Category Archives: Crop Circles

Crop Circles

Keeping you busy while I’m gone…

I'm leaving today for three weeks to film crop circles in England. The season is in full force. There have been 98 worldwide so far this year, with 33 of them in England. (The biggest year for circles saw 300 of them in England!) For anyone new to the list, I keep interspersing things about the circles because “Contact” in headlines could change consciousness — and we've never need a change of consciousness more.

If you want to track the formations as they come in, with pictures and tidbits of information about them, the best site for that is — scroll down past the ads to the months, starting in April, when England got its first circle of the year, where you also can check into what has come in so far.

I probably won't post anything until after I get back o­n August 8, so I thought I'd leave you with the petition I have for signatures (please do sign) to get attention paid to this most interesting thing going o­n in the world.  If you follow the various links that are indicated, you'll find yourself deep into the dazzle of these mysterious works of art.

We, the signers of this, request that attention be paid to the crop circle phenomenon. We urge all those who think there are mundane explanations for crop circles to become aware of the research that has been done that suggests otherwise. It is in fact possible that a highly intelligent non-human agency is responsible. At this time, when a unifying vision is needed for all the peoples of Earth, this phenomenon could provide that. With even a small chance of such a result, we urge serious investigation of the possibility that we are indeed being visited and signaled.

Sign the call.


A Call  For an Investigation of  What is Known About  Crop Circles

Given skewed press coverage and unfounded attacks by professed skeptics, there is a predisposition to dismiss this phenomenon. However, a modicum of time spent examining the evidence shows that  there is more to crop circles  than is popularly understood .

Something is happening o­n Earth that  could be extraordinary.  It is very possible that we are receiving intelligent communications from a non-human source. With circles dating back at least hundreds of years and perhaps thousands, well over 2,000 formations have been documented and examined since 1989  when the phenomenon took a turn into designs of much greater complexity. They have appeared  now o­n every continent except Antarctica, with reports of circles in the United States going back to 1880. Incredibly, we see very little about this in the media.

What If We Are Not Alone?

A great power has arisen, directing thoughts and perception in a certain direction towards a more complete and satisfactory view of reality than the modern conventions of materialism have previously allowed. Gently, subtly, with no disturbance or panic, we are being guided across a watershed, from o­ne worldview to another. And this is in no way arbitrary, but a purposeful process, in accordance with the interests of eternal nature and the necessities of the present. We now can see something of what the ancients meant when they spoke of revelation.

– John Michell
The  Cereologist

Crop circles no longer are thought to be nature's designs, or left in the fields by weather phenomena, or produced by advanced military technology, among other theories that have come and gone. The o­ne idea that persists as an explanation is that hoaxers are responsible for these constructions. This explanation, however, is borne of ignorance. Go to http://The to see some details  in crop circles  that defy explanation as to how they could be  made by  people .

Should “CONTACT” be  in Headlines Everywhere?

This is a call to investigate the evidence at hand about the crop circle phenomenon.  


  • Because  if the makers are from someplace more scientifically advanced than we
    are o­n Earth, they conceivably could help us with global warming, random asteroids, energy depletion, and every other environmental threat o­n our living planet

  • Because knowing we are being visited would open our minds to take us beyond our dangerously combative present dynamic

  • Because the knowledge that we are not the o­nly intelligent species would capture our imaginations

  • Because  an otherness amongst us  would cause us to dream

With the possibility of ecological  disasters looming and a world in permanent war threatening to destroy us all, the help that might come from a civilization more advanced than ours is too important to ignore. Those who have studied the crop circle phenomenon assure us that the data points to such a thing,  and that all that's needed is  for scrutiny be given to what has been discovered and discerned.

If we were to discover extra-terrestrial life, it would show that we are not intellectually unique in the galaxy. Man has a tendency to think he's very special. We consider ourselves morally, culturally, and intellectually unique. But if we were to find a signal from another star system, another thinking being, we would know that none of that is true. A connection with another intelligence would be the first bridging across four billion years of independent life in evolution. It would be the end of Earth's cultural isolation in a galaxy and a universe surely containing millions of other civilizations. It would be without doubt the greatest discovery in the history of humankind.

 Paul Horowitz
Project Director, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

Wherever interest has been shown in them, crop circles have proliferated in number and have become much more complex. It surely is worth seeing what might be delivered to us and done for us if widespread interest were expressed now.

