Tag Archives: sacred sites

A Connection in the Scientific Community

I thought space travel via wormholes was science fiction until someone connected me to Alan Holt, and I took a look at what this aerospace manager working on the International Space Station does in his spare time. See Wormhole History ll.

The connection to Alan was because of another of his spare time interests, in crop circles. A big wow, not only that there’s a world class scientist enamored of the circles, but for the sort of person he is.

Some years ago, I created A Call For an Investigation of What is Known About Crop Circles, thinking I’d get Nobel Prize winners to sign onto this benign petition. However, even that was threatening to people with reputations and funding. Alan is a rare one who is OK with being seen for how broad his spectrum is.

I’m passing along this article he wrote in 2,000, along with some comments he just made. One caveat is that he doesn’t know how much hoaxing goes on or how good the hoaxers have gotten. That said, what matters is that no matter how many formations the hoaxers make, there are formations that are a genuine mystery.

Crop Pictograms In The United Kingdom


By Alan Holt M.S. Physical Science (astrophysics)

In July of this year (2000), I had the opportunity to visit the United Kingdom for a couple weeks. The primary purpose for my trip was to spend some time with my companion, Hildi, who lives in Glastonbury, England. Since I knew the timing of my visit would allow me to see and hopefully visit some “crop circles,” I did a little exploration of web sites before I left.

I was absolutely amazed at the patterns I saw, and was wondering why these developments hadn’t surfaced in the general press in the U.S. After my visit and discussions with various people in the UK, it is now clear to me that crop “circles” or pictograms have suffered the same fate that UFOs and other phenomena have, which do not fit the current paradigm.

Upon arriving in London, on July 20, I was picked up by my companion and a friend, and on the way back to Glastonbury we stopped at the Barge Inn. The Barge Inn is located along one of the many canals crisscrossing England, and is a meeting place and informal headquarters for crop circle researchers and visitors. Photos of the latest crop circles are tacked up on a bulletin board.

Outside, looking toward nearby hills, a simple crop circle could be seen. After getting something to eat, we went up to the circle and entered it. The plants on the floor of the circle were woven into a basket like pattern. Unlike the few hoaxed or manmade circles, the stalks of the plants were not broken but looked like they had suddenly decided to bend down and grow in a horizontal direction. My assessment, after visiting several crop pictograms, is that the manmade circles are relatively few, and are composed of simple forms having very poor geometric precision compared to the amazing pictograms.

There are other factors which clearly delineate a manmade circle from the absolutely amazing pictograms, which can be learned from the web sites and several books. I would recommend “Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times” by Lucy Pringle, 1999, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 07225 3855 3, $27.00. I had an opportunity to talk with Lucy at the Glastonbury Crop Circle Conference, July 28 -30, during my visit. She personally flies out over the fields and takes photos.

Since I have for many years used enhanced intuitive capabilities to pick up additional information, I did sit in the crop circle near the Barge Inn and picked up some interesting impressions pertaining to the future. In addition, I put out the thought, somewhat as a test but really a request, that I would like to see a crop pictogram appear which could provide me some insight into the direction I should pursue in my advanced transport/field physics research activities.

We then went on to Glastonbury, to London, and then back to Glastonbury. Eight days later, we went back out into crop circle country and again visited the Barge Inn. On the bulletin board, was an astounding new pictogram. It was shaped like a bar magnet, with magnetic field lines coming out of the north and south poles. The pictogram had appeared on July 22 two days after my arrival in the England (and my first visit to the Barge Inn). We determined its location, visited the pattern, and spent a lot of time exploring it.

You’ll see footage of this formation in my movie!…ST


Lucy magnetic fieldsThe precision and intricacy of the pattern was stunning. Even the farmer whose field the pattern had appeared in was overwhelmed by this pictogram. He indicated that there had been other patterns in his field before, but he had still harbored some doubts concerning who or what had made them. But with the appearance of this pictogram, he knows now that this is a true mystery. From his perspective there is NO possibility that this was made by humans or our technology, and I agree with him.

While in the pattern, I recalled the thought which I had sent out for a pictogram to appear which could provide some direction for my research activities. I have to conclude that whatever intelligence is responsible for these patterns, it has connections with or links with our human consciousness.

There is truly an astounding phenomenon unfolding in England and elsewhere in the world. It’s very unfortunate that the unscientific thinking, and perhaps deliberate disinformation, of a few individuals have been picked up and accepted by a naive press worldwide. As a result, millions of people have been deprived of the opportunity to experience a consciousness expanding phenomenon. It is our civilization’s loss; but fortunately the apparently successful attempt to ridicule or “debunk” crop circles will do nothing stop what may be a major transformation ahead for humanity.

From my perspective, there is also a warning or “be prepared” message coming through the crop pictograms as well. We have not been very good stewards of the planet on which we are living. We have recklessly depleted resources; contaminated water, air and Earth; threatened the foundation of Earth’s viability with the use and testing of nuclear weapons (and perhaps other exotic technology), and continue to waste at least one-half of what we produce (especially here in the U.S.). The Earth can compensate for some of our mistakes, but it too goes through transformations. If our care of our planet is not dramatically improved soon, we may not have many more years to enjoy the beauty and nurturing environment which even now the Earth still provides (the year 2012 could be a turning point).

