YAHBOO…Crop circles in the news…

I’ve just had a very heartwarming experience.

Yesterday, after Yahoo ran a 2-minute video about crop circles, I got this email from my friend, Kaia, who is working on a proposed reality TV series about the circles:

Wow, are they really trying to re-visit Doug and Dave? This made the front page of Yahoo today: http://whoknew.news.yahoo.com/?vid=20899874 (Note from Suzanne on 7/26 — this link won’t take you there any more. Five days after this video was posted, it was cycled off, never to be retrieved.)

The video is beyond terrible. Watching it, I wondered if this total dismissal of anything mysterious going on, as if it’s a done deal that people have made all the circles, is where the world is at.

Then, I read the comments — not all 1,080 that were up by then, but a lot of them. Almost all of them were castigating Yahoo for showing something so shameful.

These are the 24 comments posted just before I posted one. They aren’t edited at all, to cherry pick for the most interesting ones (or to fix any grammar or punctuation), so you can see the overwhelming rejection of the video.

Is something changing out there? Is there a lot of awareness now about the circles, and acceptance of them as likely to be coming from elsewhere? It used to be the other way round — whenever something about the circles appeared, there was one defense to a slew of attacks. The comments on this video, up to 2080 and still going strong at the point at which I wrote this post, are extraordinarily good news!!!!

Here are those 24 that preceded what I wrote — to watch my movie, of course. (It would be lovely if you listmembers would do the same — the trailer is here: http://CropCircleMovie.com) :

Hank Winig
You people suck. What did you do sell your soul to the US Government. There the only ones dumb enough to think we will believe all crop circles were made be a few drunk collage kids. All with in hours or even minutes in some cases. Ya Yahoo this is the one that will flush you out of the lime lite.

WOW!! That was intense exposé! Yahoo should be deeply ashamed of airing something this blatantly stupid. Yes, many of them have been hoaxed, but the anomalies on too many of them require a different explanation.

Those who think Doug and Dave made all those crop circles cannot recognize a LIE even if it is tied to a board and whacks them over the head. Crop Circles are laid down at night in moments, some- times in a driving rain, even with researchers watching through the night with night vision.

1971 wasn’t the start of them. If they had done a little research they would find that crop circles have been appearing since the beginning of recorded history. Many are far too complex to be made by man. Try explaining the excess radiation and a magnetic field alteration. Just stupid propoganda!!!

Its aliens. I heard people who go into the circles lose there cell signals, and its like there in a magnactic field or something. Also this isnt really news everybody knows its aliens theyre just making up stuff like area 51

Okay, you know they don’t want us to know the truth and like someone said, people will just take this garbage and run with it. This is some Bu-u-l-l!

Crop circles have been documented for centuries, on all continents and all cultures. This whole thing is a @#$% whitewash.

Crop circle were reported way before the 70`s In chile they have carved out mountains that are cut in half for the purpose a landing run way. Thousand of yards long. You can only see this from above. Airplanes are what? a little over a houndred years old from the Right Brothers.

Give me a break! Planks and rope! RIGHT!

The word is ZO ology, not ZOO ology

Jared H
Those two guys that claimed to have made are full of crap.

I’ve never seen a real crop circle myself, so I can’t speak from experience, but from what I’ve read and heard in interviews from the independent experts, the plants in these crop circles have undergone molecular changes, and are not simply “tipped over” with ropes and boards. Nice try, Yahoo.


Proper Drainage
Who cares if they are fake or the work of some lazy aliens its just a little disinformation scam by your government.

What dumbass made this video? The first recorded crop circles date back more than 200 years. And no, you can’t superheat the insides of plant stalks with a plank. You can’t char roots under the soil with a plank. The only thing that could do that would be a huge microwave oven…

Mik F
hilarious!! well im sold with such a fine detailed answer!! give me a break

Dave and Doug were debunked a long time ago. Get your facts straight. It’s so much easier to try to not think about something then to spend one moment of time giving a true mystery and wonder one iota of sincere thought. It must require just too much effort.

