I’ve just had a very heartwarming experience.
Yesterday, after Yahoo ran a 2-minute video about crop circles, I got this email from my friend, Kaia, who is working on a proposed reality TV series about the circles:
Wow, are they really trying to re-visit Doug and Dave? This made the front page of Yahoo today: http://whoknew.news.yahoo.com/?vid=20899874 (Note from Suzanne on 7/26 — this link won’t take you there any more. Five days after this video was posted, it was cycled off, never to be retrieved.)
The video is beyond terrible. Watching it, I wondered if this total dismissal of anything mysterious going on, as if it’s a done deal that people have made all the circles, is where the world is at.
Then, I read the comments — not all 1,080 that were up by then, but a lot of them. Almost all of them were castigating Yahoo for showing something so shameful.
These are the 24 comments posted just before I posted one. They aren’t edited at all, to cherry pick for the most interesting ones (or to fix any grammar or punctuation), so you can see the overwhelming rejection of the video.
Is something changing out there? Is there a lot of awareness now about the circles, and acceptance of them as likely to be coming from elsewhere? It used to be the other way round — whenever something about the circles appeared, there was one defense to a slew of attacks. The comments on this video, up to 2080 and still going strong at the point at which I wrote this post, are extraordinarily good news!!!!
Here are those 24 that preceded what I wrote — to watch my movie, of course. (It would be lovely if you listmembers would do the same — the trailer is here: http://CropCircleMovie.com) :
Hank Winig
You people suck. What did you do sell your soul to the US Government. There the only ones dumb enough to think we will believe all crop circles were made be a few drunk collage kids. All with in hours or even minutes in some cases. Ya Yahoo this is the one that will flush you out of the lime lite.
WOW!! That was intense exposé! Yahoo should be deeply ashamed of airing something this blatantly stupid. Yes, many of them have been hoaxed, but the anomalies on too many of them require a different explanation.
Those who think Doug and Dave made all those crop circles cannot recognize a LIE even if it is tied to a board and whacks them over the head. Crop Circles are laid down at night in moments, some- times in a driving rain, even with researchers watching through the night with night vision.
1971 wasn’t the start of them. If they had done a little research they would find that crop circles have been appearing since the beginning of recorded history. Many are far too complex to be made by man. Try explaining the excess radiation and a magnetic field alteration. Just stupid propoganda!!!
Its aliens. I heard people who go into the circles lose there cell signals, and its like there in a magnactic field or something. Also this isnt really news everybody knows its aliens theyre just making up stuff like area 51
Okay, you know they don’t want us to know the truth and like someone said, people will just take this garbage and run with it. This is some Bu-u-l-l!
Crop circles have been documented for centuries, on all continents and all cultures. This whole thing is a @#$% whitewash.
Crop circle were reported way before the 70`s In chile they have carved out mountains that are cut in half for the purpose a landing run way. Thousand of yards long. You can only see this from above. Airplanes are what? a little over a houndred years old from the Right Brothers.
Give me a break! Planks and rope! RIGHT!
The word is ZO ology, not ZOO ology
Jared H
Those two guys that claimed to have made are full of crap.
I’ve never seen a real crop circle myself, so I can’t speak from experience, but from what I’ve read and heard in interviews from the independent experts, the plants in these crop circles have undergone molecular changes, and are not simply “tipped over” with ropes and boards. Nice try, Yahoo.
Proper Drainage
Who cares if they are fake or the work of some lazy aliens its just a little disinformation scam by your government.
What dumbass made this video? The first recorded crop circles date back more than 200 years. And no, you can’t superheat the insides of plant stalks with a plank. You can’t char roots under the soil with a plank. The only thing that could do that would be a huge microwave oven…
Mik F
hilarious!! well im sold with such a fine detailed answer!! give me a break
Dave and Doug were debunked a long time ago. Get your facts straight. It’s so much easier to try to not think about something then to spend one moment of time giving a true mystery and wonder one iota of sincere thought. It must require just too much effort.
Some years back I remember actor Judd Nelson narrated an utterly ridiculous program that claimed this phenomenon was the work of crop circle ninja’s that appeared out of a cloud of smoke all dressed in black and traveled the planet making formations … it was just bizarre!!!
Wow, Government disinformation at it’s dumbest. My friend, Linda Moulton Howe sat in the middle of a field as the circles appeared….in less than 2 minutes. Doug and Dave were not there. BTW Doug and Dave were working for the British Govt. Calm the masses and cover your a$es.
whoever made this “report” should never have graduated highschool. read the book “secrets in the fields” and then appologize for the dumbest “report” i’ve ever seen from anyone older than a 10 year old. those man made things are actually called crap-circles, because that’s what a man made one is…
who posts this @#$%? Many crop circles are legit and are too complex to be created by man. This is just the ongoing smear effort to cover the growing sightings of UFO activity. Disclosure is coming, and soon.
David W
Good grief. What a brainless piece of propaganda. In this too-fast-paced society of ours, unfortunately, most people will just assume what they just saw here sums it all up and must be the truth. BULL. If you dig and study this phenomenon, you will find quite a different result.
This is such a lame video explanation of crop circles
Oh, but wait! I saw D & D and know they’re doing it all over the world. They’re using Santa’s sleigh when it’s out of season.
I found it funny that they said the truth about crop circles is out. Doug and Dave did it. That was about it. No proof. Not even pictures of doug and dave. And really did those two old men make all the crop circles all over the world over however many years (30)… ya right. This is just evidence of a governmental cover up of the truth for the ignorant people who trust yahoo news. All they said was doug and dave did. To many, that’s enough evidence. But it’s actually none. Why don’t they show us the real proof? How they were made.
This must be someone from the dark ages with their head in the sand. And no way to feel. Contact Suzanne Taylor, Judith Moore and many others who have witnessed, researched, felt the truth. For this surely is not the truth.
I have been studying the crop circle phenomenon for several years now and I can assure you that most of the crop circles are definitely not man made. It is extremely irresponsible of you to present this obvious piece of disinformation.
You should be ashamed of yourself, showing something so narrow minded like this, as if it is the truth. Yes, there are some that are man-made but, the majority are not. Crop circles have and continue to be a mystery. I know see and feel sorry for the people behind yahoo, who choose to live in a sheltered controlled environment. Thankfully our world is now waking up to the fact “these types of people(YES, YOU YAHOO) no longer have control over what the people view, think, and believe. It is time we open our eyes and see for ourselves and not depend on yahoo for the latest, controlled, and manipulated news.
after reading this article my opinion of yahoo news dropped significantly. i can’t believe they had the nerve to ressurect the doug and dave story to explain away this mysterious phenomenon. smashing the grain with boards does not produce bent stalks at a precise angle of 51 degrees bent only at stalk nodes. do the research first and have someone check it who has half a brain! crop circles have appeared for hundreds of years of recorded hstory in many countries around the world. do doug and dave really travel extensively and send teams out to simultaneously produce these around the globe? i have never seen such utter nonsense trying to be passed off as news in a major news source. this will only serve to greatly diminish the credibility of yahoo as a source of news and put it in a category closer to that of comic entertainment. did this video address the phenomena of precisely bent grain stalks at 51 degrees bent only at the grain nodes, the radiation measured at these sites, the nearly instantaneous formations, the photographed balls of light, the complex mathematics that shows geometric proofs previously unknown in modern mathematical understanding, the binary codes encrypted within certain crop formations, or a host of other epiphenomena associated with the real crop formations? this blithe dismissal is an obvious hoax trying to be foisted upon a supposed unaware public by government coverup planted stories. sheer idiocy trying to pose as the final explanation of one of the most amazing and mysterous epiphenomena of the modern world. there’s more accurate news, more intelligent commentary, and more precise information in the comments than in the ridiculous smear campaign yahoo is trying to place upon this credible and verifiable story. someone fire the editor!
Typical attitude you get from black and white thinkers who are incapable of grasping that reality is full of subtlety and nuance. It reminds me very much of the treatment that the UFO topic receives. Sure, 99% of all reports or sightings can be explained by something other than ET coming for a visit, but there are a number of specific cases that are literally beyond belief, that can not be explained in any mundane fashion and for which there is abundant evidence of something coming from another world. The same sort of treatment holds true for Crop Circles. Unfortunately, a lot of people just don’t get reality. They want their world in black and white, and they want it explained in 30 second sound bites; no thinking required. This video was a pathetic and embarrassing example of how many people perceive reality.
This was the 2nd video Yahoo ran on the topic. The first one (1-2 yrs ago) was even more trite… in the 2nd one they at least tried harder to prove their case. Who is behind this crap is the big question?
Yahoo, really?? Toyota, you can count on my staying out of your showrooms. If you believe in this kind of nonsense it’s no wonder your cars are falling apart. This is blatant nonsense – next we’ll have them putting up a video on how fossils are a product of the devil to fool us into thinking that the creation was really 6000 years ago.
Shame on you, Yahoo! More lies from those that are clinging to power by the threads of deceit!
WHAT ON EARTH? does a superb job of debunking the debunkers, like the perpetrators of this clip. I think some people are so threatened by the possibility on confronting something they don’t understand that they will go to any length to discredit it.
This video was clearly put together by someone who has never had any personal experience with the crop formations. What stupidity!
Yahoo!! WHO?
What kind of brainless twits are running Yahoo. Please, at least do a little research before you print such utter rubbish,
Perhaps you should be called BOOHOO
Having experienced the crop circles first hand on several occasions, this report doesn’t even come close to describing this magnificent gift to mankind. Nor does it address the positive influence it has on the individuals who visit the circles. And, crop circles have been appearing for several hundred years according to written reports. At least make an effort to really investigate this phenomenon rather than just run stale, faulty old reports!
after watching this video my opinion of yahoo news dropped a few notches. why did they post an informational video done by a ten year old? crop circles are a hundreds of years old phenomenon and have appeared in many countries around the world. i can’t believe someone had the nerve to resurrect the doug and dave show to explain away this yet to be unraveled mystery. i don’t believe smashing the grain with boards can produce precise 51 degree angles of the grain stalks bent only at the stalk nodes, or the radiation left behind at these sites. i wonder what yahoo got in return for this government sponsored article attempting to debunk crop circles with such obvious idiocy. i also wonder how many other yahoo “stories” are “planted” with blatant disregard to truth. now i know why they call it yahoo. let’s call it what it is: idiotic smear campaign unconvincing to anyone.
This is indeed propaganda—as most “news” these days is—and we are heartened that most people realize that now. Most crop circles are well beyond the abilities of ‘men with boards’ and need to be acknowledged for what they really are. Beautiful, skillful, meaningful messages.
It’s just like Brian Swimme’s been saying: there’s a powerful negative energy that wants us to stay focused on earning and spending, watching advertising and buying Toyotas. And NOT pay attention to the fullness and Truth of the Universe we live in.
Not to worry Suzanne, what we are dealing with here is the (man-made crop circle) equivalent of the flat earth society. The new paradigm will take a while to get itself established. One of the problems is that too many people watch the main news channels. News readers are some of the best actors on the planet – but it’s only an act, and it’s wearing very thin. They’re sitting on a little island of self-deception and the world of truth is slowly rising all around them. They’re going to be washed away very soon now. I’m just waiting for the day (and it’s only a matter of time) when the main item on the BBC News will be the latest crop circle and someone like Lucy Pringle will be interviewed at length, and given the respect they deserve! So there!
The powers at Toyota should think very carefully before attaching their name to this idiotic video series. Anyone with any intelligence that takes the time to research the FACTS would never fall for such lame untruths.
Toyota, in my opinion, may lure a few more intelligent folks over to their side if they spent time & money reinventing the electric car.
Congratulations to Producer/Director Suzanne Taylor CropCircleMovie.com of the documentary ‘WHAT ON EARTH’, it appears its success has hit a nerve!.
What is the point of producing false information? Comprehensive accuracy and fairness is the mark of true journalism. You have lost a great deal of your most valuable asset, credibility.
Typical regurgitated journalism to the unsuspecting eyes and ears. Laughable to those who dared to look deep into a subject worthy of open minded investigation.
For those of you who value an open mind, I highly recommend ‘WHAT ON EARTH’ by Producer/Director
Suzanne Taylor CropCircleMovie.com
Really? Fact-checked? Are you kidding me….let’s revisit whether the world is flat…
Breathtaking stupidity.