If you'd like more information, contact:

Suzanne Taylor 
Executive Producer, CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth
Background Information




A Matter of Time?

A front page piece in the L.A. Times yesterday, Threat of 'Dirty Bomb' Growing, Officials Say,

tells us that there's readily available material for “a 'dirty bomb' that would spew radioactive fallout across an American or European city…it would result in some fatalities, radiation sickness, mass panic and enormous economic damage.” This chilling story goes o­n to say, “The threat of attack is great enough that a senior European intelligence official, speaking o­n condition of anonymity, said it is 'not a matter of if there is a nuclear-related attack by Al Qaeda, but when it occurs.'” The head of the MIA, which is the British CIA, says, “…it will o­nly be a matter of time before a crude version of a CBRN attack is launched at a major Western city and o­nly a matter of time before that crude version becomes something more sophisticated…”

Every time I read things about the possibility of the horror of what's happened elsewhere, and worse, befalling my city, I'm renewed in my determination to get the crop circles to be taken seriously. It's not a “So what?,” as some suggest. Paul Horowitz, Project Director of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), which used to be a government agency and now is privately funded — significantly by Paul Allen, a founder of Microsoft (I've written to him) — says what would apply to some women, too:

If we were to discover extra-terrestrial life, it would show that we are not intellectually unique in the galaxy. Man has a tendency to think he's very special. We consider ourselves morally, culturally, and intellectually unique. But if we were to find a signal from another star system, another thinking being, we would know that none of that is true. A connection with another intelligence would be the first bridging across four billion years of independent life in evolution. It would be the end of Earth's cultural isolation in a galaxy and a universe surely containing millions of other civilizations. It would be without doubt the greatest discovery in the history of humankind.

I think of how readily available the documentation is that the circles are being delivered from elsewhere, and how all it would take would be o­ne Nobel laureate o­n a soapbox pointing to those findings. Or o­ne Dustin Hoffman, whom I met in a waiting room right after doing my PowerPoint circle presentation for his daughter's high school class — and who's not different from others in that I've had no response to material he said to send him. A leading progressive, who sees fundamental change as our o­nly out and complains because the world won't read his book and take his idea for that seriously, gave me these responses when I pointed to our similar frustrations as a way to enroll him for the circles:

>> Please — I wonder if we are even o­n the same planet — metaphorically speaking. At any rate, don't write me about this any more, please. It is not going to achieve anything.

>>> I'm sorry you feel badly about someone thinking your position is unworthy, not even remotely worthy, but you might want to seriously consider that people you think are astute respond in this manner…Crop circles? Don't write me again about this matter…I don't have any time to give it. None.

>>>> You are writing people telling them they should pay attention to what is generally deemed to be utter insanity. Like little green men o­n the other side of the moon. Now let's be done with this.

Although people who know what's happening in the crop fields have been signing o­nto the call for an investigation, I still need others who are household names or have heavy duty science credentials, and I'm passing along, for your help with that, what I selectively email now. I've worked and reworked this to make it clear — and, as always, suggestions for even more improvements are welcome:


To get the world out of the mess it's in, a shift of consciousness is what we most need. We'll never solve the world problematique without it — as Einstein said, problems are not solvable at the level of consciousness that created them. My advocacy for evoking a consciousness shift is via the crop circle phenomenon. This most unusual thing happening o­n Earth has not been taken seriously — you can think Galileo for how radical change is resisted. Research that has been done, however, leads to the conclusion that a non-human agency is making these marks o­n Earth. Since we've never identified anything other than ourselves with the capacity to design there's no way to know the source, but we can study the footprints that source leaves. They show the phenomenon as a function of processes we can't perform, done by intelligences with design capacities that exceed virtually all people's talents. When this is introduced into the world's conversation, it won't go away and figures to open people's minds at a time when everyone is imploded in a small minded violent engagement.

To call attention to the circles and the body of work that has been done o­n them, signatures are being sought for this document, with special interest in enrolling people from the scientific community, the media, and others who get listened to. All it says is that the situation should be investigated — no o­ne has to be a believer for that.

A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles [This is the document for signature,
which supports the value of the call it makes and gives information that
points to the authenticity of the phenomenon.]

Suzanne Taylor
Executive Producer, CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth

If you haven't, please sign the call yourself. Also, especially take note of the “booklet” it links to that counters the prevailing understanding that people are responsible: Why Real Crop Circles Can't be Hoaxed.

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Look, we all agree that Iraq is a quagmireAnd that this impasse, plus the terror that's coming from other quarters, is potentially deadly for all of humanity. Right? Right. I don't think anyone would disagree. So why, please tell me, is there so little interest in what I'm talking about that's outside our bogged down box and might change things? Would someone please explain this to me?
What's happening with a request I've recently been making on behalf of the crop circle phenomenon is not that I get arguments but that people are not responding at all. Whether I send my emails off to those with whom I have connections or to strangers, by and large it makes no matter — mostly I don't get replies.
Now I'm not a ditz. Anybody who knows me knows that. And people who don't know me can't dismiss what I say for bad spelling or grammar, let alone inarticulateness. My major in English at New York University, where I graduated summa cum laude (that's straight As), got me a Phi Beta Kappa key in my junior year. And, in my highachieving Long Island high school, I got the prestigious Bausch and Lomb Science Award — I bring this up because there is lab science and there are reports in science journals, which are our bibles about what's real, authenticating the reality of the facts about crop circles. And OK, I'm talking high school and undergraduate college credentials — no, I don't have an advanced degree. But it was the 50swhen success for a girl was getting a husband and not a career, and my brain is still working even though I've got three daughters instead of a Nobel prize. 
So come o­n, folks, give me a break and take me seriously. It o­nly could result in the salvation of the human race. And all that has to happen is that people open their eyes and take a look at what's in front of  their noses. I mean really look — some who have responded skeptically to my latest entreaty didn't look at the information I had submitted. (That includes a cyberspace bookletWhy Real Crop Circles Can't Be Hoaxed.) It's just like what happens with SETI, our mostly-for-show Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, which issues announcements saying other civilizations would contact us by radio and not in crop fields obvious, isn't it? They, too, know this without looking at evidence. It really is astonishing. (For a tear-your-hair-out example from SETI re the circles, look at this entry in my Crop Circle Diary.) 

So, as John Kerry is his own worst enemy (All Profile, No Courage), and Ralph Nader threatens to trash what chance Kerry
might have and give another election to George Bush, isn't anybody scared enough to produce something more than eloquent funereal dirges about just how horrendous things are?
Right now I'm trying to get people who command attention to sign o­n to “A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles.” If anybody has a better idea, tell me, but, if there isn't o­ne, how about helping me make this a success? Signing doesn't demand that someone be convinced of the other-worldly source of the phenomenon, but just to support the idea that crop circles are worth looking into. Is that too much?
Here's the communication I've started to make that you could sign o­nto and pass along:
Awareness about the crop circle phenomenon could change consciousness and thus change the course of world events, yet this most unusual and interesting thing going o­n in the world has not been taken seriously — you can think Galileo for how radical change is resisted. The paradigm shift attention to it would engender could be life-saving to us now. Research that has been done leads to the conclusion that a non-human agency is making these marks o­n Earth. Since we've never identified anything other than ourselves with the capacity to design there's no way to know the source, but we can study the footprints that source leaves. They show the phenomenon as a function of processes we can't perform, done by intelligences with design capacities that exceed virtually all people's talents.

To call attention to the circles and the body of work that has been done o­n them, signatures are being sought for this document, with special interest in enrolling people from the scientific community, the media, and others who get listened to


A Call For an Investigation of Available Research o­n Crop Circles

One thing I'm planning o­n doing is taking an ad on the Talking Points Memo website that I've recommended and have as my home page so as not to miss what the great Josh Marshall writes (even though he's o­ne of thstrangers I can't get a rise out of) that keeps me tuned into the idiocy of these days. He's got some half a million savvy subscribers, and maybe amongst them I can find some to whom my request will have an appeal. But I won't do that for a bit — to give you people a chance to improve my call for signatures that I'd advertise. And if you can't improve o­n what I've said, could you please please please sign it and forward it to anybody you know who is influential or could pass it to people who are? Of course, if it were o­ne of those things that caught o­n and swept the Net it wouldn't need scientists and celebrities, and that's another possibility.

Andto add the newest circle wrinkle, here's a report from Australia about something much simpler than what's going o­n England. It contains nothing to suggest the intelligence behind the phenomenon that is so staggering in the English formations, but still is something interesting that seems to be coming from the same force. 

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