Can Beauty Trump the Beast?

I'm still in the doldrums of finding the news too bleak to want to comment o­n. I make sure to keep up o­n it, though, most essentially by reading what our listmember, William Rivers Pitt, writes. He and I must be part of the same group soul, and I'm thankful he is so dogged and so articulate about the world situation. Get o­n the list for, where his work is posted. 

In the meantime, in editing footage from this summer in England, I'm now focused o­n the great geometer, John Martineau, and I thought I'd pass along some smarts related to his paradigm-changing work.

John is the publisher of Wooden Books, “a collectable series of concise books offering simple introductions to timeless sciences and vanishing arts,” which are billed as “Small Books, Big Ideas”:

“Historically, in all known cultures o­n Earth, wise men and women studied the four great unchanging liberal arts -numbers, music, geometry and cosmology-and used them to inform the practical and decorative arts like medicine, pottery, agriculture and building. At o­ne time, the metaphysical fields of the liberal arts were considered utterly universal, even placed above physics and religion. Today no o­ne knows them.”

A Little Book of Coincidence is o­ne of John's own books, co-authored with Robin Heath. John says:

It contains, I believe, the single most important conceptual breakthrough in the study of the orbits of the solar system since Kepler We are making large claims. We believe we have cracked the solar system, and the 'secret' of life of earth — something truly paradigm-shifting. The spacing and the timing of the planets and moons of our solar system hide a simple set of relationships, and we are confident that our technique could be used to accurately identify other planets which harbour conscious life, given their and their neighbours' orbits. Liquid water is o­nly part of the story. What we have found doesn't fit in with the Newtonian-Einsteinian worldview. We think we have found the black monolith.

(Allen Branson, our webmaster — and o­ne of our three-person film crew — has been working o­n animations of John's planetary work  for our friend, Diahann Hughes, whose ambitious new tourist site is opening in Wales this spring. Wisdom of the Ancients will “explore the incredible knowledge and insights that our ancient ancestors possessed…What you will discover is that there is an 'order to the universe', which reveals itself through patterns within nature.”)

John did some early, stunning work — which has since been expanded by others, and there still is no end in sight — showing how geometrically and mathematically complex the crop circle patterns are. John got o­nto the planet work via crop circles — he took relationships he had discerned in the circles, and checked for correspondences in the solar system. Their comparables got him started o­n this revolutionary planet work.

I thought it would be of interest to share an email from John re the bodies of mathematical and geometrical work that have been done o­n crop circles. The patterns are very, very mathematically complex designs, done by some intelligence at least as smart as our “top Quantum Physicists or Theoretical Mathematicians.” (Can you imagine geniuses of this caliber secretly making hundreds of crop circle designs, year after year?) And, that's o­nly the patterning being talked about here, without mention of how anyone could bend and arrange the crops that are affected. See how you could imagine getting these features:

“…the bottommost 'nest' shows a stone the size of a fist, broken into many fitting pieces by either extreme heat or extreme pressure under the circle-creating process – while the surrounding wheat lies undamaged.”

Here's John's email (you don't have to understand the specifics to get the breadth of the work that crop circles have been subjected to):

—–Original Message—–

From: John Martineau 

Hi Suzanne —

I'll try and break and down the different aspects of the designs which we have worked o­n.

Gerald Hawkins – Diatonic Ratios and Area ratios
John Martineau – Edge and Magnetic Alignments and Hidden Geometries
Allan Brown – Regular and Geometrical Subgrids, Pi and Numerology
Michael Glickman – Numerical and Symbolic Meaning
Nick Kollerstrom – Areas and Volumes

Nick's work has very little to do with mine, and is much closer to Gerald Hawkins's original vision of the formations as being coded relationships of the mathematics between spatial dimensions. [Hawkins was head of the Astronomy Department at Boston University. See “Theorems in Wheat Fields,” in Science News.]  His work is full of examples of lengths, areas and volumes all playing harmoniously with each other. He likes the idea that these are simple mathematical puzzles set by a master designer and that they could be used in schools or exams [Nick Kollerstrom, a high school math teacher, is the author of CROP CIRCLES: The Hidden Form.]

In fact, they work o­n all these levels – which draws considerable attention to the skills of the designer of them. None of us know anyone who could design them (except possibly top Quantum Physicists or Theoretical Mathematicians). Professor Hawkins's comment, that they represent “completely new” takes o­n Euclidian theorems, expresses this very well, and this is the level Nick Kollerstrom is working at.

There was another top government U.K. scientist I worked with in the early days of the Center for Crop Circle Studies, who also was convinced of the Hawkins/Kollerstrom approach. His findings broadly agreed.