Suzanne to Doug:

I was debating doing a pro and a con, but it seemed to me better to support the wave of enthusiasm for him. We can use some enthusiasm. Time for challenges later.

He wouldn't have been my first choice — although Hillary was about my last choice — but now that we've got what we've got, what other choice is there? But to be aware and then do the best we can to challenge and to help is the way.

Here's o­ne contrasting piece that I was thinking about:

From Doug to Suzanne:

Hmm…Pilger's article does critique Obama, alright. His concern is that Obama isn't LEFT enough. There's also concerns about him from another perspective. Hip to any of that?

From Suzanne to Doug:

There are lots. The Israel thing for the most recent. Can't remember if Pilger got into that. More here: Lots of stuff to be wary about. But if consciousness is the rudder, maybe he'll rise to transcend all the negatives.

Did you have some alternative?

From: Gregory Hoak []

I've always liked Obama. So much so that at times I'm almost scared that he WON'T become president. I see a great thing happening, and it would be really satisfying to see the 'dark side' have to sit and watch powerlessly as he changes many things and brings our government back into a semblance of morality.

Obama just feels right…he is what we need…..yes we can.

From Suzanne to Gregory:

As they say, from your lips to God's ear…

From Gregory to Suzanne:

They also say, When you Play, God Smiles.

I sent a CC of this to my brother. He said tears came to his eyes as he read it.

From Suzanne to Gregory:

In the 70s for a few years some pals and I did hijinks that we called ELF Enterprises Unlimiting. The motto was, “Put the elf back in self,” and ELF stood for Enlightenment, Love and Fun!

From: Vanya Rohner []

Well PUT!!!!!! Thank you! This voice is soooooo needed!

From: Triaka Smith []

Obama is a catalyst for “change” which, in spiritual terms, is a higher consciousness that leads to a New Earth…

From: Wynn Free []

I had the same feeling. I hope we're right. Thanks for your dedication to what you do.

From: Lucia Capacchione []

Thanks for the wonderful article about Obama. It rings true to me.

From: Fred Cook []

Good o­ne. Thanks for passing this along, Suzanne!

From: Lolita Valianos []

I loved that article, thank you.

From: Lee Hanks []

Thank you for the update. It is insightful. I love the remark about us old lightworkers knowing the real underlying structure and seeing the same game played by the controllers. I do feel Obama is a lightbeing as well. Many of my colleagues have expressed concern for his safety. We are in different times and those that have controlled this planet are no longer equipped to handle his type of a light and have diminished in their own power. We are seeing the beginning of the new world and must continue to express and create the actions towards it. Let's walk together as brothers and sisters and share our wisdom and light.

From: Suzanne to Lee:

It's a dangerous world. Let's hope he doesn't have to deal with that. And that his light will shine brighter even than some of his perspectives would indicate now.

From: Simon Peter Fuller []

Would LOVE to believe it, but ANYONE SO closely associated to the Israel Lobby remains deeply suspect in my book. Just look at his stance o­n Iran – totally dictated by the Zionists who CONTROL ALL the USA political process and have done for long time. Anyone awake over there?!

From: Suzanne to Simon Peter:

There's lots besides Israel to say o­n the negative side. And he's gotten a lot of flack about Israel. I thought it's good to take a respite for enthusiasm, though. We need that, and it feels right for the greater good to ride that for now. Let's hope his magnificent aspect will be the ascendant.

From: Susan Nicoletti []

Mark Morford is o­ne of my most fave writers — so I thank you for sending him to me. But mostly, I absolutely love this. And I couldn't agree more.

Gooo Bama !!!!!

From: Daphne Kingma []

Thank you, Dear, Dear Suzanne, for this beautiful and illumined expression of What Is True. Sometimes, o­n muddy Earth, the Light must–and will–prevail!

From: Paul Nugent []

I totally concur.

From: Yvonne Garcia []

I don't get too inspired these days with the same old “mushy” ideas, but this is absolutely brilliant!

From: Mark McDonough []

Indeed, say it is so!