Tag Archives: news

Is Time Speeding Up?

I was turned onto a site by listmember Bill Casey. If you want to quit your day job and get lost in internet info, have a look at http://www.pagenews.info, the site is run by Peter A. Gersten Esq., former Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS).
I particularly picked up on one piece about the sense of time speeding up. It always bothers me when people speak of that, since it defies the laws of physics. I am not married to lawfulness across the boards, but there are limits to how far my mind will stretch and that idea is challenging. But, when I read this, about the Mayan calendar, I got some sense of how to interpret that idea to fit into the reality I know.

2012 – Are We on a Schedule to Cosmic Consciousness?

Here’s an excerpt:

I sense an acceleration going on; that time itself seems to be going faster each year, and most people I talk to have the same view. But is it really time that is speeding up? Here’s an analogy that may explain the relationship:

Imagine a ball rolling across a level surface, the distance it travels each second would be constant, apart from the effect of friction

– this is a linear approach that is similar to how we perceive life. However, if the ball were dropped from the top of a tall building, in the first second it would travel thirty-two feet. But the time it would take to travel the next thirty-two feet would be less than half a second as its speed would increase exponentially because of the accelerating force of gravity.

If you were a microbe on this ball, you might therefore conclude that time is speeding up. In this case it is not time that is speeding up, it is the distance traveled that is increasing each second. In a similar way, evolution is also exponential and time is not speeding up, but the number of events occurring in each year is increasing: It took two billion years from the origin of life to the creation of cells and just fourteen years from the PC to the World Wide Web!

To demonstrate the exponential nature of evolution, astronomer Carl Sagan imagined a cosmic calendar (Video is above) in which one year represented the whole of history from the start of the universe (big bang) until today. His powerful conclusion was: “We humans appeared so recently that our recorded history occupied only the last few seconds of the last minute of December 31st.” When this type of acceleration is plotted on a logarithmic scale, as was done by futurist Ray Kurszweil, the pattern unfolds as a straight line with events increasingly faster and faster. Author, Ken Wilber suggests that this scientific view of history as mere evolution suffers one great defect: “It cannot explain or even suggest the meaning of this going somewhere. Why evolution – What is the purpose of history?”

However, an alternative with striking similarities to the scientific version of evolution is the Mayan Calendar which provides not only a context and a structure supported by history; it suggests a meaning of divine importance. The interpretations developed by Carl Johan Calleman, an internationally recognized authority in Mayan history, detail this inspiring viewpoint and provide credible evidence of its validity.


According to Calleman, the Mayan Long Count is not a calendar of time, but is believed to be a sacred schedule of energy for the evolution of consciousness through time. Its date of creation is unknown in the mists of centuries BC. It is a schedule of incredible mathematical precision in which time accelerates in each of nine overlapping epochs.

They cover from the ‘big bang’ billions of years ago until ending on the same date: 28 October 2011. Each new cycle commences with a distinct leap, a quantum jump, into an expanded form of consciousness which develops and matures toward the end of that cycle. The nine epoch with their significant starting events are shown in the diagram below.

The first cycle of the nine, labeled the CELLULAR CYCLE, puts the start of the universe – the big bang – at 16.4 Billion years BC. This is remarkably close to the current expert estimate of 15 Billion years. Over this vast period the galaxies and solar system were formed, eventually followed by the emergence of cellular life by 1.26 Billion years BC.

To give an idea of acceleration nested in these cycles, 95% of the time passes before the next cycle is initiated. Each successive cycle is exactly twenty times faster and twenty times shorter than the one below. (The mathematical duration of each one equals 13 X 20x years, where x reduces each cycle.)

Finally, the last cycle, optimistically named the COSMIC CYCLE, will start 10 February 2011 and last only 9 months.

Tesla Crop Circle Glyph — Free Energy

First of all, thanks so much to all of you who posted on Yahoo about the crop circle video, getting the word out about my movie. The comments continued to be overwhelmingly critical of the video — but it could be cause it was all of you! Am continuing to try to see if Toyota would follow up cause of how mad people got at them. And look on my blog for how many of you wrote to me — never got so many responses, and, as I’ve said, that was only people who posted directly on the blog. My own person email was swamped. In fact, to get on the blog, where I’d like to put all the comments on all the posts, please do it through the comments boxes at the end of each blog entry, which is the way your remarks can indeed get on the blog site.


Here’s a story from UFO Digest, analyzing a particular crop circle. (Photo by Lucy Pringle of a glyph from 2004.) I pass it along not because I expect non-scientists to pore over what it says, but to show you a typical sort of thing the circles give rise to. Many pieces are written about many circles to describe intelligence that is embedded in them.

People frequently wonder what the message is of the circles, as if they are a giant jigsaw puzzle and we will get the picture when we get all the pieces fitted together. Or that they are something like hieroglyphics, and we’ll get their message when we get everything translated. I don’t think so. My speculation is that each formation is its own bundle of encoded smarts. It’s not about deciphering the master message, but about getting it that some source is trying to get attention to itself. Intelligence, intelligence intelligence pulses at us. I think of the circlemakers scratching whatever passes for the heads in wonderment that we haven’t realized, en masse, that they exist: “We see you, we understand you, we are feeding back evidence. When are you going to get it that that’s what’s going on?”

