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"More than anything now, the world needs a new story. With so many humans and so much creativity, an organizing idea is needed to bring us into coherence. Brian Swimme's incredible book brings into focus from whence we came. We did not arrive by accident, but were delivered by the living universe as its culminating activity. We are still evolving to come fully into a deep resonation with a primal force that animates the ongoing event that the universe is. Brian's books transport you. They may be the most important works of our time." - Suzanne Taylor - |
Prologue I. COSMOS AS PRIMARY REVELATION Creativity: Primordial and Pervasive |
Part 1 (54 minutes) |
Allurement Our Destiny as Enchantment |
Part 2 (60 minutes) |
Evil from Cosmic Risk II. EPIPHANIES OF THE EARTH Sea |
Part 3 (60 minutes) |
Land Life |
Part 4 (60 minutes) |
Fire Wind |
Part 5 (60 minutes) |
III. THE END OF THE FIREBALL Societal Transformation and Geological Activity The Art of Forging Cosmic Fire |
Part 6 (49 minutes) |
Every Mighty Companions endeavor is done in the spirit of the coalescing so eloquently articulated by our dear friend Lex Hixon. We would like to hear your thoughts, which will be considered for posting on this page.
"It is great to hear you reading Brian, Suzanne. I've just read, All Else is Bondage: Non-Volitional Living, by Wei Wu Wei, and if you haven't read this slim book, I know you will appreciate the depth and insight. I went to Eckhart Tolle's intensive and this book has the same "subject" matter but on the "cutting edge." I spent a week on my own meditating and being in stillness after reading the book. What a blessing."
Anni Johanson (anni@anet.net)
"Loved EPIPHANIES OF THE EARTH...diminishing the capacity of nature, addiction to beauty, blocking evolution since flowers : ) Your talks are non-intrusive, but powerful and penetrating. Thanks!"
Michael Robbins (mrobbins@proprium.com)
"While listening to your reading of Brian Swimme's, The Universe is a Green Dragon, a book which I had read and strongly recommended to some selected friends, I found myself enjoying your commentaries to the point of wanting to listen to them while driving or relaxing away from the computer. Please send me the audio tapes to further "Enchant" my experience of this book."
Robert Petruskevicius (Robpetrus@home.com)
"The tapes are great. In fact I was listening to them yesterday on a trip. You have put such great spirit into them. Thanks for the fine job."
Tim Piering
Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour, Rains from the sky a meteoric shower Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined. Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill Is daily spun, but there exists no loom To weave it into fabric... -Edna St. Vincent Millay- |
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