Tag Archives: Carolina and Dullstroom

“It will force historians and archaeologists to reconsider ancient human activity and consciousness.”

South Africa in March?

http://tinyurl.com/232mklt …the most awesome lineup of leading international authors and researchers to come to South Africa…This is going to be a feast for the fans and fanatics.
Glastonbury’s MEGALITHOMANIA comes to South Africa
The conference is presented by Michael Tellinger, author of ‘Temples of the African Gods & Slave Species of god’ who has uncovered an advanced ancient civilization that stretches across our home country of South Africa, and whose research is becoming a worldwide sensation.

Read Michael Tellinger’s story:

 It begins this way:

Scholars have told us that the first civilization on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6,000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings suggest that the Sumerians may have inherited some of their knowledge from an earlier civilisation that emerged many thousands of years earlier in southern Africa, the cradle of humankind. More than 100,000 years ago, early humans built a stone calendar that precedes all other man-made structures found to date. This discovery is so astounding that it requires a true paradigm shift in our approach to ancient human activity, as it takes us closer to the emergence of the earliest humans on planet Earth.

This “African Stonehenge”, which we call Adam’s Calendar, has created for the first time a link to the countless other stone ruins in southern Africa and suggests that these ruins are much older than we thought. The complex that links Waterval Boven, Machadodorp, Carolina and Dullstroom covers an area larger than modern-day Johannesburg and has emerged as the largest and most mysterious ancient city on Earth. The discoveries of petroglyphs of winged discs and carved dolerite statues of giant birds, some resembling the hawk-headed god Horus, suggest that the prototype Sumerian and Egyptian civilisations had their origins in southern Africa thousands of years before they emerged in the north.
Some bits and pieces:

It is generally estimated by scholars that there are about 20,000 ancient stone ruins scattered throughout the mountains of southern Africa…my personal explorations on foot and by air over the past two or more years, I can confidently estimate the number of ancient stone ruins to be closer to 100,000…This finding immediately poses a huge problem forarchaeologists, anthropologists and historians because the accepted history of this part of the planet does not place, at any time in our past, anywhere nearly enough people here to have built this number of structures…It takes us further back in time, closer to the emergence of Homo sapiens, than any other structure ever found to date, and it will force historians and archaeologists to reconsider ancient human activity and consciousness.