I was especially impelled to pass on a story about this particular formation because this one has a featured spot in my movie. It was perfect on the ground, with all the stalks laid in a gorgeous carpet, nothing damaged, no evidence of any human tampering. “Yes, there is a real phenomenon,” says Andy Thomas, who is using this perfect glyph in his presentation to a conference audience about the fact that there incontrovertibly is a real phenomenon.

YAHBOO…Crop circles in the news…

I’ve just had a very heartwarming experience.

Yesterday, after Yahoo ran a 2-minute video about crop circles, I got this email from my friend, Kaia, who is working on a proposed reality TV series about the circles:

Wow, are they really trying to re-visit Doug and Dave? This made the front page of Yahoo today: http://whoknew.news.yahoo.com/?vid=20899874 (Note from Suzanne on 7/26 — this link won’t take you there any more. Five days after this video was posted, it was cycled off, never to be retrieved.)

The video is beyond terrible. Watching it, I wondered if this total dismissal of anything mysterious going on, as if it’s a done deal that people have made all the circles, is where the world is at.

Then, I read the comments — not all 1,080 that were up by then, but a lot of them. Almost all of them were castigating Yahoo for showing something so shameful.

These are the 24 comments posted just before I posted one. They aren’t edited at all, to cherry pick for the most interesting ones (or to fix any grammar or punctuation), so you can see the overwhelming rejection of the video.

Is something changing out there? Is there a lot of awareness now about the circles, and acceptance of them as likely to be coming from elsewhere? It used to be the other way round — whenever something about the circles appeared, there was one defense to a slew of attacks. The comments on this video, up to 2080 and still going strong at the point at which I wrote this post, are extraordinarily good news!!!!

Here are those 24 that preceded what I wrote — to watch my movie, of course. (It would be lovely if you listmembers would do the same — the trailer is here: http://CropCircleMovie.com) :

Hank Winig
You people suck. What did you do sell your soul to the US Government. There the only ones dumb enough to think we will believe all crop circles were made be a few drunk collage kids. All with in hours or even minutes in some cases. Ya Yahoo this is the one that will flush you out of the lime lite.

WOW!! That was intense exposé! Yahoo should be deeply ashamed of airing something this blatantly stupid. Yes, many of them have been hoaxed, but the anomalies on too many of them require a different explanation.

Those who think Doug and Dave made all those crop circles cannot recognize a LIE even if it is tied to a board and whacks them over the head. Crop Circles are laid down at night in moments, some- times in a driving rain, even with researchers watching through the night with night vision.

1971 wasn’t the start of them. If they had done a little research they would find that crop circles have been appearing since the beginning of recorded history. Many are far too complex to be made by man. Try explaining the excess radiation and a magnetic field alteration. Just stupid propoganda!!!

Its aliens. I heard people who go into the circles lose there cell signals, and its like there in a magnactic field or something. Also this isnt really news everybody knows its aliens theyre just making up stuff like area 51

Okay, you know they don’t want us to know the truth and like someone said, people will just take this garbage and run with it. This is some Bu-u-l-l!

Crop circles have been documented for centuries, on all continents and all cultures. This whole thing is a @#$% whitewash.

Crop circle were reported way before the 70`s In chile they have carved out mountains that are cut in half for the purpose a landing run way. Thousand of yards long. You can only see this from above. Airplanes are what? a little over a houndred years old from the Right Brothers.

Give me a break! Planks and rope! RIGHT!

The word is ZO ology, not ZOO ology

Jared H
Those two guys that claimed to have made are full of crap.

I’ve never seen a real crop circle myself, so I can’t speak from experience, but from what I’ve read and heard in interviews from the independent experts, the plants in these crop circles have undergone molecular changes, and are not simply “tipped over” with ropes and boards. Nice try, Yahoo.


Proper Drainage
Who cares if they are fake or the work of some lazy aliens its just a little disinformation scam by your government.

What dumbass made this video? The first recorded crop circles date back more than 200 years. And no, you can’t superheat the insides of plant stalks with a plank. You can’t char roots under the soil with a plank. The only thing that could do that would be a huge microwave oven…

Mik F
hilarious!! well im sold with such a fine detailed answer!! give me a break

Dave and Doug were debunked a long time ago. Get your facts straight. It’s so much easier to try to not think about something then to spend one moment of time giving a true mystery and wonder one iota of sincere thought. It must require just too much effort.

Some years back I remember actor Judd Nelson narrated an utterly ridiculous program that claimed this phenomenon was the work of crop circle ninja’s that appeared out of a cloud of smoke all dressed in black and traveled the planet making formations … it was just bizarre!!!

Wow, Government disinformation at it’s dumbest. My friend, Linda Moulton Howe sat in the middle of a field as the circles appeared….in less than 2 minutes. Doug and Dave were not there. BTW Doug and Dave were working for the British Govt. Calm the masses and cover your a$es.

whoever made this “report” should never have graduated highschool. read the book “secrets in the fields” and then appologize for the dumbest “report” i’ve ever seen from anyone older than a 10 year old. those man made things are actually called crap-circles, because that’s what a man made one is…


who posts this @#$%? Many crop circles are legit and are too complex to be created by man. This is just the ongoing smear effort to cover the growing sightings of UFO activity. Disclosure is coming, and soon.

David W
Good grief. What a brainless piece of propaganda. In this too-fast-paced society of ours, unfortunately, most people will just assume what they just saw here sums it all up and must be the truth. BULL. If you dig and study this phenomenon, you will find quite a different result.

This is such a lame video explanation of crop circles