Some years back I remember actor Judd Nelson narrated an utterly ridiculous program that claimed this phenomenon was the work of crop circle ninja’s that appeared out of a cloud of smoke all dressed in black and traveled the planet making formations … it was just bizarre!!!

Wow, Government disinformation at it’s dumbest. My friend, Linda Moulton Howe sat in the middle of a field as the circles appeared….in less than 2 minutes. Doug and Dave were not there. BTW Doug and Dave were working for the British Govt. Calm the masses and cover your a$es.

whoever made this “report” should never have graduated highschool. read the book “secrets in the fields” and then appologize for the dumbest “report” i’ve ever seen from anyone older than a 10 year old. those man made things are actually called crap-circles, because that’s what a man made one is…


who posts this @#$%? Many crop circles are legit and are too complex to be created by man. This is just the ongoing smear effort to cover the growing sightings of UFO activity. Disclosure is coming, and soon.

David W
Good grief. What a brainless piece of propaganda. In this too-fast-paced society of ours, unfortunately, most people will just assume what they just saw here sums it all up and must be the truth. BULL. If you dig and study this phenomenon, you will find quite a different result.

This is such a lame video explanation of crop circles

146 thoughts on “YAHBOO…Crop circles in the news…”

  1. While many crop circles have been hoaxed, the Yahoo offered explanation is oversimplistic. There remain a good number of cases that defy conventional explanation it would seem, with evidence of molecular changes in the plants, in the soil, as well as anomalous environmental occurrences experienced by onsite visitors and investigators. You really don’t have to dig too deeply to uncover data that is inexplicable. I just can’t understand how anyone alleging to conduct an objective journalistic assessment of something like this can be so biased and short sighted.

  2. Beyond shameful, Yahoo! Who paid you to air this bit of ridiculousness and how much did they pay you??? Wow . . .

    You’ve joined the ranks of the sellouts. Congratulations.

  3. It is amazing that Yahoo would ignore all the intelligent research done by well-informed and credible people, including scientists, medical doctors and PhDs, into the most remarkable phenomenon to appear on Earth since the pyramids. Not only has no human being ever been able to duplicate the phenomena of the authentic crop circles, but a Boston University professor discovered in one crop circle a geometric theorem unknown to Pythagoras or any other scientist of the modern era. Other glyphs have contain messages in binary code as well as a geometric representation of the formula for pi, carried out to 10 decimal points followed by (…), indicating that the number for pi is infinite. If this is the work of clever pranksters, then Harvard and MIT need to find them and hire them as professors, if for no other reason than their ability to outwit Yahoo! Next time, Yahoo, try doing a bit of intelligent research before posting something about which you clearly have not done your homework.

    From Suzanne:

    There are 5 theorems unknown to Euclid that the head of the astronomy department at Boston University discovered. That’s in my movie. He also discovered relationships in the circles to the diatonic musical scale — that’s not in my movie, where we just couldn’t put all the inteeligence that the circlemakers are sending us, there is so much of it!

  4. Pathetic and ridiculous video By Yahoo and Toyota I am through with you from here to eternity .Crop-circles are amazing and real,it is so obvious.I hope you wake UP.

  5. I made my comment on Yahoo. There are counterfeits because there are genuine valuables.

  6. Has willful ignorance entirely surpassed mainstream scientific inquiry or is it that the petrol-chemical companies can’t slap another patent office suppression (along with the other 4,000 plus inventions that would benefit humanity) on this known, peer-reviewed, comprehensibly proven phenomena?

    I will most assuredly NOT purchase the planned Toyota because of this.

