Tonight’s the Night: Watch Ancient Aliens on the History Channel

Tonight’s the night.

Fifty radio shows later, you will see the face of my voice on the History Channel: Ancient Aliens, 8:00-10:00. May this, the 3rd program in the 5-part Ancient Aliens series, be as good as the first two (especially the don’t miss program #1, “The Visitors,” which is well worth $3.99 on iTunes). Click here to watch it on iTunes

Some large percentage of the population believes we are not alone, but the absolute evidence of that is another thing — and it is what you will see on this series. It is a life changer. Trust me – at least for the first two parts that already have run.

Now, I haven’t seen my episode tomorrow night, and I hope I don’t have to issue apologies for what they include or be embarrassed by how I look, so check our Facebook fan page Wednesday for anything pithy I may have to say. And you can have a say, there, too. We have to start meeting like this!!!!

Here’s where to get more info on the whole series: