Tag Archives: vote

Startling Straight Talk

Although I’m a died in the wool progressive who votes Democrat, I sing to myself so as not to listen to TV’s political ads, in California, from both parties. First, is their smug, supercilious tone, and then there is the repetition. Same ads, time after time. I believe they are turning everyone off.

Not being eager to immerse myself in this energy, nevertheless I like reading what Zack Kaldveer, who works for the Consumer Federation of California, has to say. (“GFC is a non-profit advocacy organization that has been a powerful voice for consumer rights since 1960.”)  Zack, an email friend who’s a passionate crusader for a better way, is clear and compelling in his analyses of what’s going on. Not only could he activate you to get you to the polls in case you are inclined to pass, but he will inform you.

What’s I’m directing you to was shocking American history to me. I wonder if any of you know the skinny on Columbus. Zack’s blog is TAKE THE RED PILL: Decoding America’s Matrix, and this entry for October 12 gave me more damning information than I ever knew.

I bring this to you because of how important it is to vote.

PS: I was with a friend last night, talking about how imploded we are in a system that’s not working, and, even when they don’t work, how difficult complex systems are to impact. He used the word “shock” — that  we need something  to shock us in order to jar us loose from the meshed gears we are in, where even good people have 40Ks and need the market to do well. Back to the circles — that it would be a shock to all of humanity to understand they can’t be made by us.