  7. Yeah, they’re still at it, and still just as transparent as ever! Propaganda comes from those in power with a vested interest in dumbing down the people, keeping them pacified and uneducated, so as to prevent anyone waking up. The power-hungry are quite insane, simply because they do not know what they really are. If they did, there would be no need for control, greed, war, violent abuse or Republicans! (;-) The best way to counter such hogwash is to carefully and completely inform yourself, and spend a few minutes each day exposing the lies to family, friends, media, politicians and above all, the power-hungry themselves. As the Moody Blues said, “It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave, so keep on thinking free!”

  8. Those of us who have seriously and personally researched crop circles for 20 years or more, know that the Yahoo blurb is dead wrong, highly slanted, and ignorant of the true anomalous nature of crop circles. Very poor taste, Yahoo! You have overlooked all the mystery and the wonder of our being communicated with by some off-planet intelligence.

  9. More misinformation at its best….I believe its also called plausible deniability. Try using the tons of actual scientific data on this subject! The truth is hard to decipher when we look to politicize everything now a days. Yahoo is a bunch of Yahoo’s in my book!

  10. WOW! Yahoo is one of the sheeple! Who knew? That your site can condone and spread such blatant hogwash should really make you ashamed of yourselves. Can you seriously…SERIOUSLY?…think that those two men would have been able to create all of the documented crop circles? Even they themselves admitted they only made a handful and the rest came from who knows where. I guess actual facts are beside the point when you’re getting paid the big bucks by BIG BROTHER. OH Brother!!

  11. I have studied the Crop Circle phenomena for several years. I can’t tell you how many reports I’ve read from small plane pilots who flew over a field in broad daylight, and then flew back over the same field 15 minutes later, and BAM, there, several hundred feet across is a huge, fantastically designed Crop Circle. How was it made? We don’t seem to know the answer, but I am very thankful for those pioneering souls who are seriously searching for the reason why. We need to applaud them, not make fun. It is unfortunate that those who don’t know what Crop Circles are have to try to debunk what they don’t understand. Thank You….

  12. Herbert Spencer, the astute 19th century English philosopher and political theorist nailed this issue years ago in two sage statements: “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action,” and “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance – that principal is contempt prior to investigation.” Yahoo’s effort was to block needed civilization saving action by the simple step of trying to ridicule reality. Pull the plug on Yahoo, get your facts from sources that do the investigation.

    From Suzanne:

    Smart comment. Check The Robertson Panel — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robertson_Panel — for our government’s 1952 decision about how to handle all the interest in UFOs, which was to ridicule it. That policy hasn’t been rescinded.

  13. Did anyone else get the feeling that this guy sounded extremely condescending, and couldn’t believe someone would actually believe something other than what he says could be true? I felt as if I were starting kindegarten and had to be set straight because I just didn’t get it! Disturbing to know there are those who will “assume” what they are hearing is true, when it is so wrong on so many levels.It was like,”No honey, you are just so gullible you’ll believe anything, so we are here to set you straight, and you should not question us because then you will appear to be ignorant…after all we just taught you the truth!” Much, I’m afraid, like the things the teachers of today are doing to our children in school, and the media to further the Obama agenda of communism! Like when someone actually asks Robert Gibbs a serious question that he doesn’t want to (or can’t) answer, he just makes their question seem ridiculous and laughs and goes on to a “plant” for a less serious look at what our wonderful America is, at least for now, slated to become. Lends new meaning to “painting the town RED”! People need to wake up to what’s going on around them and do whatever they can to condition themselves to not only think for themselves, but forever seek the TRUTH….and the truth is what you can feel deep inside if you will allow yourself to go there.Do your own homework and you will realize sometimes truth is stranger than fiction…but it is what you believe in because it is so…who would have believed just by being told that you are on a ball spinning in something called a universe! It’s true, right? So, why is it so hard to believe other seeming nonsense, like we are not the only ones that exist in this huge cosmos! Laughable really.We humans may be the least knowledgeable, that’s for sure. Babies of the Cosmos!

    From Suzanne:

    Oh dear, Sheila, loved this — condescending indeed — till i go to the communism part. It rather reminded me of what you are railing against, as if the shared assumption is that we still fight the red menace. Had to file my dissenting vote. Lots to chew on in our political climate, where neither party nor any of our leaders seem like a clear channel to truth and light, but need to do it in another venue.

  14. Re: Crop circle report. Another clear case of bias from the start. Reminds me of ” nicotine is not addictive “. Thousands of documented cases that cannot be explained and you make a judgment based on a few pranksters. What poor example you set. Surely you can do better.

  15. Perhaps one of the most under-researched videos ever produced!! Congrats! you yahoos.

  16. No one wants to think today.
    How can we be the most educated society in known history and accept so much that is obviously nothing more then propaganda as fact; perpetrated by a web site that is respected by so many.
    You need a wake up call………..but you will not get it from me……this is me hanging up on your arse.

  17. Who bought you YAHOO? Or was it a threat from the top that made you do this? You gave the idiot’s side, and left out reams of pertinent facts that would show that this little “false facts minute” was for the benefit of those who prefer ignorant masses, rather than informed public. Please don’t support this stuff, or I can’t support you!

  18. Haven’t we lived with lies long enough? It’s time to recognize the truth – that we are NOT the center of the Universe…and that’s a really good thing! Because mere humans couldn’t produce such amazing configurations that give off powerful positive energy.

  19. How do you explain the many stone designs of crop circles on the Firenze Bell Tower, Yahoo, built in the 14th Century….1971, get your facts right, mate. Little chance I shall call on you when I want the truth mate, on ANY subject.

    From Suzanne:

    Do you know where we can see those images?

  20. How come no one has ever been caught making crop circles and they spring up within a couple of hours…

    Yes, some are man made but they are very different and lack the technological savvy that the mysterious and elaborate crop circles hold…

    I suggest that you research the creation of crop circles more deeply and then run the real story – THAT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR…

    Real crop circles are created in a way that is beyond our current knowledge and know how…

  21. How can anyone trust information YAHOO provides, after reading a slanted report like this one on crop circles. It appears to be almost a joke to you people. It’s poorly researched and poorly presented. YAHOO may think it was “cute” but your readers are finding it offensive, biased, and lame. Shame on YAHOO …

  22. time is revealing who is operating from out of alignment.
    thanks Suzanne for presenting the truth. powerful times we live in.
    we are all warriors ushering in true liberation.

  23. lies, lies and more lies…no wonder our planet is in the state it is in….our world is FULL of mysteries, yet the powers that be will stop at nothing to keep stuck and believing only in 5 sensory 3D…

  24. But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.
    George Orwell

    Clearly we are living in a time where we must rely on our own resources for information, meaning that we must do our own leg work, reseach, etc. and even then we must listen to a deeper knowing inside to discern what is applicable and what is not. Sadly for all of us not enough most people do not listen inside. Yahoo is clearly driven by Big Brother and what is seemingly most popular and therefore loses its’ credibility as a reliable source of information, at least in my eyes!

  25. It astounds me that Yahoo would even attempt to go down the debunking path in regards to crop circles. Even when the initial report of Dave and Doug came out, it strained credulity. Okay, so two old English guys drunk on Guinness made these elaborate, geometric formations in these fields, at night and in a matter of hours?!? It wreaked of disinformation then, and at this point is completely insulting to anyone who is even half awake. The problem is, many people are still asleep, so they never question “authority” and live like sheep. Times are changing, disclosure is coming, and true enlightenment is around the corner. Yahoo and other corporate entities can do all they want to try and hide the truth from the public, but nothing can stop the profound changes that are coming soon. It’s up to us to achieve critical mass, so keep spreading the truth to all who will listen. And even if they won’t listen, scream it in their ears!

  26. That Doug and Dave sure do get around. However, I am a bit confused as to how they were able to make the nodes of the plants burst open, as though it had been micro-waved from the inside out, without breaking any of the stalks. In fact, these two guys and those that created crop circles after them not only didn’t break the stalks but were able to weave the stalks together. Now that’s amazing! Then they even took it a step further and created magnetic freguency waves, that can be tracked on EMF detectors within the circle itself, so that those that visited the circles would have their own individual experiences within the circles. These people must be truly amazing. Not only are they artists in the black of night but they are also wizards with geometry and physics. There seems to be so many of these savants that they span the entire globe making their complicated geometric shapes. I can only surmise that since these crop circles have been recorded for hundreds of years this crop circle making ability must be passed down from generation to generation. Congratulations Doug and Dave your infamy will go down in history as one of the more stupid hoaxes that the public has been asked to swallow. Are we really asked to believe that two guys that frequent a local pub could even make a straight line let alone all the the paranormal phenomena that goes along with the crop circles? If anyone looked at the evidence even a lay person could figure out that something amazing is taking place. All one has to do is open their eyes and their minds.

  27. I am impressed upon reading a lot of the public’s opinion about crop circles and how so many saw through this little feature put on by yahoo. Yahoo, you really stepped into it this time. A retraction might win you some merit. I think next time you should do just a little investigation of your own before spouting off like you know what your talking about.

  28. It is totally irresponsible to undermine the study that hundreds of researchers have made on this phenomenom. I wonder what is the intention of yahoo, or who is paying yahoo to assert that Crop Circles are fakes. What a lack of seriousness and professionalism!!

  29. Typical… this video speaks of total ignorance, it shows what mindless sensationalist information used for selfish greedy purpose without any factual backup looks like. only dimwits will fall for this information…but sadly there are many who do not know how to engage their braincells by doing some research themselves..too many still who love to be hand fed sugar coated ***. things are changing though…

    There is a German saying: ‘Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten’. It translates: ‘those who have the last laugh, have the BEST laugh’.

  30. Yahoo did a serious injustice when they ran the piece about Crop Circles. To me it was very poor reporting and whoever did the reporting should really do their homework on the subject. Shame on Yahoo for posting this report.

  31. I tried to see the video on Yahoo about crop circles expecting it to be a bunch of crap and it had been pulled at that time. I did look at some of the comments that were made, it seems like there are a lot of aware people out there, When may I ask are journalists going to be able to report the truth and not the governments story?

    From Suzanne:

    It’s still there — one more day: http://whoknew.news.yahoo.com/?vid=20899874. I gave the wrong link and maybe you got to my blog before I changed it.

  32. Hey Yahoo, is it time to give smoking dried banana peels another try too???
    MellowYellow,Golden Gate Park,SF,CA

  33. Yahoo! should be ashamed for posting such a lie. If they really had done their research, they would have discovered that almost all crop circles could NOT have been made by human beings! Doug and Dave, my ass! Yahoo!, get your act together and get the REAL facts before you post something for the world to see! Unfortunately, main-stream news is NOT to be trusted–we must dig for the truth! I’m seriously thinking of closing my Yahoo! account and going elsewhere!!!!

  34. How irresponsible it is to post such a flimsy and inaccurate story. Put in the effort to do your research. You are responsible for influencing people around the world….take that responsibility seriously.

  35. This is a very professional job and is clearly the work of an established organisation that benefits from mis-information – THE GOVERNMENT and now we know that Yahoo is part of it (and who knows possibly Toyota). Let this guide us away from these known manipulative operations on the media. Goodbye Yapoo!!

  36. Well, what can I say! This is such a foolish, misleading superficial video..You need to get your facts straight, Yahoo. Start reading some of the information published by the scientists, academicians, and other professionals and watch documentaries like “What on Earth?” by Suzanne Taylor. Go to:http://www.CropCircleMovie.com.. Do you really think you know better than they do? Too funny…and sad.

  37. It used to be said that every household should have a copy of the Bible, the Works of Shakespeare and a good medical dictionary (for the hypochondriacs in the family). My take on this is, get rid of the Bible, with its obvious contradictions and replace it with Suzanne Taylor’s DVD “What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery”. Featuring a star cast of the great and the good in the crop circle world, but especially the most amazing designs and geometry displayed in the wheatfields of England and beyond every summer. Crop Circles man made? Absolute nonsense, Bill and Ben the flower pot men with their boards and rope and two brain cells (one each) can’t compete. Get yourself a helicopter and see for yourself, or, if you cannot afford one, get onto the Internet and view the crop circle sites and be amazed and enthralled at the art gallery on display for everyone! Enjoy!

    From Suzanne:

    OK, this may be my favorite comment!!! So many have come in that I can’t respond indiviually, but, as I tick them off for approval, I’m sitting here just marveling at this wonderful list and so happy that I created a chance for me to hear from so many of you with such heartwarming communications.

  38. Hey “YABULL” – Planks are what you’ll probably be walking with the ropes around your necks when your stock values start going to hell-in-a-hand-basket for posting disinformation like this and because you’ve obviously chose to “sell out” maybe it’s time to do something productive and meaningful with your so called lives….YahThink ? or are you going to just publish more of YahBull in which case remain YahUseless.

  39. I love how they picked all the most complicated crops-glyphs to then throw Dick n’ Dork into the mix.

  40. Looks like Yahoo has just dug a grave for themselves as far as a reliable reputation or a good source of information. Times are changing as far as manipulation with lies and bullshit. Wake Up dumb-dumbs!

  41. I was very disappointed by your ‘news’ story on Crop Circles. Gave NO justice to this beautiful I agree with a quote I read that crop circles are the best story never told. Now I know your ‘news’ is unreliable and unresearched.

  42. Now it’s clear that anything coming from Yahoo can’t be trusted as true. Obviously, Yahoo has just ruined their own reputation in the eyes and minds of those they’ve tried to lead astray.

  43. Those who are awake, are fully aware of the wonders of the glyphs, irrespective of any silly attacks by others. We will find out their full meaning soon I’m sure.

    Absolutely NOTHING will stop the unfoldment of the information we need to make the impending “jump” that is coming.This glyph information is not the only source, but one of many that those waking up are sensing as being from a source of the “truth”.

    These videos are a sign that the other side is losing ground daily. They are to be considered as nothing more than childish tantrums. Which stranger could ever convince you that your greatest friend is illusory? Yahoo, bahoo.

    p.s. I bought “Bones of God”: He’s great isn’t he?

  44. Crop circles are OUR LANGUAGE. Those who reject them will only have ignorance guiding their downward-spiraling lives.

  45. Further research will indicate that it is a physical impossibility for people to produce the crop circles overnight; check the complexity and the fact that no stalks are broken, merely leaned horizontally to form the design!

  46. I just posted to following comment at the Yahoo link, though I don’t see it displayed yet:

    “That’s got to be one of the worst videos on crop circles I’ve ever seen. It predictably grabs hold of the safe and seriously outdated conclusion (mass hoaxing scenario) without presenting any other evidence or observations.

    “Most notably those of Dr. Robert C. Reynolds, Geologist and Emeritus Chairman, Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College; William C. Levengood, Biophysicist with three published peer-reviewed papers on plant/soil abnormalities found in crop circles; Gerald Hawkins, Professor and Chairman of Astronomy, Boston University; not to mention Robert Plot, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, who excavated over 50 crop circle sites in the year 1680 and published his hypothesis in a book ‘The Natural History of Staffordshire’.

    Oh well, I suppose ignorance is bliss.”

  47. I’m neither a conspiracy theorist nor a sheep. This so-called “report” totally ignores massive amounts of data, and seeks to relegate one of the most compelling mysteries surrounding us to a grade school soundbite. This is amateur night at best and total disinformation at worst. Shame on you, Yahoo, for running this, and shame on you, Toyota, for sponsoring it. The sad part is that hoardes of people will accept this as truth, and the dumbing down of our society will take another step into the cellar.

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