Category Archives: This and That

This and That

DOORWAYS TO ANOTHER REALITY — My Upcoming Evolver Webinar Series


Thanks to Evolver Intensives for inviting me to host another four-part webinar series, DOORWAYS TO ANOTHER REALITY

Please check it out and join in. You can get the course free, plus commissions, if others enroll through you! Sign up here:

For this one, I’m out of the niche that knows me as an authority about crop circles, which is how we got our good enrollment for the series that was all about the circles. To enroll this one, I could use help from compatriots. Please give an endorsement to lists and friends to tell them they can expect good experiences.

Andy Thomas will do the sole crop circle webinar. I’d rather hear Andy talk about the circles than anyone else, and he’ll blow any closed mind into an awareness that something tangible and very important has been stirred up by the phenomenon. The other guests are my pyschonaut heroes. Edgar Mitchell tuned into a bigger reality than the one he occupied before he walked on the moon, and he created the Institute of Noetic Sciences to tune the rest of us in when he got back. Stephan Schwartz, even before he did pioneering work with remote viewing, inspired me with a talk about how twelve good men could save the world (must have been before women’s lib to impress me). Klaus Dona, my dolphin swim buddy, knows more than anybody else about things found all over the world that don’t fit into the history books. You will be enchanted by all of them!

To help you get you excited enough to enroll, here are comments about the crop circles series I hosted for Evolver last year:

I just watched Nancy Talbott…the depth and quality of the presentations has been mind-blowing. Suzanne Taylor, of “What on Earth?,” is the host, and has done an amazing job putting this series together.

I think we were all somewhat blown away by John’s brilliant presentation. It may take a while to fully process…I’ve been wanting John to publish his crop circle research for years. Can’t wait for that to come out.

Here’s an unedited string from the running chat that went on during the first one, by physics and astronomy professor, Jeffrey Wilson, who heads up a very enthusiastic US circle contingent:

If this is the BEGINNING, we’re in for one totally amazing series!!!”

Very Cool, Jeffrey!


holy shit

sorry for the crudity of this statement, but WOW


I’m pretty convinced the circles are the most important thing happening in the world today.

The more you learn about cc’s, the more you are amazed…

I want to be standing next to Jeffrey on 12/23/2012.

This is totally, totally fabulous — this is so true of why we have to be okay with Mystery to want to be a croppie, right?

BRAVO Jeffrey!

high five fist pump 🙂

Suzanne, please make a film about this research!!!

I’m so thankful for this as an opening presentation….

Ohmygod, if this is the BEGINNING, we’re in for one totally amazing series!!!

I’ve got four pages of notes to spend the rest of the week googling now…!

Thank you, terrific presentation!



THRIVE is Sizzling. Gambles Strike Back!


Thrive illustration

Here’s the response by Foster and Kimberly Gamble to John Robbins. It made me see stars. The chat that follows  is a rather fascinating highlighting of how people think, good and bad.

This is what I wrote in response:

I was assured, when I saw a rough cut of the film and thought some of the people in it were not going to be pleased being there – that the film espoused ideas they did not hold and there were people in the movie they would not want to be associated with – that they would be shown the movie before it was finished. However, they never were contacted. So much for any idea that disavowals were out of the blue and were a shock to the Gambles.

And, I want to call attention to something that I’ve not seen talked about. This “Movement” is based on one person’s opinions. It has come about because Foster Gamble is a very rich man who has lavished money on the movie release way out of proportion to what any other film release would have gotten. It’s like Goliath take over from David to get this little film spread around. As a filmmaker ( ), I assure you this is unheard of. It is being pushed at you and punched at you by very deep pockets. It’s like the Koch Brothers funding the Republican cause.

Please, people, this is a huge strong-arm of one human being amassing a huge following. It is more like a cult than a movement. Can you imagine anyone else coming out with a movie and calling it a movement? In fact, if this little movie came and went, which would have happened without all the promotion, the participants likely would have kept quiet. But, with the incredible promotion and relentless pushing of this movie, you all just have to get how uncomfortable this is for them.

And, the Gambles’s response to John Robbins is shocking to me. What they wrote is the kind of reasoning Joe McCarthy used in his era. How can you argue with something so embedded in wrongness? For example, how can the Gambles say that someone in the John Birch Society is worth listening to? PLEASE. Hitler analogies are apt here – listen to Hitler’s opinions about poetry because they have nothing to do with his politics? Who wants to listen to anything he would say? It is scary to use this sort of logic. James has a good rap on this in the comments below.

Solutions are great, but only if we have identified the problems. THRIVE’s Solutions are to the problems that Foster identifies, not THE problems, and he is taking a huge swath of the population on a ride of his making.

This has drawn some of the big guns of THRIVE to attack me, and I have responded to them. Get on their site to read it all. And if you have a  response that you post there, please put it here, too.

I want to reiterate that I think there could be something valuable going on in this sizzling scene. This isn’t Democrats versus Republicans, where we have two opposing ideologies, but here we have those who essentially are on the same side, of moving us into a progressive, sustainable, and compassionate world, hopefully ironing out the kinks to where we will cooperate to get us there.

Update on THRIVE from Kimberly and Foster Gamble

This mailing that Kimberly and Foster Gamble just sent out about THRIVE reminds me of when I took my clothes off in an open mike situation to make a political point, and the next person who took the stage, with me naked and draped in a blanket, tried to talk about homelessness. No chance. Everyone needed to be dealing with the scene at hand.

With the backlash that’s reverberating now to THRIVE, given what John Robbins has been spearheading, I was stunned by the Gambles not relating to it in this mailing they just sent out. It is the elephant in the room. With participants in the movie distancing themselves from it, and with all of us having been educated by an extraordinarily bad rap on some of the people in the movie who haven’t distanced themselves from it, the world went on tilt when I read the upbeat report the Gambles wrote on how well THRIVE is doing, with nary a mention of any conflict.

Kimberly and Foster, I hope you will meet the challenges to your movie head-on, and that along this bumpy road, where we clash with each other, we will work through our conflicts so we can unite in our mutual aspirations to fix what needs fixing in this hurting world. We have to clear some hurdles first, and I think we might do that if you carry on in dealing what the film has kicked up.

fireplace mantle close-up fireplace mantle longshot,jpgThis is my fireplace mantle. The artwork by John Robbins, made out of seeds, is the crop circle on my DVD disk!