Tag Archives: italy

A Crop Circle Worth a Look

After I posted information about crop circles never crossing fields (their careful placement being a mark of a choice-making source), our science expert, Nancy Talbott — the “T” of BLT Research where you can find science papers that have been in peer-reviewed science journals — told me that it happens on occasion, although, as she said, that “does not mean others are not ‘intentionally’ placed.” Nancy went on to ask, “Did you see the fabulous example of this which is the new one in Italy? In this case, it’s two different crops.”

Most surprisingly, Italy has gotten more than the UK so far this year, and the UK has been going great guns.

The photo was taken by Margherita Campaniolo, who took the picture we use in the international montage in my movie, of an earlier circle in Italy — both of them in Poirino.

To track the formations as they come in, where each gets a page for pictures and commentary: CropCircleConnector.

Check out their page on this Italian one.  Stunning information there. Did you notice the different dot pattern in the petals? E = MC2 anyone? Read all about it! Anybody who clicks through to this will get how the circles contain stunningly encoded intelligence.