I am a soft touch. There’s a lot I give for no return, which is my pleasure as the serving person I am. However, there sometimes comes a point in a one-sided flow where, to give more, I ask for something in return, and, of course, when loans are involved, I expect repayments.
Once a favor has been delivered, hit and runs are all too common. Sometimes they involve hostility. These reports I am posting in my Hall of Shame are about hostile people who have taken my money and not given whatever form of reciprocation they agreed to.
Doug Heyes arrived on my doorstep after I’d already loaned him several thousand dollars that hadn’t come back as it was supposed to, for which I didn’t hassle him but carried as debt for a friend who had a disappointment when a sure thing movie deal didn’t come through, for which he refuses to give me a note now. He stayed for six months, during which I fed him, let my use my car till I co-signed on one he bought, let his son and his cat move in and paid the hungry-for-work son several thousand dollars for unusable work he did on a website for me, and gave him spotlights to help him be seen and promoted. This report will get more detail if he refuses to deal with me on seeing it. Here’s the last email I sent him (via a friend because he has blocked me) warning him I would do this posting if he didn’t get back to me. He hasn’t.
From Suzanne Taylor:
Oh Doug, you’ve got me over the top, where there is such an imbalance, on top of other imbalances that drag me down, that I feel I must do something to redress these things.
I am incredulous at what happened between us. Things like getting me info for TALK cards to help me make them for Xmas presents, which for months you said was at the top of your list but no info ever came and no explanation or apology was offered about info not coming or failing to have come. Just nothing. Turns out I can get the cards I want, and it’s especially creepy that there is this site which took so little effort to find: http://www.make-a-deck.com/. Take take take, so comfortable for you without a sense of obligation to reciprocate, even when it involves keeping your word. Almost comical that you asked me to pass along your flyer for the workshop that failed to include the shout-out for me that was a little favor back I’d asked for that you had agreed to give me. I would think there was something wrong with you mentally when the further report was that the reason you didn’t keep your word was that you didn’t send any more emails out – but of course you could have sent out a follow-up that was a big thank you to the person who got you going on the workshop path and sustained you while you were developing this new career. Your reciprocation button is absent as you profess to be the conduit for the universe’s energy. I can’t imagine the universe works that way.
But, after these things and the rest of the laundry list I passed along of your perpetrations, including my money down the drain for unusable work your son did that you don’t take any interest in, where getting from me was so easy and giving to me was so insufficient, it’s keeping my $200 that has me seeing stars – and makes me wonder if you took the money that was missing from my drawer when I gave you the house to use and if you took the money that was missing out of my purse while you were staying here. Taking my cash would be consistent with the con job you did on the $200.
I’ve put a warning on your TED talk on YouTube. I’ll circulate this page among the people I contacted to support you in case they would do any more for you based on my faith in you, and I have a new webmaster who will get this report to turn up high on search engines. If you’d like not to be posted, be in touch to work out with me what you could do.
One bit of explanation is that Doug asked for the $200 on a Tuesday to be paid back that Sunday. When Sunday came and went Doug told me to put it on his tab.