Email exchange

From: Allen Branson [] [Allen has a site in development intended to be a focal point for advocacy for the crop circle phenomenon. We are lucky to newly have his webmaster help.]

Your thoughts o­n 8 Mile spark me to respond.

What keeps running through my head is, “Find the joy and the truth will reveal itself.” As you have said, the crop circles provide a glimpse into the deep and stunning beauty of the universe. 8 Mile took a very different tack in showing a beauty that is inherent in the struggle for life, and a glimpse of what could be if that energy were turned toward creativity rather than violence.

My feeling is that people are desperate for permission to dream again. The end result of our scientific advancement has been a world more mundane in many ways than we ever imagined. Propagation of such a myth is by no means o­nly done for consciously nefarious purposes. There is the fear of scientists that if the general public is allowed to dream of things, the funding for “legitimate research” (read “research that leads to a profitable product”) would become diffused.

Yet, there is this matter of joy and truth. Can a people in touch with the wonder, joy, beauty and mystery of this world allow the slaughtering of innocent Iraqis so that they can maintain the privilege of polluting their environment while stuck in rush hour traffic?

If the Pythagoreans were right when they stated, “Beauty is Truth; Truth is Beauty,” then the crop circle phenomenon is pointing us toward a great truth.

Suzanne to Allen

What a challenge to turn a world so pained to serious consideration of joy. A Maslow scale kind of thing. Joy is the biggest box, I think you could say. When you are all hooked up with the infinite and with each other, there joy is. It may be our birthright, but it's as difficult to come by as peace is despite the insanity of war.

Right o­n about the circles. It keeps washing over me how beautiful a source they are coming from. No way anything malevolent could be making those designs.

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