I share David Sunfellow's concern about James Twyman, and was grateful to get this email, “Concerning Jimmy Twyman,” to pass along. It gives you even more to think about than is in the “Special Report” that's on Sunfellow's New Heaven New Earth (NHNE) site, to which I've sent some Twyman enthusiasts, where there are email exchanges incriminating to Twyman about who he claims to be and what he says he has accomplished. As I get more and more emails urging everyone to follow Twyman's protocols for peace, I keep cringing. Some think that whatever Twyman has done is irrelevant, given that he pulls so many people together now. We are yearning for ways to do good, and I don't want to be a spoilsport, but I can't help but have my doubts about success coming from contradictory energy helming noble causes. I am a believer in the truth setting us free, and, although so many people are wailing in the Twyman camp now, if real success is to be had I believe it needs to be on the shoulders of a full body, where we all know everything. Sunfellow makes a telling point about “threatening the credibility of the movement as a whole by choosing a fellow like Jimmy Twyman to be their spokesperson.” From: David Sunfellow/NHNE [mailto:nhne@nhne.com] Subject: Concerning Jimmy Twyman Jimmy Twyman, author of Emissary of Light, is once again inserting himself into international politics. This time, his efforts revolve around creating an online petition to encourage the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and other spiritual leaders to go to Baghdad as human shields. According to a letter from Twyman that is currently making the rounds on the Internet, 100,000 people have been contacted in the hopes of producing a million petition signatures by March 18th. Twyman promises to forward the names his website collects to the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and George Bush every day. He also intends to deliver the petition in person. While I think efforts to get world leaders, especially spiritual leaders like the Pope and Dalai Lama, to descend on Baghdad as human shields, are truly inspired, I need to issue a word of caution with respect to Jimmy Twyman. If you are not aware of anything negative about who Jimmy Twyman is, or what he has said and done in the past, we published a Special Report on him several years ago: Emissary of Light: http://www.nhne.com/specialreports/sremissary.html Twyman, to cut to the chase, has a long history of using international crises to promote some far-fetched claims and self-serving agendas — chief among them, that he is the handpicked “emissary” of a group of 13 ascended masters who chose him and then left the Earth. In 1997, I reported how Sun Myung Moon used a similar method to promote himself and his teachings. One of Moon's publication houses, Paragon House, published a book called World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts. Moon attempted to present himself as a Messiah and give his movement and spiritual teachings greater credibility (and visibility) by including them in an authoritative volume that gathered together the world's great religions. I thought this was particularly underhanded: MORE ABOUT REVEREND MOON. In Twyman's case, I think it is important to know that his efforts to encourage spiritual leaders to go to Baghdad (and to thrust himself in the middle of this effort as a representative of millions of people who may not know anything about him) did not arise out of thin air. They are, instead, a part of a much larger drama that continually casts and recasts Twyman in the central role of a divinely-chosen messenger. While I personally feel Jimmy Twyman has every right to promote his work, claims, and philosophies to draw people to his brand of spiritual development, I feel obligated to warn those who may hear about Twyman's current effort. They can support the movement to get authentic spiritual leaders to Baghdad without lending credibility to Twyman — or worse, threatening the credibility of the movement as a whole by choosing a fellow like Jimmy Twyman to be their spokesperson. How? Since the idea originated with two other people, Dr. Helen Caldicott and Deepak Chopra, why not keep the focus on them, and encourage folks to contact the Pope and Dalai Lama directly? TO CONTACT THE POPE: Contact Vatican via email: <accreditamenti@pressva.va> Phone from USA: 011-39-06-69-82 Phone from other countries: 011-39-06-69-82. Replace the 011 prefix with your appropriate international prefix. Fax from USA: 011-39-06698-85378 Fax from other countries: 011-39-06698-85378. Replace the 011 prefix with your appropriate international prefix. ………. TO CONTACT THE DALAI LAMA: The Office of Tibet Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street London NW8 7AF Email:<info@tibet.com> Phone: 0044-20-7722 5378 Fax: 0044-20-7722 0362 From: Sunny Ariel [sunnyariel@mindspring.com] I found this information about Jimmy Twyman to be very interesting. I had some questions that baffled me, like his always stating in his e-postings that this Psychic Child, Marcos, appeared to him in his hot tub, yet in his recent book about these children, Marcos appeared at a party at Jimmy's home (and only to him, BTW, although there were scores of people present). Another thing that concerned me was how the impression — in his myriad of e-mails — was that he was doing an online course for free, and it was only weeks later that we found out that there was a charge. Several comments were sent by people who wanted their name withheld, like one person who speaks at events that Twyman speaks at, who said, “I would send a voice of support for your feelings of concern about Twyman. Your email forwarding was right on.” They range from confirmations based on knowledge to suspicions based on intuition, with none of the handful of responses disagreeing about what was posted. This was from someone else who wants to remain unidentified: In 1997, a friend invited us to Twyman's concert in LA. I'd never heard of him before. We got there too early