What a badly researched, narrow minded, short sighted, blinkered, dumb-downed, propaganda fueled piece of so-called journalism..! Why are they trying so hard to hide this stuff?! What are they afraid of? Never mind – who cares… the balance is shifting anyway. The presentation of this film, its content, and its apparent conclusions are so ludicrously fake, vacuous and contrived, it’s almost funny!
The beautifully intricate and precisely drawn glyphs scare the control freaks, the purveyors of fabrication and negativity. We who are moved by the circles have moved on to greater plains of thought and awareness and hardly notice the noise from Yahoo.
shame on Yahoo !!! you call this fact checking
Dear Yahoo –
As a major influence on the world, you have a moral obligation to speak the truth. You need to properly research your facts before presenting them. How could people bend each of millions of straws of grain at exactly the same node in a circle the size of a football field? How could people with a board create the complex mathematical formulas evident in the crop circles? And all in a matter of minutes! I suggest you publish a correction to save face because right now you look ridiculous.
So interesting that denial continues to be projected regarding this “event”. Less than 50 years ago, mainstream media culture would have “laughed” at the idea of a search engine that could instantly “find” information on a “virtual web” and now… Yahoo! My recommendation: always check the content when the messenger portrays itself as more important than the message. World Wide Web stands for freedom of thought, not control of thought. I invite Yahoo to rethink its message and …evolve with the times and its customer base.
I’m responding with LOVE and more LOVE as reacting with negativity only causes more misunderstanding and fear. I was informed long ago that our ‘job’ here is not to persuade and convince…it is to live in love TRUTH and TRUTH will set you free. Blessings to all along the journey. ps) Personally, when viewing the crop circles, I get goosebumps on top of goosebumps. My way of confirming that they are real and a connection from pure love & truth. I welcome the communication with open arms…
What good is yahoo if those “checking” don’t do the proper research? Very disappointing propaganda.
Ya Hoo not to be trusted!
The real culprits here are all the universities in the world who have not been able to muster an interdisciplinary team to check out this phenomenon. The reason is that the older bunch who endows them might take their money and run…same is true for the old world newspapers who are crashing around us. Won’t you have the courage to help us learn something new? Yes the world is still flat and you are flat is the problem. Turn this discussion into something revelatory!
These are the same anesthesiologists who bring us “facts” about our economy, immunizations, our food-water-air, the government, Osama bin Laden, chem-trails, the pyramids….. Love is taking over the conversation now. Thank you Suzanne Taylor!
Disinformation, indeed….there can be
no other explanation,
since it wasn’t humorous and offered nothing informative about the crop circle phenomenon.
To Yahoo and Toyota…
crop circles are a legitimate mystery, gifts from somewhere, and to mock them like this is an insult to
enlightened people.
I couldn’t believe what I was reading and was incredibly angered that Yahoo would give space to such a disingenuous piece of propaganda. It saddens me to think that now millions of people have been exposed to such a biased point of view and many of them will think they “know” the truth about about crop circles.
What’s going on here, Yahoo? Come out of hiding and print a retraction. If you can’t speak the truth, then at least say: “Further research needs to be done before anything definitive can be said. Until then, crop circles remain a mystery”.
On very good authority heard 80% man made – but that still leaves 20% a mystery. All the balls of light flying around on bert jansen dvd “contact” have still to be explained
Yes some crop circles are man made and fakes, but so are some Picasso paintings, and $100 bills. Why would Yahoo, who prides itself in being cutting edge, broadcast such bull? Their is enough brainwashing misinformation on traditional media about the state of the world, BP oil spills, global warming, and a whole lot more. I’m beyond disappointed when “trustworthy” yahoo blatantly joins in proliferating inadequate, misleading, and even false information about crop circles or anything else. Regardless of how big you are and how much money your company generates, or whether you sell out to China or any other super power or super-conglomerate, there are consequences for your misdeeds. In order to regain my trust, I hope you have the integrity to admit the error of your ways, retract what you have said, and let someone who may have more accurate information have their say.
I dont think it is worth to devote so much attention to this video: to give attention means to energize…The media mostly does the same thing with all the ufo topics: first showing the evidence and then an expert comes and says that scientifically it is impossible what means it cant exist… But those who are interested and want to know the truth can easily find countless information. Those who want to believe that the crop circles are man made and the ufo-s dont exist cant be persuaded of the opposite whatever you or anybody does.
Poor job on Yahoo’s part. Why did they bother?
My Husband Montague Keen was an expert on Crop Circle. He even got Doug and Dave to his farm. What they did bears no comparison to the real crop circles. They take a long time to do the simplest crop circle. They COULD NOT POSSIBLY ACHIEVE the amazing crop circles that we are seeing these days, Anyway they are far too old to do them. There is a significant message contained in the crop circles these days. The great Dr. John Mack (Harvard) was a believer, as well as many other reputable scientists. They are one of the Great Wonders of our time. Here in England, we are delighted by these wonderous examples of craftsmanship.
Anyone who has walked in any of the even moderately complex crop circles or seen good photos of them know they they are virtually perfect geometrically. No one on the ground with a measuring tape and boards to press down the crops could ever achieve anything close to that degree of accuracy.
If you look into the history of crop circles, you’ll find strong evidence that Doug and Dave, who claimed to have made ALL of these complex crop circles (200 a year worldwide), were in the employ of the British government and/or the CIA, who don’t want us to know what amazing things are being presented to mankind on this planet at this pivotal time in history. Doug and Dave lied for money. They sowed just enough doubt in the public mind so that non-thinkers, sleepwalkers would just say, “Ok, well that explains that.”
Wake up, Yahoo. Don’t be just a tool for the Powers That Be, who would like to keep us in ignorance about many things so that they can maintain and increase their worldwide dominance, to the detriment of us all. Wake up. Big change is at hand. No one can hold it back.
Very weak investigative exercise, Yahoo. I’m a high school teacher and I give you a Fail. I know a little bit about this subject and you did NOT do your homework. Go back and do a better job. I’ll give you permission to do it over. A little more depth and diligence next time please.
And Toyota? You’ve got problems galore with your credibility already. I would be careful about who you associate with. You do your company no good by associating with Yahoo as long as they continue their shameful ” Investigative” pieces such as the crop circle joke they are trying to perpetrate.
Yes, you need to check your sources and/or send a correspondent to investigate it directly like a professional journalism outlet would do. Does Yahoo have a media gathering/producing dept. anymore? I know it did back in the day.
If you think they are not legit try and do one.
Well, what can I say! This is such a foolish, misleading superficial video..You need to get your facts straight, Yahoo. Start reading some of the information published by the scientists, academicians, and other professionals and watch documentaries like “What on Earth? by Suzanne Taylor. Do you really think you know better than they do? Too funny…and sad.
The global disinformation controlled by the elite continues, despite the growing awareness of their plans to keep the majority of humanity fat, dumb and happy. It gets more outlandish and predominant as the numbers of awakening people increase.
Hold the light. These people trust in their beliefs the same way you trust in yours. The basis of the positions aren’t that different at the core, just polarized. Be true to your own knowing and don’t waste your time on those who would attack you. Spread your own light to those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. The dark can’t exist in the presence of one small flame of truth.
Shamballa Center
What a waste of imagination!!! Crop circles are a beautiful offerings to open our hearts, minds and evolution as humans. Boring people seem content to confine themselves in a critical role of “I don’t know therefore, I’ll never know…” Bless the ignorant and programable for we are all cast from the same mold.
The guys who claimed to be making crop circles were debunked years ago. But what do you expect from Yahoo? Drop your Yahoo account.
Is it so surprising that there are powers that be that do not want people to believe that unseen mysteries exist? I saw the yahoo video and just thought what an incomplete story with little or no substance. You cannot believe everything you read, nor should you. I am not sure why people are so outraged. The established religions of the world have been minimizing and denying miracles and signs throughout history. Why would crop circles be any different for the nay sayers? Chill out…there is polarity on this planet…it is where balance lies.
The nonsense published equals to allowing a monkey to hold a shotgun.
I am sorry for the Yahoo editors that allowed such lack of investigation to show on the main page. It reflects on their criteria.