Alan Holt is currently a Project Manager for NASA’s International Space Station: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of NASA and are the sole views of Alan Holt. [He still holds the NASA position…ST]

Brief Update to My Crop Pictogram Comments

Alan Holt (6/26/11)

After reading my comments from the year 2000, all of what I said then still seems to apply. The amazing crop pictograms continue to suffer the fate of any phenomenon, or set of facts, which does not have a clear mainstream science/paradigm explanation, and/or which could open up a pathway for major paradigm changes.

The complexity and form of the crop pictograms continue to be very amazing and insightful. There is a growing focus on, and concern for, the decline of the Earth’s environment; and a growing awareness of the upcoming shifts in the calendars of the Mayans, Hopi, and other native groups; and what these shifts (in consciousness?) could mean for human civilization. It would be interesting if any trends in the crop pictograms begin to occur, which more directly (and more often) address steps to help us avoid the decline in the Earth’s environment, and enhance potential shifts in human consciousness.

It was made clear to me in my first visit to a crop pictogram in 2000, that we may not have many years left to enjoy the verdant Earth as we do now. Hopefully, we have made progress since 2000 to reverse that trend, and we will take additional steps to minimize the Earth’s environmental decline. The bar magnet crop pattern which appeared during my visit in 2000, did seem to be an answer to the question/request (which I mentally proposed) about the best research approach, in my breakthrough space transport interests. I’m convinced that humanity’s destiny path will lead us to become a very successful, evolved consciousness, space exploration species. The crop pictograms may be helping us to take a few key steps down that path.

I’m still involved with space utilization and exploration activities. The above comments are my personal comments only.




You can listen to Rosie O’Donnell talking about crop circles on two of her recent radio shows, on Sirius:

The first time was for 14 minutes, after she saw What On Earth?  It’s the second link

The second time, I was on the show with her. It’s the third link. You won’t hear what’s minutes remaining in the show after that, when she continued to talk to her sidekicks and callers about the circles. I loved it cause however skeptical anyone was, she said they would change their minds if they saw the movie!

There’s a possibility that I’ll take Rosie to England with me this summer. And am looking forward to her new talk show on Oprah’s network, OWN — she said she wanted me to come on it!

Love to have your thoughts about this development. Leave them in the Comment box here and I’ll share them with Rosie.

Good Report on Crop Circles in UFO Magazine

After appearing on 21st Century Radio, with Dr. Bob Hieronimus, material from the show I did was woven into this piece, published in issue #155 of UFO Magazine. I think is just about the best reflection, in print, of what I think about the crop circle phenomenon.

Do Reports on Crop Circles Even Belong in a UFO Magazine?

by Drs. Bob and Zohara Hieronimus

The answer is yes if you acknowledge that UFO readers are curious and open-minded people interested in any true planetary mystery. Although there is no apparent link between the two phenomena, much like the UFOs that are explored in this magazine, crop formations are a true Earth mystery. Many have assumed a UFO connection, especially in the 1980s before crop “circles” grew into elaborate formations. Back then, some people were even calling them landing sites for UFOs.  Now that the geometric and mathematically elaborate patterns consist of more than just circular shapes, many still assume a UFO connection, if only because they appear so darned non-human. Famed Harvard psychiatrist and abduction researcher, Dr. John Mack, became entranced with crop circles shortly before his death in 2004, calling them “the most dramatic and most extraordinary crossover from the other dimension in the history of the human race.”

Mack is one of many fascinating people featured in Suzanne Taylor’s film, What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, produced by Mighty Companions (http://theconversation.org). Taylor, long an appreciator of the phenomenon, engages with many “croppies” — scientists, philosophers, geometers, educators, and artists from all over the world — who gather in England every summer, where the most and the best formations appear.  Like the UFO community, they are pooling their experience and background to come up with theories based on the patterns they have identified. What On Earth? won the EBE award for Best Feature Documentary at the UFO Congress Film Festival, where Patty Greer’s crop circle film, The Wake Up Call, won that award in 2010, and Crop Circles: Quest for Truth, for which Suzanne was Executive Producer, won the Audience Award in 2003.  It’s obvious that the elegant, mysterious beauty of this anomaly has captivated the UFO audience. Taylor says, “Fortuitously, the UFO people think of crop circles as part of their world. I’m very happy to get their award, which, by the way, looks like an Oscar, only it’s an alien with a little camera on his shoulder. He’s very cute.”

On 21st Century Radio, with Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Suzanne Taylor explained that as a long-time student of consciousness and the human potential, she was attracted early on to the crop circle mystery. Back in the 1980s, she “zeroed in on them as a possible transformative agent,” and began producing programs about them in Los Angeles. She made her first trip to England in 1993, and the more she learned the more she was convinced that “the circles present an opportunity for a radical shift of our worldview.” We all worry that Earth is in danger of destruction at the hands of humans, Taylor says. “If we knew we were being visited, we would be one humanity in relation to ‘the other,’ and, as someone in the film says, ‘That could be what saves this civilization.’”