and met his wife (all in white) at the door. The intense look in her eyes and the way she approached us was the first “warning” to me. Then we saw 'him' with guitar, doing a sound check. He played like a very amateurish folk musician and his voice had no timbre. I felt my hairs stand on end. I distinctly remember “knowing” there was something “manipulative” about him and his entourage. Every time someone sends me something with his name on it, I delete it quickly so I don't have to put my mind on it. That, in itself, is oddly funny to me! But I thought nothing further of it. Then just the other day one of my friends sent his message about the Dalai Lama and the Pope and I winced because I had read Chopra's message about that very thing. “Why was he taking it over?” I asked myself. I remember that I winced when I received his messages from Kosovo, I winced when I received his messages from Iraq and I winced when I received his messages from N. Ireland – more than winced! Being Irish, I knew THAT had to be a falsehood! But the other morning I found myself wondering why I felt so “ungenerous” in my appraisal of Twyman, after receiving something else about his activities. I took a moment to analyze my feelings, and came up with — nothing new:) So, then I received your report and the light shone for me. We are always so 'polite' about expressing our intuitive opinions — because they are not founded on hard evidence. I feel some compassion for people, like Twyman, who have to go to such lengths to bolster their egos, but are not so compassionate when they bolster their income through exploiting innocent, trusting and gullible people. BLESSINGS on the investigative reporters who took it further!!!!! From a professional musician, who prefers to remain anonymous, but one who is very thankful for the knowledge you have passed on, Suzanne. Someone with a large international list had this to say: This was brought to my attention a couple days ago and I've not decided yet if I'll raise this issue on the list. It would create a heated debate and I'm not sure I want to deal with such a thing right now. Is it just some people out to destroy someone trying to do good (I doubt it since the research and arguments from the website are pretty compelling), or have they uncovered a malicious fake guru out to make a quick buck by abusing gullible people? Some people are extremely adept at deceiving new agers. But eventually they all fall down. Should we help push down his pedestal? Also we must keep in mind what he has accomplished – even if it is based on false, self-aggrandizing claims — surely he has had some positive impact, if only that as he traveled to hot spots to perform peace songs he served as a focal point to motivate thousands of people to pray and meditate for peace. That is surely something! But, then again, what David Sunfellow argues about the risks involved in “threatening the credibility of the movement as a whole by choosing a fellow like Jimmy Twyman to be their spokesperson,” is also worth considering… Forwarded by the fellow conference presenter who said, “I would send a voice of support for your feelings of concern about Twyman. Your email forwarding was right on,” saying here, “Interesting how it all comes around.” I wonder if this will sink Twyman — the prophets do THE New Age conferences, with all the superstars. From: Cody & Robin “prophets” <prophets@greatmystery.org> It is wonderful to meditate and pray for peace and we should be doing this continuously, but having had years of experience with and considerable knowledge of James Twyman, also known in the New Age circuitas the P.T. Barnum of the New Age (a sucker, oops, seeker born every minute), we would advise against having anything to do with anything promoted by this person who we regard as little more than a charlatan. As his former close companion says, he is simply building up his mailing listthrough this sort of thing so that he can come back to you later to sell something like a phony spoonbending course for $20 a head. As he is found out, he will bring hurt to those who have given over their belief to him and will cause many to disregard the authentic workers in the new thought field and that is why we are putting out warnings.
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From: Genesa Wright [genesa@nemr.net]
Am more than disgusted and dismayed at the people such as Twyman who deceive in the name of Spirit. His claim to be channeling “Jeshua” is absurd!
Probably at least a year ago, as I kept receiving emails from other “new agey” friends and acquaintances, singing praises for Twyman, I became fed up at their inability to see through him. I typed in a search, “James Twyman plagiarism,” and, a few choices down on the list, there was David Sunfellow's expose. I sent the link to a few friends – NONE of them agreed, and just turned to the “love and forgive everyone” (i.e., “I choose to continue to be deceived!”) mode…… which can get disgusting after awhile, you know, as we don't shine light on any darkness if we continue along that polarized path of non-sense.
Of course there must be love and forgiveness, but people forget that part of forgiveness is in the act of accountability FOR deception BY the deceiver — and then the ACTION taken in opposite direction of truth-telling.
Exposing Spiritual Deception is high on my list of “things to do!” I am thankful for my gift of discernment, which I seem to have always had!
I have written Twyman a letter addressing his claim to be channeling “Jeshua”, pointing out obvious (though not to his followers, apparently) discrepancies from what this particular Enlightened Being would refer to. I haven't heard back from him. I am not holding my breath!
After joining Twyman's message board, someone else posted Sunfellow's link. This did bring up some issues from a few posters who questioned his authenticity in various categories, though I think I'm the only one who stated that I didn't believe he was channeling “Jeshua” — *sigh*….. and there was NO response to that post!