Tag Archives: PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org

Immediate help requested from people who know Steve Bassett

Steve Bassett is suing me — demanding a jury trial, no less.

This public spectacle will make us the laughing stock of the skeptical world. I can see the headline: The Weird ET Guy and the Crazy Crop Circle Girl Duke it Out on Planet Earth.”

Please help to keep this out of court. Get Steve to drop his lawsuit.

My movie is on a PBS station in Colorado on Thursday night. It’s a first broadcast on TV — a breakthrough, and in an auspicious place. This is what we need more of. Please help so as not to set me – and the world — back.

I’d expect Steve would draft a rebuttal that says he offered settlements, and I am unreasonable in not taking them. That’s like the thief keeping the loot and suing the victim to get more. No, I won’t be issuing a check for $26,000 for which I’ll get that amount of value in Kim Carlsberg’s books; no, I won’t issue an apology to say I’ve blow the whistle on Steve in anger and by mistake; no, I won’t cover legal costs for his filings against me. These are the sorts of agreements he wants in order to drop the suit. I want him to drop it because he shouldn’t have filed it and instead should be apologizing and making good to me.

The legal system is toxic to me – it’s torture to have to take part in it. I’ve found a lawyer – a gentle guy who knows his stuff – who will get retained tomorrow unless Steve agrees to drop the suit. Please help prevent this lawsuit from going further.

Here’s where you can find the whole story: http://theconversation.org/?page_id=2959&preview=true

Suzanne Taylor
What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery