This article has been chosen as a Making Sense of These Times
Sometimes I think I can't stand being in this world, but, when I read Michael Moore, at least I know that a giant voice is speaking for me. He has my vote as the leader of this pack. I am campaigning for everyone to do as he says -- let him lead to develop a united force. After the satisfaction of hearing him tell it like it is -- re the collapse of the Democrats and thus any resistance to Bush -- in his latest mailing to his list here, you get to do something about it. Sign his petition: We need one thing that all of us support, or we are just little pockets of resistance. I hope Michael Moore is THE ONE! How about cutting and pasting this and send it around?
You are either with us, or you're fired!
Michael Moore
Dear Friends,
I was going to write you a letter about what a pathetic liar George W, Bush is -- but then I figured, hey, why waste your time telling you something you already know!
You already know that his planned invasion of Iraq is a ruse meant to distract the public from the real issues, those issues being the following:
1. The number of people unemployed since he "took" office has risen by 35%.
2. We had a federal SURPLUS of $281 billion when he was inaugurated; today we have a DEFICIT of $157 billion.
3. TWO MILLION jobs have been eliminated since Bush began his occupation of the Oval Office.
4. The stock market is down 34% since January of 2001.
5. Another 1.4 million people now have NO health insurance, making it a total of over 41 million Americans who can't afford to get sick.
6. Only 13 corporate crooks out of HUNDREDS have been indicted, and none of them have been the close personal friends of Mr. Bush.
THOSE are the real issues facing us, not some phony excuse for a war.
But, like I said, you already know that. You know that Bush is lying through his smirk when he says Iraq has "weapons of mass destruction." He has not offered one shred of evidence to prove this. Not one! You know he is lying when he says that there is a "connection" between Saddam and bin Laden. Even members of his own administration have admitted that is not true. It's just one lie after another, and I applaud those three congressmen who went to Iraq this week and told it like it is -- and demanded that the sanctions which have already killed a half-million Iraqi children be ended. Sen. Trent Lott said "they should come home and keep their mouths shut." I say, we need more damn Democrats with that kind of courage and with mouths like that!
Which brings me to the real point of this letter. The Democrats.
I have never seen a more lame bunch of cowards and appeasers in my life. They are ready to bow down before Bush and give him what he wants to wage war against Iraq. This pathetic excuse of a party is an embarrassment to us all. The fact that they let Robert Torricelli run for re-election in New Jersey, knowing how dirty he was, shows just how capable they are of handing the Senate over to Bush and the Republicans come November. They have blown it over and over again, and lots of good people I know who keep putting their faith in the Democrats are just giving up -- and that is the worst thing to happen in a free society.
What are we going to do? Left to their own devices, the Democrats will not only hand both the House and the Senate to the Republicans in November, they will guarantee that Bush gets his second undeserved term in 2004. We must not let that happen. This year's election was theirs for the taking. Just look at the state of the union Bush gave us: Bush cronies caught stealing from the corporate till, Bush and Cheney caught breaking the law in the '90s, the economy in the toilet, and Bush failing to do the only real job he had to do since 9/11: Get bin Laden! What a disgrace! Yet the Democrats could not even find enough candidates to offer a REAL challenge to the Republicans in nearly 200 House districts for the November 5th elections. What an appalling excuse of a party.
OK, I know, there is not much we can do about this now. But we all need to get busy and ensure that this whole rotten system is rocked by the disgruntled millions come election day 2004. Otherwise, we have no right to complain.
In the meantime, we must stop the Bush attack on Iraq. We must find out now, as W says, "who is wid us and who is agin us." I am asking each of you to go to and sign the petition to the Democrats: "You're Either With Us Or You're Fired," informing the Democrats that whoever amongst them votes for this war, we pledge NEVER to vote for them again. I will personally see that your on-line signatures are delivered to every member of Congress. Then let's figure out together what we can do to turn things around by 2004.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. We have no other choice.
Michael Moore
http://www.michaelmoore.comP.S. from Suzanne
Thrilling to get email from Michael Moore , thanking people for doing as he asked in his last email, and going to see his documentary, "Bowling for Columbine," on its all-important opening weekend. What happened is part of a cultural phenomenon that only could have occurred in our era, with the Internet. Mike says:
"Bowling for Columbine" has set the new all-time opening weekend box office record ($27,000 per screen avg.) for a documentary in the United States! Thank you SO MUCH -- all of you who stood in those enormous lines in Los Angeles and New York trying to get in but couldn't. The unprecedented outpouring of support for this film sent a shock wave through Hollywood. An astounding 18 films opened last Friday in NYC and L.A. -- so, for a documentary to do this well in such a crowded field, it was the last thing anyone expected. And to break the record set nearly 13 years ago by "Roger & Me" -- it was the only way it should have happened!
Look at the capacity of the Internet to turn us into a force for change! Here's more of what Mike said:
Your attendance at my film has resulted in me having a much larger forum in which to speak out against the war on Iraq and the other misdeeds of the Bush administration. After being virtually banned from the airwaves during the release of my book, that wall has been broken down by this film's success. I've been able to be a "stand-in" for all of you and say the things on prime time TV that never get said. Mainstream publications like People Magazine (whose critic called the film "provocative, entertaining and maddening -- a must see!") are running feature stories, and this weekend I'm spending the entire hour with Tim Russert on his CNBC show. But the thing I'm looking forward to the most will happen on Monday night when Phil Donahue will broadcast his MSNBC show LIVE from Flint with an audience of Flint residents and myself.
So, first of all, there is the Internet as a tool to rally people. Secondly, there is Michael Moore having my vote as our best vehicle to turn gadflies into a force. My last post about him urged signing the petition that he got into the hands of every Democrat in Congress: "I pledge to never vote again for any Democratic candidate for public office who has voted in favor of George Bush's war in Iraq." Look what happened:
Within 72 hours of posting that petition on my website, over 50,000 of you signed it. It was an awesome response.
Get on Michael Moore's mailing list []. He doesn't send much, and whatever it is makes you feel real good.
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