“Look, nothing’s working,” elaborated Taylor on 21st Century Radio. “We can’t make things work because we’ have the wrong idea. We’ve got a system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and war is perfectly acceptable. You can’t run a world this way. It doesn’t hold together. It’s a dangerous time and we need a shift in our fundamental worldview about who we are and what we’re doing here. Of course, if we blow up half the world, that would change things. Horrible disasters can change the fundamentals. But, I like to think something peaceful could, too. I mean, by accepting the fact that we’re not alone and the ramifications of that, just think how that would ripple out and  get us to revise our perspectives on who we are and what we’re doing here.”

There has been a recent groundswell of highly credible sources from the government and the military “going public” about UFO experiences, and several countries recently have released their classified UFO files. Average Americans, who never thought twice about the UFO phenomenon beyond it being a joke and a hoax, are experiencing a dawning realization that maybe we are being visited from elsewhere. “Governments, armies, and the church don’t want that out, because it changes the world; it changes humanity,” says Janet Ossebaard, a researcher from the Netherlands who is featured in Taylor’s film.

In the early 1990s, when the crop circles began developing into elaborate, geometric formations, theories shifted from them being landing sites for UFOs or weather phenomena, to the possibility that they are a form of communication. One of the most popular questions for the croppies, reports Taylor, is whether anyone has been able to “crack the code,” as if you could string all the formations together and they would solve a puzzle. While many individual formations are loaded with information expressed in symbols and codes from many disciplines — astronomy, biology, chemistry, and other systems of knowledge — Taylor tells us that the geometers are the ones making the most exciting connections. The circlemakers are delivering “a virtual curriculum in geometry and number,” she says, with the mathematical information encoded in them. Taylor noted that “they started with circular elements only, and then went into triangles, and then squares, and then 5-sided, 6-sided, 7-sided, 8-sided shapes. They just kept adding more facets to the patterns, and the free-form designs that also appear are becoming more and more complex.”

The sophistication of the geometric patterns is one of the hints to determine that any particular formation is not a human-made hoax. However, the hoaxers have gotten better, and now they also create some splendidly complex formations necessitating other tests to rule out human hoaxes. The most definitive tests are done in the laboratory on the crop and soil samples using strict scientific protocols. There are physical changes to the crops and the soil in the mysterious circles that do not appear in formations made by humans flattening the crops with boards, and the results of these experiments have been published in peer-reviewed science journals.

Before samples can be sent to a lab, however, while inside the new formations, croppies are on the lookout for things they can see, like markings or damage made by boards and feet. They are also looking for things they can’t see, like the anomalous phenomena that often occur inside a mysteriously delivered crop formation. Similar to the phenomena reported during close encounters with a UFO and within locations purported to be haunted, inside crop circles investigators will often report that batteries will drain, mobile phones won’t work, and magnetometers and voltage meters go haywire. “But if you step right outside the circle,” says Taylor, “phones will work again. Step back inside the circle, and they won’t. If any of that happens,” she claims, “you can pretty well know you’re in a genuinely mysterious glyph.”

Those practicing the ancient art of dowsing are richly rewarded in the formations. “If a dowser closes his eyes in a formation,” says Taylor, “he can tell you where the pattern changes, and a lot about the construction. One of our dowsers was blindfolded 90 miles away from a formation, and just using his dowsing rods he told the driver where to make turns to get to that crop circle.”

And what are we to make of the predominance of these formations appearing near the ancient, sacred sites that proliferate in southern England (Stonehenge being only the best known)? Crop formations have been recorded in forty other countries, as well, and Taylor says that all over the world they tend to land near sites with spiritual histories, like Indian burial grounds in the United States.  Taylor calls this “picking the bull’s eye spot,” quoting one of the croppies in her film, theorizing that the circlemakers are “calling us back to a time when we were more connected to the earth, when we were more whole beings, when we weren’t split off from the sacred and weren’t worshipping the material.” She believes that the formations are appearing in crops, the basis of our sustenance, as a means of “calling us to something more elemental than the life we are living now.”

As the world moves toward a re-uniting of science and spirit, and our perspective becomes more holistic, it is the hope of Taylor and other optimistic croppies that these incredible formations will pull humanity into conversation focused on what to do in relation to them. It certainly seems that the circles are being made with the intent of being seen and with the purpose of accomplishing something. They even seem to respond to human interest, delivering more formations when and where people gather to study them. As Taylor concludes, on her website, “It could be that the contact established via the circles will create a new beginning for humanity – the start of an era when awe and wonder will supplant the dangerous oppositional behaviors prevalent today.”

See the film trailer and buy the DVD, with the feature film and great bonus material, at http://www.CropCircleMovie.com.

Article prepared by Laura Cortner. Transcription by Mike Donahue.