Tag Archives: marijuana

Watch two knockout videos!

Omg, as they say, I just saw everything at a deeper level — everything that Occupy Wall Street is about, and everything that the movie THRIVE is conceptualizing. Like what’s really going on.

You HAVE TO watch this 7-minute video – big screen. It’s from last May, in the streets in Spain, and is a work of art that brilliantly captures an energy.


When I saw this, what sunk in deeper than before (see Charles Eisenstein’s commentary along these lines), is that although the people are protesting what “they” are doing and avowing that they can’t do it anymore, they is all of us — “we” no longer will go along with the deadening sadness of egos and superficiality that rule our world. And, I got it that it is our intention and our decision and our conviction, operating as one humanity, that will win the day.

Although the set-up in the video is as if the protesters have an enemy, in our dualistic way of seeing things we hardly know how to think any other way. However, there wasn’t going to be a march down the avenue to guillotines to cut off any heads. What’s going on isn’t about separating out some bad people; this is much bigger. No Davids, no Goliaths, but a passion to get out of our scientific materialistic rut of a worldview. The democracy we have fashioned has become a corporate one and no longer is for all the people, and only the people’s uprising could make it change course. Make sense?

After you watch that, this 11-minute clip is another mindbender.


The link I first saw was taken down – if this one goes, look for “The Power of RAW Cannabis.” This from the description:

“This is a must-watch video featuring some of the top researchers on the healing effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) in its raw form, eaten or juiced. Eating raw cannabis as medicine…Cannabis is a dietary essential that helps all cell types function more effectively…anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant…This plant can do phenomenal things…Cannabis is the most important vegetable in the world.”

I had no clue about this startling info. As one person comments, “This video has a Dr. who is chief of Oncology at a Major University Medical center…how much more credibility do we need?”