All posts by admin

90 Seconds to Clinch the Deal!

To follow up on the note in the last post about buying the film T-shirt, here’s a 90 second video we did after we made the shirts. I was touched by the things people said, and we use this video as the clincher to sell DVDs on our sale site:

Here’s how we set it up:

We can keep telling you all kinds of great things about this award-winning documentary, but don’t just take our word for it. Watch the video below to find out what those who’ve seen “What On Earth?” have to say…

“What On Earth?” Fans Speak Out… from Suzanne Taylor on Vimeo.

Passing this along on your Facebook pages, or wherever else you can spread the word would be much appreciated.

Great book to buy!

The crop circle season is in full flower. You can track the formations as they come in here (scroll down), where each gets a page of pictures and information.

There are good books that give you the history of the circles and beautiful pictures of them, but there is only one book that takes you into the sense of discovery of what it is about them that blows your mind. And it is by a gifted writer, as well. Michael Glickman, an Englishman who was early on into the circles, which you learn about in my movie, taught architecture at USC when he lived in the States. Also, he is a designer, so he is uniquely positioned to appreciate the design factor of what the circles are demonstrating. That they are pretty patterns is one thing, but the staggering intelligence that is being delivered is another, and he will show you how the circle indeed are “the bones of God.”

From the back cover:

“Glickman lucidly explains the intelligence and prodigious skill behind the design and geometry of an amazing and interrelated range of crop formations, and he brings an acute intellect to bear on the complex interdisciplinary signals encoded in these agrarian riddles…The text, while avoiding dogmatic certainties, raises fundamentally challenging questions about the origin and meaning of the circles, the reason for their current manifestation, and our own evolving role in the wider universe.”

Buy this great read through this link, and your filmmaker will get a little piece of the action:

Also, our film T-shirt is available to purchase. The image on it was drawn by Michael Glickman back in 1991, and it is considered by most to be the star formation of all time, loaded with intelligence  that is still being analyzed. Get the T-shirt here:



When somebody sent a ping back on what’s been quietly parked on my blog onto his website (the headline isn’t what’s posted), I got inspired to rev up my energy to figure out what to do with it. A little while ago, I pointed Arianna Huffington at it — although we have a faint connection, she graciously answers my emails.

She told me to blog about it on Huffington Post.

Actually, I did blog there, briefly. I struggled for approval of my pieces during a probation period, and finally was told my topic was a bit off-putting.

I can relate. Scientists won’t sign my petition, A Call For an Investigation of What is Known About Crop Circles, that I wanted to get in the face of the establishment, cause it could threaten their funding.

Any thoughts out there about a Huffington Post blog for THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX? Any contributions? We could do a contest.

Oh god, another project.